My Boys and Their Music

Posted by Unknown On Monday, September 24, 2012 2 comments

Many of you know I have two sons. But what most of you don't know is that whilst I enjoy playing with my friends' daughters, I am glad I do not have any daughters because I connect better with the opposite gender haha...and I cannot stand little girls who wince and cry. God knows me best and gave me two boys whom I love dearly.

My older boy was the apple of my dad's eye. His fifth death anniversary will be in about three weeks.

This was Jonathan performing at one recital. I think he was about eight years old ...

When Jon was 9 years old, Nicholas was's a pic of them when Nick was 2 months old..

Jon was ever ready to carry Nicholas, feed him etc except to change his diapers :-)...Nick looked exactly like Jon when he was a baby right till when he was about 5 years old...Even they cannot tell who is who as they wore the same baby/toddler clothes :-)

They were pretty close in their younger days and I guess Jon relished the big brother role he had...their laughter melted my heart ....

You cannot imagine the fun the two used to have...tickling or teasing or just mucking around...Jon has always been Nick's hero...I know they love each other to bits...and I love them VERY much too!

Then Jon had to go away for his studies but the brothers always had fun whenever Jon came back...

And shared glorious moments together...they would always jam in the study upon Jon's return..yours truly would also play but making many mistakes, Still, both boys never complained and we just enjoyed precious moments making music together...bonding...

Undeniably, both of them love music, and love to play the violin, piano and guitar.

I never expected both of them to choose the musical path..Jon plays with Ganesh at Spiral Lounge, Novotel once a week...CLICK HERE FOR THEIR VERSION OF CHICK COREA'S 'SPAIN'.

They also have another gig coming up.....

Jon is also the violinist for the jazz band Juanophobia...


Watch Jon playing his cover version of Adele's Set Fire to the Rain AT THIS YOUTUBE LINK.

Nick plays with the Musica Simfonietta and yesterday played at the Whyte House's Monthly Recital.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH NICHOLAS playing Beethoven's Bagatelle Op. 126 No. 1-3 

I love my boys very much and am doing this post for them to remember how their growing up years was not only instrumental in their bonding but also in shaping their musical path...

I am sure you also have fond memories of your children/ share.

In the mean time, may you enjoy the music video clips I have shared here. Take care and do leave a comment to share your responses. Thanks!

P.S. If you need to contact Jon & Ganesh/Juanophobia for gigs, please contact me. Thanks!

Aargh!! Aaaaaarrrrgh! Aaaaarrrrggghhhhhh!!!

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments

Is it argh?

Or do you prefer aargh?

Some say aaargh or  aaaargh or aaarrgh but I love  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh best of all!

Aargh , an exclamation or a scream in written form can be an ironic cry or an expression of humorous frustration and usually used in the written rather than the verbal form. Aaaaaaaaaargh is more dramatic because of the added 'a' letters.

Whatever the case, there are probably too many variants of Aargh which are flourishing in its various forms due to the proliferation of the use of emails, online communication and social media.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary aargh is an exclamation used as an expression of anguish, horror, rage, or other strong emotion, often with humorous intent: Now they’re talking about putting up taxes—aargh! Apparently, it originated in the late 18th century: lengthened form of ah, expressing a prolonged cry

It seems as though the longer the version, then the longer the scream of the writer, the deeper the frustration. In fact, I use it quite often when I am alone. Somehow, it assuages the pain and frustration when I scream arrrrrrrgh aloud. There is this unexplainable sense of relief and frustration after I expel a loud Aaaaaaaarrrrggggghhhh!!

In fact,  aargh is a very peculiar and unusual word because it is probably the only word that offers us amazing versatility.

Did you know that its spelling varies most commonly in the number of 'A's, and to a lesser extent in the number of 'R's? Strangely, repetition of 'G's and 'H's is less common. Perhaps it is because A and R are more vocal and by the time it comes to G and H, the effect desired has already been attained so the person writing it or screaming Aaarrrgh is tired already :-), I know, it is a silly explanation but what the heck? :-)

There have been many types of Aarggh in movies and TV series. Have you ever heard of the Wilhelm Scream?

Check out THIS LINK to listen to it.

According to Wikipedia:

The Wilhelm scream is a film and television stock sound effect that has been used in more than 200 movies, beginning in 1951 for the film Distant Drums. The scream is often used when someone is shot, falls from a great height, or is thrown from an explosion. 
Apparently voiced by actor and singer Sheb Wooley, the sound is named after Private Wilhelm, a character in The Charge at Feather River, a 1953 western in which the character is shot with an arrow. This was believed to be the third movie to use the sound effect and its first use from the Warner Bros. stock sound library. 
The effect gained new popularity (its use often becoming an in-joke) after it was used in Star Wars, the Indiana Jones series, Disney cartoons and many other blockbuster films as well as television programs and video games.
I guess there is no word that can express frustration as much as  Aaargh

It appears that when written in capitals,  AAAAAARRRRGH - the expression is at a louder volume hence it is a very flexible and somewhat instinctual expression.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgh clearly has a touch more desperation than Aaarrgh. The use of Aaaaargh is definitely increasing in the 21st century, and in different ways much like the 'Duh' made famous by Homer Simpson.

Interestingly, there are 2, 410, 000 entries if you Google for Aargh and there is even a board game named Aargh!

So the next time you want to say Aargh in frustration or for whatever reason, think for a moment about the many variations and choose the one that best fits your mood and feelings!

Have a lovely evening!

The Lady and Her Positive Attitiude

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments

A very old lady looked in the mirror one morning. She had three remaining hairs on her head, and being a positive soul, she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today." So she braided her three hairs, and she had a great day.

Some days later, looking in the mirror one morning, preparing for her day, she saw that she had only two hairs remaining. "Hmm, two hairs... I fancy a centre parting today." She duly parted her two hairs, and as ever, she had a great day.

A week or so later, she saw that she had just one hair left on her head. "One hair huh...," she mused, "I know, a pony-tail will be perfect." And again she had a great day.

The next morning she looked in the mirror. She was completely bald.

"Finally bald huh," she said to herself, "How wonderful! I won't have to waste time doing my hair any more.."

-Author Unknown-

Damocles and Dionysius

Posted by Unknown On 2 comments

There once was a king named Dionysius who ruled in Syracuse, the richest city in Sicily. He lived in a fine palace where there were many beautiful and costly things, and he was waited upon by a host of servants who were always ready to do his bidding.

Naturally, because Dionysius had so much wealth and power, there were many in Syracuse who envied his good fortune. Damocles was one of these. He was one of Dionysius's best friends, and he was always saying to him, "How lucky you are! You have everything anyone could wish for. You must be the happiest man in the world."

One day Dionysius grew tired of hearing such talk. "Come now," he said, "do you really think I'm happier than everyone else?"

"But of course you are," Damocles replied. "Look at the great treasures you possess, and the power you hold. You have not a single worry in the world. How could life be any better?"

"Perhaps you would like to change places with me," said Dionysius.

"Oh, I would never dream of that," said Damocles. "But if I could only have your riches and your pleasures for one day, I should never want any greater happiness."

"Very well. Trade places with me for just one day, and you shall have them."

And so, the next day, Damocles was led to the palace, and all the servants were instructed to treat him as their master. They dressed him in royal robes, and placed on his head a crown of gold. He sat down at a table in the banquet hall, and rich foods were set before him. Nothing was wanting that could give him pleasure. There were costly wines, and beautiful flowers, and rare perfumes, and delightful music. He rested himself among soft cushions, and felt he was the happiest man in all the world.

"Ah, this is the life," he sighed to Dionysius, who sat at the other end of the long table. "I've never enjoyed myself so much."

And as he raised a cup to his lips, he lifted his eyes toward the ceiling. What was that dangling above him, with its point almost touching his head?

Damocles stiffened. The smile faded from his lips, and his face turned ashy pale. His hands trembled. He wanted no more food, no more wine, no more music. He only wanted to be out of the palace, far away, he cared no where. For directly above his head hung a sword, held to the ceiling by only a single horsehair. Its sharp blade glittered as it pointed right between his eyes. He started to jump up and run, but stopped himself, frightened that any sudden move might snap the thin thread and bring the sword down. He sat frozen to his chair.

"What is the matter, my friend?" Dionysius asked. "You seem to have lost your appetite."

"That sword! That sword!" whispered Damocles. "Don't you see it?"

"Of course I see it," said Dionysius. "I see it every day. It always hangs over my head, and there is always the chance someone or something may cut the slim thread. Perhaps one of my own advisors will grow jealous of my power and try to kill me. Or someone may spread lies about me, to turn people against me. It may be that a neighboring kingdom will send an army to seize this throne. Or I might make an unwise decision that will bring my downfall. If you want to be a leader, you must be willing to accept these risks. They come with the power, you see."

"Yes, I do see," said Damocles. "I see now that I was mistaken, and that you have much to think about besides your riches and fame. Please take your place, and let me go back to my own house."

And as long as he lived, Damocles never again wanted to change places, even for a moment, with the king.

-Written by James Baldwin in 'The Book of Virtues'-

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