Posted by Unknown On Thursday, February 12, 2009 3 comments
Years ago, oooops - not THAT long ago ;), lovers courted each other via love letters and not emails or skype/internet chats. Hours were spent thinking about what to write to express one's love for the other and not reading or blogging (haha!!!).
Letters Pictures, Images and Photos
I still have ALL the birthday cards and most of the letters that I received from 1967 till the present. Forty-two years of memorabilia is a lot of stuff to keep BUT having said that, I cannot deny that once in a while, I will take out those boxes and pore over each one and let the memories just flood my whole being and be swept away by the torrents of feelings and remembrance. So, what is this long winded blogger trying to say?

Gee...I hope my hubby will read this...*wink* (Ada udang di sebalik batu - which means there is a hidden motive behind a move haha!).

It is February 12th today - two days before Valentine's Day. Hmm ...for that matter, everyday should be Valentine's Day cos we should show love EVERYDAY and not just on one day...but heck...let's just go with the flow for now...

Pink Pictures, Images and Photos
Valentine’s Day can be like New Year’s Eve – a lot of hype and high expectations and people can spend SOOOOOOO much money on soft toys, chocolates and all kinds of expensive and fancy bouquets. Blah! Who wants that?

I have enough soft toys and stuffed bears to open a small neighborhood Toys R Us branch. :-) I need no more chocolates because the total amount I consumed in the last three months to make myself happy after the harrowing experience I had would be enough to shock my doctor. I don't need to dine in fancy restaurants in perfectly coiffed hairstyle because I am a simple old lady. Despite being a die-hard sentimental romantic person who can still swoon at the sight of roses or a candle-light dinner or the strains of Moon River being played in the background, to me, there are two things that really melt a person’s heart:
Love Letters Pictures, Images and Photos
* a simple, meaningful straight from the heart type of hand-written love letter showing your partner gratitude and thoughtfulness AND

good conversation to create a special day together.

So my suggestion for this coming Valentine's Day :

Surprise your partner with a love letter, letting them know just how grateful you are to have them in your life.

love letters Pictures, Images and Photos

Think of a favorite or special activity, a memory, a moment shared and tell them in your letter why it is important to you.

And when you are talking with your partner, take a step back and look at them – ask yourself what does this person bring into your life?

How is your life better because of them?

And then tell them!

Make your partner feel cherished by listening to them as they talk about their thoughts.

Get involved by asking questions to really understand their perspective ...and then...

share parts of yourself with them. Just talk ...and let him/her talk...endless conversation that can go on for hours and hours and you would not know how time has passed you by...

We are often so determined to be heard that it is so refreshing and enjoyable to actually listen.

Get caught up or go deeper: examine their eyes when they talk, look at their expressions, listen to their laughter.

To me, thoughtful words written and spoken are more endearing and memorable than any expensive gift given - these are the gestures that speak of true love and respect.

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day!Happy V day Pictures, Images and Photos

3 comments to A LOVE LETTER FOR WHO???????

  1. says:

    Chahya Hahaha
    that's a good way of conveying 'udang sebalik batu' message. Hope it'd turn out as expected *wink* :D

    Naughty, naughty,...I noticed you guys have been talking behind my back ya, you and Mamasita,...hmmmmm. I've read her blog post and in reply to that, please read my post http://chahyacandle.blogspot.com/2009/02/karaoke.html

    Selamat Hari Berkasih Sayang Paula!

  1. says:

    Kak Ezza@makcik Blogger Thank you paula for yr wonderful tips...saya baca banyak kali tau...and that Rod Stewart song is one of my hubby fav too. Sudah sebulan rasa nya saya dan suami asyik bertengkar saja..Dan saya dah tak mahu ia nyaa berulang lagi...saya ingat nak beri kan dia kad cinta itu sebagai tanda saya masih sayang dekat dia...Mau dine dekat restoren mahal dengan candle lite itu saya tidak mampu...itu saja lah cara yang saya boleh buat.
    Terima kasih seribu Paula..kalau you ada di sini saya sudah ((((HUGS)))) you...

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Chahya,

    LOL!!! I read your post already hehe and have replied there...

    Ya lah, I hope he reads it if not when he is at work, I will set it up for him to read it at home ;).

    Selamat Hari Berkasih Sayang to you too my dear friend :-)

    Hi Kak Ezza,

    You are most welcome...Bukan sahaja Kak Ezza yang baca banyak kali...saya juga lah...when thinking, I write and after writing, I think about what I have written to see if boleh jadi atau tidak ;)...

    Ahhh tak payah lah candle light dinner di restoran yang mahal! Kak Ezza begitu hebat di dapur...the way to a man's heart is via his stomach haha!!!surely suami akan lebih sayang Kak Ezza selepas makan malam yang begitu sedap. lebih-lebih lagi, di rumah pun boleh ada candle-light dinner ;) ya?

    Thanks so much for sharing...Kak Ezza memang kawan yang baik hati dan jujur. Terima kasih dan Selamat Hari Berkasih Sayang, Kak Ezza!!!

    Kini, saya memberi Kak Ezza cyber hug ;-)


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