Posted by Unknown On Friday, February 13, 2009 3 comments
Music is a very important part of my life. I love to sing, play my instruments and also to compose. Unfortunately, my parents did not share the same enthusiasm for that field; besides, in those days, it was not a very popular career option. Coming from a traditional family, I dutifully complied. Along the way, after I graduated, I worked as a writer and moonlighted as a music teacher then before moving into the education sector.
musical notes Pictures, Images and Photosmusical notes Pictures, Images and Photosmusical notes Pictures, Images and Photos
By then, I had my older boy who was identified as being musically precocious. Although he hated the rigorous routine of practices, he excelled especially in violin and piano, finishing his Grade 8 for his piano at the age of 13 and Grade 8 for violin at the age of 14. At the same time, being the very active creative boy that he was, we had him tested and discovered he was also profoundly gifted with an IQ of 180. It is a fallacy that such people are interested in the academia. In fact, it was quite difficult to handle him, largely because of me, not so much because of him but it has been a real learning process and now, my older boy and I are very close. My younger boy, who also plays three instruments, has been blessed because by the time I had him, my parenting skills had a turn-around.

While I had hoped that he would become an accountant or a lawyer, my boy chose to pursue a degree in music. By then, I had metamorphosed into a saner mother..and had given up living out my dreams or ideals through him. You know, if you want to understand what sort of a mom I was in the 1990s, you can have a look at this video entitled The Mom Song and you will begin to understand. It is a period in my life that I am not proud of and I am glad, really glad that I have changed to become almost normal ...

So when my boy told me about his musical ambition, I fully supported him and allowed him to pursue his dreams even though deep inside, I was and still am very worried about career possibilities, especially in Malaysia. Yet, because we love him deeply and know his abilities, my husband and I have no qualms about him studying what he loves and what he is good at and we are trusting that he will find his way in the world with God's guidance and blessing.

Currently, my older son is a second-year student pursuing a degree in contemporary music.

I hope that his hopes and dreams will come true when he tries his best to carve his place in the music industry after his graduation. I love you, son! Always proud of you and always missing you...


  1. says:

    Doc Oh dear! a super genius violin player. What is he doing in M'sia in the first place?

    Potential is one, prospect is another. In M'sia, the later is almost non-existent. There might be prospects in teaching music though, which you must have already known by now.

    I was in a band myself too during my teenage years. Me did the vocals and occasionally the guitar. Did some under ground, some small indoor concerts and pubs. Money from this type performance is nothing to shout about actually.

    Resh Monu was my school mate. He was already into Asia Bagus and all sorts of shows in secondary school. He went commercial and hit big. That on the other hand spells all kinds of sponsorships, contracts and royalties. But, how long is that going to last? Until the next shining star appears? Resh monu comes from a well to do family, so money is no issue i'm guessing. Unless you are rich, and please do let me know if you are so that we can become 'gooder' friends, music as a source of income? not Malaysia.

    Song writing, composing, etc also does not pay well here.

    Don't let the super genius boy's intelligence, talent and potentials go to waste in Malaysia. You should instaed encourage him to continue chasing his dream abroad. Which i suspect you already have been doing.

    Just my two cents.


  1. says:

    Doc Oh! Oh! and if i may add, Einstein had an I.Q of 160. Aaa! send him off!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Dr. Saravanan,

    Thank you so much for your most encouraging comments :-).

    Actually, he was giving both violin and piano classes in 2007 while pursuing his pre-university studies and then stopped when he had his spinal injury like me ...

    Then last year, he started giving violin lessons and does that for a few hours a week only but the money is very little. Still, it is the experience that matters. Hopefully, if we are lucky, he may go abroad if he gets a scholarship. Otherwise, he will have to work once he graduates because we are definitely not rich people. Even the university fees are killing us.

    He is amazing in stuff like Sudoku (which he can solve in a jiffy) or any MENSA puzzles...not like the mom haha!

    Wow! You also rock!!! Yes, Reshmonu is very good and I have seen him perform live and he certainly has the charisma and stage presence!!!

    My two boys and I compose :-) and to date, one of my songs has been made it to one album :-). Since then, I have not written much...instead blogging a lot haha!

    Thanks a lot. Take care and Happ Valentine's Day to you and your wife.


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