Posted by Unknown On Thursday, April 30, 2009 4 comments
Fasting and feasting - that seems to be the norm in my life these days as I have had a number of reunions with my former students and my older boy who came home a few days ago. Last Sunday, I met up with Geraldine whom I taught from 1992 to 1993. I had not seen Geraldine since July 1993 and honestly, I could not recognise her at all for she has blossomed into a beauty! Here we are at my favorite Starbucks outlet :-).

As an Economics student, she was just like her sister Lyn (pic below) whom I met again recently after a lapse of 20 years!!! Geraldine and I talked for over two hours and had such a sweet reunion - this time as friends. I can still remember the two sisters used to be so scared of me and it is wonderful that down the road of life, we can talk like friends, sharing from our hearts and reminiscing about old times.

Lyn is one of the sweetest girls I have ever taught in my life. She has such a sweet demeanour and the most beautiful and neatest handwriting I have ever seen in my life. Currently, she is expecting her second child. Not only is she a loving wife, she is a doting and self-sacrificing mother. Truly, Lyn and Geraldine are brilliant characters because of their parents' wonderful parenting styles - a fine balance of love, discipline and motivation without stifling their individual personality styles.

This afternoon, I met up with yet another former student - Kong Siew and his girlfriend Michelle at the Sushi King outlet near my home. I thought I would not make it because there was such a heavy downpour at about noon so it was terribly tricky to weave my way through the traffic. I had not seen Kong Siew since 1988 and I was so surprised that he really looks very matured and doctor-like :-). After dabbling in business for many years, he took a big step and went back to school!!! Kong Siew, who is the son of Dr. Michael Khor (Island Hospital) and the late Jade Khor, is a third-year medical student at the Penang Medical College.

This evening, I feel quite sad. My older boy will be going back to KL tomorrow afternoon. We had a dinner at YMCA Penang and despite the delicious selection of dishes chosen by yours truly, everyone of us really did not have the heart to eat. My younger boy burst into tears halfway through the dinner. Here we are - looking quite hungry and ready to dig in...I think my older boy looks like his father while my younger one takes after yours truly :-).

Needless to say, I ordered my favorite Guiness Spare yummy...

And of course my boy's favorite Nestum Butter Prawns, plus our favorite 'yau mak' vege and seafood beancurd.

Well, it will be a teary farewell tomorrow. My younger boy is very fretful as he has his music theory class in the morning followed by another lesson and will not be able to say goodbye to his brother. *sigh* Over dinner, my boy reminisced and asked me why I do not bake like I used to and he longed for the times when there was also a dessert after dinner.

Even without me cooking and baking, I am more horizontally challenged these days. In the past, I would bake cheese cakes at least twice or three times a week, creme caramel or creme broulee or cinammon buns and muffins...This year, I have only baked ONCE!!! Without my older boy around, the house seems to be more empty, the place quieter and the phone calls are largely for my younger boy.

It is difficult to let go of my baby but I have already and am preparing for the time when he has his own life, his own home and family. I only wish that I had had three or four kids so dear reader, please do not stop at one or two!!! Have more kids!!!

Sigh - I write this feeling so heavyhearted. I know I will be crying my eyes out tomorrow, even now. But that is life ...No matter how heartbreaking it is to say goodbye, I thank God that I have my family and that He has blessed me with my two boys and hubby and I cannot imagine life without any of them!!!

Oh - to be together again with loved ones - such a beautiful feeling....

4 comments to TOGETHER AGAIN

  1. says:

    Anonymous wow! yummy! yummy!

    BTW, how often does your older boy go home? Ain't you glad that he is just a few hours' drive away? Had he been in say, NY, now.. I am sure you will be burning the phone lines and fretting over swine flu reports! *laughs* .. just like my mom..

  1. says:

    Unknown :-) Indeed the food there is yummy although a bit pricey compared to other restaurants.

    He comes home five or six times a year. Kind of difficult as he is studying and teaches on weekends. Also, he has gigs and has to perform here and there...

    It is a big relief he is but a few hours away because it would be difficult to skype with him and far too expensive to call him every few days like what we do now :-).

    Have a lovely weekend, Andrea!

  1. says:

    edward a parent I do understand what it feels like, maybe not as much as a mother does. Looking at the bright side as people say,"absence make the heart grow fonder". Being away from home is a teaching experience as well. Your son will learn how to manage his time,take care of his daily needs, learn to be street-wise, etc. A good preparation for life's responsibilities at a later time I would think.

    I left home when I was 14 to study at a boarding school. Being on my own made me realize and appreciate the love of my parents. I am sure your son is experiencing all that now and is going to bring him even closer to the family. Its also good training for the younger be out of the shadow of big brother and be his own man haha. My wife and I are blessed with 3 children, all boys - 18, 16 and 12 years old. I just know my wife will feel exactly like the way you feel when the eldest leave for college. As for me , not too sure haha.

    Best wishes, edward

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Edward,

    Thanks so much for sharing with me your experiences and musings. I really appreciate it and find it most reassuring. Having mothered and probably smothered him with too much attention before his younger brother came along, he did find it difficult to adjust to life without mommy but now he is ok..and I hope he will be ready when he goes out to work...

    Wow! Three boys - well spaced out too!!!

    I cried everyday for three months when my boy first left home...such a sentimental weakling ;) but I am ok now....

    Thanks so much for sharing. Take care and may God bless you and your family...


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