Posted by Unknown On Friday, September 25, 2009 5 comments
Do you listen? Do you take time to listen to those who talk to you? To those who love you? To those who mean a lot to you, in particular, your children? I hope we do because trends indicate that many parents have lost the art of listening to their children.

One of the most important things that we can do as parents is to listen to our children with an open mind and an open heart. This is so important and yet so difficult as well because both parties always want to be heard, but seldom ready to listen to each other. Parents are the ones with whom kids can say exactly what they’re thinking and feeling without judgment, after all, they created them so to speak.

If we want to leave positive influences on our children's development, we have to practise the art of listening. As parents, we often feel the need to guide or control our children but sometimes, the very best thing we can do is to listen, just listen.


When we do that, we are giving our children one message - that we love them enough to hear what they want to tell us and at the same time, we are willing to give them the chance to resolve conflicts on their own and for them to know that we support them in our own way by being there for them when they need us.

Sometimes, they may rant. It is fine. Even adults rant! I do too! What we need to do is to create a safe haven for our children to express themselves to us openly. And then, when they know that they have our presence, love and support, they are more likely to think and to feel without fear, guilt or shame. Then when they are ready, they will talk to us. When we honor them by listening to them, they can be clearer in their thinking and communication to be empowered and to grow as persons. Sometimes, we may have to listen to what they have to say and then only talk to them but the point is to be able to communicate with them with love and respect. Conflicts may occur but just when we think parenting is difficult, listen. When we listen, it also gives us time to cool down and to be calmer thus defusing the explosive situation. Listening may work miracles, but the truth is, the real miracle is the natural wisdom that exists within our child. In fact, the real miracle is our children - gifts from heaven above for us to treasure, and to love.

The next time our kids tell us, "Hey you want to know a secret?" - all we need to do is LISTEN. :-). Have a nice day!

*While I was preparing for this morning's post at about 9pm last night, the song "Do you want to know a secret?" came to my mind and I wanted to write something about the art of listening. Then along the way, I wanted to do something on the song....since I could not decide, I have done both :-). Enjoy the following section on the song....:-)

In 1963, the Beatles had a hit with this song "Do you want to know a secret?" which was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. At that time, John Lennon was living with Cynthia Lennon at 36 Faulkner Street in a flat that had been given to the newly married couple by Brian Epstein following Cynthia's pregnancy. The song is basically about John declaring how much in love with the girl in his life.

He was inspired to write this song from a song that his mother Julia used to play for him when he was young. This song was none other that the one from the Walt Disney film ‘Snow white and the seven dwarfs’ when Snow White sings the song I’m wishing to the birds, the song contains the lyrics “wanna know a secret? Promise not to tell?”

On the other hand, the musical inspiration for this hit came from the Stereos song (1961) “I really love you”. Although it was actually John Lennon's heartfelt song, it was actually George Harrison who was the one who had the chance to sing for the recording. Ironically, John Lennin felt that the simplistically of the song would suit George’s limited singing ability as it only had a limited range. If you click on the following youtube video, you can see that the recording itself is very poorly mixed. In fact, if you listen closely, George’s lead guitar is lost down the right channel and the harmonies sung by John and Paul having far too much echo.

The song was given to Billy J Kramer and the Dakotas who performed it during their time playing the circuit in Germany . Billy didn't really like the song unlike the staff at EMI who liked it enough to offer him a recording contract and so he recorded the song for them. Soon, " Do you want to know a secret?" reached number two in the British charts and became the first song written by the Beatles for someone else that charted.

The team:

John Lennon: Backing vocals, rhythm guitar.

Paul McCartney: Backing vocals, Bass guitar.

George Harrison: Lead vocals, Lead Guitar

Ringo Starr: Drums

CLICK HERE to watch the music video of DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A SECRET?

Have a nice day!


  1. says:

    walla a husband's song:

  1. says:

    walla when he's alone:

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Walla,

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for sharing those two links. I am a Beatles fan and also love the songs by Bread, especially David Gates.

    I have long admired your thoughts and writing as seen in your comments in various blogs and am greatly honored by your visit.

    Thanks again. Keep in touch and have a lovely weekend!

  1. says:

    walla Thank you, dear masterwordsmith.

    I admire your courage even more!

    May your children grow up full of pride in their mother!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Walla,

    *blushes* Thanks for your kind words and encouragement. Coming from you, it truly means a lot to me.

    To be honest, parenting is one of the most difficult responsibility/role in life and it is only in the last few years when I finally got the hang of it :-)...

    Take care. God bless you and do keep in touch.

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