Posted by Unknown On Sunday, November 1, 2009 19 comments
It seems there is a lot of hot air over both new and old public issues to the extent that it appears that the government are doing much in the name of unity, efficiency and integrity and yet NOTHING in real terms. Let's view these issues.

1. RM28 billion through excessive payments for contracts and procurements

In response to the revelation about the massive losses, our Prime Minister announced:

A high-powered task force will be set up immediately to scrutinise wrongdoings reported in the recently-released Auditor-General’s Report, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

This is to ensure that those involved in any misappropriation of funds or abuse of power would not “get away with it” but face the consequences. To read the rest of the article, CLICK HERE.
What really irks me in this report would be the following statements:

a) The Cabinet felt that serious action against those involved was needed to ensure that matters like abuse of power and misappropriation did not repeatedly appear in the annual report, he told a special press conference in announcing the setting up of the task force here yesterday.

Why are investigations on the way only after a colossal loss of RM28BILLION when such revelations from the Auditor-General have been common occurrences yearly? How do you feel about this, dear reader?

b)“They will not necessarily face legal action. They might face administrative action like surcharge, demotion, having their promotions frozen or be transferred,” Najib said.

In the private sector, the culprits would be history with CBT charges and the whole works! This a slap on the wrist is definitely no deterrent and will encourage such acts to persist. After all, they can and will get away with it.

c) Najib also said the Government would be fair and act compassionately if there were mitigating factors that led to the actions of the offenders.


RM28billion lost and we are talking about COMPASSION!!!

These thieves who have stolen $$$ from our very pockets are to be treated with kid's gloves?

Where is the compassion for the rakyat who daily have to face increased prices of goods and services and a shrinking ringgit in our wallets?

So many contradictions. Earlier, he said that SERIOUS ACTION was needed.

New equation in Malaysia ~ SERIOUS ACTION = COMPASSION = WOW!!

Please read A-G’s report leaves many to ponder if anything has changed through the years.

d) More contradictory statements from the same article:

Later, Sidek said the task force would make sure that those who deliberately did not follow the rules were brought to book.

He said this was part of the Government’s efforts in enforcing existing rules and regulations.
Another case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing - this time, at the same function.

Hello! I thought enforcement and regulation of procedures are part and parcel of everyday operational requirements in ANY organization????

Feeling angry now?

2. Bridge Collapse and National Service


a) Such programs were launched in the name of unity but to what purpose? These children have had to pay with their lives for the irresponsible acts of certain group so that the gravy train can......

1Malaysia camps - Three innocent girls died. Why target primary school kids? I discussed this in my post COLLAPSE!!

Children are innocent. Let the rebel rouser leaders attend these camps!

The problem of disunity can never be solved as long as we have leaders who show their arrogance and insensitivity to people's feelings and religious beliefs (e.g. cow-head incident). All leaders should be put into such camps where they can be taught the Rukunegara so that RM28 billion can be rightfully spent on the rakyat! Currently, KPI of most leaders seems is 1 out of 10. In private sector, these leaders would have been history.

National Service -Why subject youths to this program? More than 16 have died. I could not get the latest statistics (could someone help me please?)

What has been the outcome? From 2004 to 2008, there have been increasing cases of missing trainees, food poisoning, assault, rape, fever etc. Please CLICK HERE for detailed reports.

Apart from all these mishaps and illnesses, don't forget that those youths who went for National Service had to face delays in their entrance to programs at tertiary level or even work opportunities.

Please remember the amount spent so far on National Service (and don't forget to add in the RM28BILLION loss per year plus expenditure for other white elephant programs and also the amount of money spent on open houses and other task forces to investigate issues).

For your information (extracted from THIS LINK)
Budget and Spending

Trainees were initially given a RM300 allowance by the government. Beginning in January 2008, this amount has been raised to RM150/month, or RM450 total.[6] Trainee allowances come in the form of a Sijil Simpanan Premium (Premium Savings Certificate) from Bank Simpanan Nasional, or an account with Bank Pertanian Malaysia. The accounts with Bank Pertanian Malaysia have been criticized for taking out RM 20 from each account, for processing and ATM card fees.

According to Deputy Defence Minister Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop, RM2.37 bil has been spent to finance the national service (NS) programme since 2004. RM608.6mil was spent in 2004, RM604.8mil in 2005, RM588.2mil in 2006 and RM565mil in 2007. Defence Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had said earlier that the programme would not exceed RM500mil a year.

3. Changes in educational policies and the ongoing debates about:

* BM to English medium for the teaching of Science and Mathematics and vice versa
* Vernacular schools - please CLICK HERE for the latest report

Again the government cannot decide on the educational policies and go to and fro and those affected are lost in a maze of indecisions? Most frustrating!

4. BIRO TATA 1Malaysia Courses

Did you know this (extracted from THIS LINK)?

Biro Tatanegara (National Civics Bureau) is set to organise courses and seminars to explain 1Malaysia for the people to better understand the concept introduced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Ahmad Maslan said the courses and seminars on 1Malaysia, with its slogan of “People First; Performance Now”, would be held at the “Bina Negara” (nation-building) camps nationwide.

“It cannot be denied that many people are still confused about the 1Malaysia concept,” he told reporters after visiting the National Civics Bureau office, here.

Ahmad, who is also Umno information chief, said the courses and seminars were expected to begin this year and employees of the public and private sectors were the main target groups.

He also said that a nation-building camp costing
RM23 million in Sempadai, Lundu, near here, was expected to be completed in December. — Bernama
We know the covert aims of BTN, don't we?

The list is endless and the issues listed here are but the tip of the iceberg of many pressing issues that the rakyat have to contend with in their daily lives.

Why spend so much money on futile programs or complexes to build harmony, unity when we know who are creating disharmony, disunity and feelings of animosity in their speeches, actions or lack of it and other programs? All this is sheer insanity and carried out purely for window-dressing !

Singapore must be having a good chuckle at our expense. With no natural resources but well harnessed human resource, they have stepped up to become a developed nation. What have we to show??

Let's also not forget HOW MANY TASK FORCES, COMMITTEES AND INVESTIGATION TEAMS have been set up to investigate questionable practices, collapse of buildings or bridges etc. Findings are always later, preferably much later (and preferably forgotten). Click HERE to see an example.

There you are - with all these on our platter, Malaysia is doing very well. We are progressing economically. Reports say we should be out of recession but are we?

Do you see anything concrete for the rakyat? Or are some saying one thing and meaning the other?

It appears that some leaders have perfected the art of doing something achieving nothing.

Is this all not window dressing?


  1. says:

    edward Dear Paula,

    Yes, I can see that when you are angry you write really well. Bravo!

    At last we do have that rare commodity in our leaders - compassion, but for the wrong reason.

    "Errr... I saw that beautiful BMW at the showroom. Yunno, temptation got the better of me. I promise I won't do it again. I have a family to feed. Sir, please forgive and forget? (After a slap on the wrist)Ok, make sure you don't do it a again run along." The whole scenario repeats the following year. Sounds familiar? Capable leaders with integrity? I rest my case.

    As Patrick Teoh often said, "Wish you blue skies and everything nice". Enjoy the beautiful day.


    P.s. I much prefer to be a TiTi. Get pampered more haha.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Edward,

    :-) Thanks for the validating comment. I started this post two days ago and could only get the momentum when the fury rose within me :-).

    Yes - compassion all for the wrong reasons!!!

    I apologise for this late response but I changed the whole post five times...changed the title four times heheheh...Women are fickle. Perhaps you might want to read it again because it is different from what you saw at the point when you posted your comment :-).

    I love your cryptic and witty comment! Brilliant! Thanks for sharing.

    Wow - you have taste in cars! ;-)

    Take care and have a nice day!!


  1. says:

    Chahya Enforcement? What enforcement? :P

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Chahya,

    :-) A new definition for that one :-)

    Take care and have a great week!

    Salam, my dear friend.

  1. says:

    edward Dear Paula,

    This reply comes a bit late as I was away from the PC. Your latest edition does sound more coherent and your argument is better planned. Maybe you are calmer and less agitated.

    To me, national unity takes more than just spending 3 months together in a camp.Yes friendships are started , racial barriers are broken but is it lasting? I don't think so. Its pointless when the moment they step out of the camp they are confounded by the same issues that drives them apart. Its like taking antibiotics when the source of infection is still there. One will never get healed.

    There are so many things that we as parents always try to imbue in our children. Honesty, responsibility, diligence and so on. Imagine, a child who works doubly hard, studies into the wee hours of the night in order to get good grades so that she can get into the faculty of her choice. Later on she was told that her place has been allotted to someone else with lesser grades than hers. Imagine her disappointment and frustration! How can her parents cushion the hurt? All the stuff about working hard to do well in life just flew back into the parents faces. That's when resentment comes in upon the realization that in this country some are more equal than others. This is but one of many examples that hinder unity in our country. There is nothing wrong in helping those who are slow but don't stymie the smart ones. These are national assets! Love them and they will love the country in return. Expand our universities, build new ones, increase the teaching staff , anything to keep these students within our shores. Its so achievable but yet this brain drain is allowed to carry on. Its just amazing the number of leaders afflicted racial cataract and muscular dystrophy. We have become the net exporter of talents and importer of brawn. No wonder our currency is 2.4X smaller than Spore's.

    I am becoming just as speechless as you. I think this article answers your earlier one regarding the calibre of our leaders. Will chat with you another time. Good night and God bless.
    Best wishes,

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Edward

    :-) I am still changing this you can see in the title..I feel quite strongly about the issue and feel that there is still so much to say and that I am still too polite :-(.

    Thanks for your kind comments, Edward. At the point of the last version, I was calmer and less agitated then but now, in the middle of the night - when all is still and quiet and I can hear the pitter patter of the raindrops, a a sense of outrage rages from within again.

    Your analogy of antibiotics is most apt as well as what you have eloquently raised in the third paragraph of your comment - many hard-hitting truths about the reality of existence in Malaysia and the slow death of meritocracy which cripples innovation and the competitive spirit.

    You are a sharp reader, Edward. I am,in reality, trying to make the posts link in that I approach the same topic from different angles...
    :-). Thanks for riding the same wave :-).

    Do take care and may you have a great week. Am in the middle of two posts hehe...

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    Walt It is bad to be oppressed by a minority, but it is worse to be oppressed by a majority. For there is a reserve of latent power in the masses which, if it is called into play, the minority can seldom resist. But from the absolute will of an entire people there is no appeal, no redemption, no refuge but treason.
    Lord Acton

    The man who prefers his country before any other duty shows the same spirit as the man who surrenders every right to the state. They both deny that right is superior to authority.

    By liberty I mean the assurance that every man shall be protected in doing what he believes his duty, against the influence of authority and majorities, custom and opinion. The state is competent to assign duties and draw the line between good and evil only in its own immediate sphere. Beyond the limit of things necessary for its wellbeing, it can only give indirect help to fight the battle of life, by promoting the influences which avail against temptation,—Religion, Education, and the distribution of Wealth. In ancient times the state absorbed authorities not its own, and intruded on the domain of personal freedom. In the middle ages it possessed too little authority, and suffered others to intrude. Modern states fall habitually into both excesses. The most certain test by which we judge whether a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities. Liberty, by this definition, is the essential condition and guardian of Religion; and it is in the history of the chosen People, accordingly, that the first illustrations of my subject are obtained. The government of the Israelites was a Federation, held together by no political authority, but by the unity of race and faith, and founded, not on physical force, but on a voluntary covenant.
    John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton—First Baron Acton of Aldenham

  1. says:

    nick Hai Sis,

    As I have always pointed out to a lot of people, Najib came across to me as someone who doesn't even understand what he's saying. "Words come out but there's no coherent message at all".
    Words like "The Cabinet felt,will not necessarily face legal action,fair and act compassionately" is pathetic for someone threatening to take action. It's neither here nor there to be exact! Or should I say just like a submarine, 1minute it's " afloat" and next "submerge". Or maybe Najib is thinking a submarine can do both at the same time???? Those embezzler don't have any worries at all, I say!

    "Gee...I wonder if this sub can float and submerge at the same time? Heck, this is 1Malaysia Boleh land! We can do anything!!!! except grow a brain!


  1. says:

    nick Sis, I already commented your post but then again the title keep on changing. Err..Do I really need to comment again??? Large and suspicious feeling that I'm a Microsoft support staff, ain't you? LOL! Just kidding... have a nice day or is it you're still sleeping? Then , have a good night rest!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Walt,

    Once again, thanks from the bottom of my heart for the terrific quotations that you have so wisely selected in inject wisdom and understanding for this post.

    As always, you have my deepest respect for being a storehouse of wisdom. Take care and have a blessed week.

    Peace be unto you, my friend.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    Selamat pagi! My deepest apologies for the late publication of your comments. I finished writing the first draft of my next two posts at 4.15a.m. and just greeted the sun. :-).

    Wah - saudara is in his element this morning with his sharp wit hehe..Those who have a deficiency of neurons come up with the most bizarre statements :-).

    Er..they might not even recognize what are submarines cos their vision would be blurred by the dollar sign.

    I changed the title again the last time and this one will remain. :-)

    Take care, Nick. Have a great day!!!

  1. says:

    bakarmerah Hi mei mei,

    I have been thinking hard about an apt title for your latest posting too.

    I believe it should be "The Art of Denial".

    Really. Today, it is about how smart the people really are (I hope).

    We, the oppressed rakyat, already know about the window dressing, promises, spin and so-called action to be taken (but are not)....don't we?

    But nothing ever gets done despite the special task force-team, royal commission, inquiries, super-super task force and so on.

    So, the people know about it, know nothing will ever come out of it and willingly listen to all that has been announced, reported. . .and just live in denial.

    We are just biding our time. We practise the art of denial.



    It is when the cooking is done. All the years of simmering and denial will boil up into an explosion of people power; into another tsunami come the next election.

    That's what I shall be praying for anyway.

    Have a blessed week ahead.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ker Ker Pug,

    Mei Mei says thanks for the Art of Denial title.

    More importantl, I want to thank you and other caring Malaysians for thinking hard and deep about the issues that plague our motherland. We have come to the stage where the more we read, the more we puke.

    And with all the puke pudding that has been generated, if the rakyat still hesitate and wonder at the next polls, I don't know what will happen!


    The disease that will kill us all if we do not reach out for the right antidote!

    The fire is aflame.

    Cauldron isoverflowing with overbaked stuff spilling at the sides and are we just going to be there - sitting, watching, mouth agape???

    Until when?

    GE 13.

    Indeed. Time to take action without fear or favor.

    I am with you, brother Pug, and I hope many other Malaysians too!

    Have a blessed week, ker ker Pug and may the Almighty bless Malaysia and its rakyat with courage and fervor to make the difference!

  1. says:

    Yap Thank You for a good write up.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear PM

    You are welcome. Thanks to you for your encouraging statement.

    Have a good day!


  1. says:

    Vijay Kumar Murugavell Agreed, all the 4 items you mention, stinks to high heavens of window dressing.

    The thing is BN does not seem to be clever enough to at least make it appear credible , do they ?
    BN style window dressing is not the same as Macy's who display their best retail wares to titilate window shoppers to come in, instead they "undress naked by the window" and like the story of The Emperors new clothes, the subjects are supposed to pretend to be in awe of non-existent clothes.

    If you were so audacious as to say " Hey look, BN is naked" they will detain you under ISA, lest the masses start to catch on.
    Despite the tired repetitions you have highlighted, BN got re-elected an unbelievable 12 terms in the span of half a century, that says alot about our collective intelligence as a nation, doesn't it ?

    And some people tell us why we continue harping on the same issues.It has to repeated again and again in varying contexts to reach out to different segments of the population untill in sinks into their thick craniums.

    Frankly I don't care if my fellow citizens vote BN or PR, it is their democratic right to choose, but what irks me is some who cast the ballot without really examining the reasons for their choice beyond rethoric.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Vijay

    Thanks for your courage to comment in my post which highlights certain controversial areas. I appreciate the fact that despite your busy work schedule and other commitments, you took the time to read my post, digest the data and more importantly, complimented my post with your fantastic observations and comments.
    Certainly, I am blessed to have a friend in you who has similar inclinations and concerns. Often times, I wish I had your brains and perspective :-)...

    In such times, it is natural for many to hide their heads in the ground ostrich-style and ferment in denial. Few would stick out their necks to make a stand at such times...

    I believe repetition is needed because Malaysians forget easily...I agree with you - the important thing is that Malaysians think - rather than follow blindly...

    Thanks. Take care and have a blessed week.

  1. says:

    Walt Here in America we have a one party system. This outlaw party the two wings of this gangster party are called Republicans and Democrats. They have robbed and destroyed this once great nation; now they are taking the world down with us, and they are doing a good job of it!

    America’s founders did everything within their power to prevent what is now happening. But they are no longer with us, so we will have to stop it ourselves.

    In order to make it close to impossible for one political faction to control all of the government they gave us federalism, so that essential government functions would be performed by the states. And within the national government they gave us three branches with checks and balances between them. They feared that if a single political faction controlled too much of the nation’s political life it would try to eliminate genuine political competition and render it impossible for citizens to rule through free and fair elections.

    Three modern innovations have overrun the obstacles to one party government that America's founding fathers put in place. First, our founders did not anticipate the atrocious decadence of modern political parties, which institutionalize the fascist corruption of our political system and make it seem legitimate. The party of government finances itself by selling access to powerful decision-makers and influence over legislation, and this dynamic appears immune from reform. Second, the founders could not have anticipated that the public sphere itself could be compromised. An ever shrinking number of companies control an ever increasing share of the audience and as a result an ever diminishing range of opinions are permitted to be expressed, which removes our most urgent political questions from the public debate. Finally, the fantastic sums our government spends to build and maintain our worldwide military empire gives huge incentives for buying influence. The money spent purchasing government decisions is rewarded a thousandfold with profits, leading to more corruption.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Walt,

    No wonder we can relate to each other. We share similar roots where our motherlands are concerned!

    Your observation re moral decadence is so valid too for where I come from..Secondly, we can also see the pervasive influence of some commercial establishments and it is evident that gravy trains are running in overdrive internationally!

    Such worrying times we are living in, dear Walt! Thanks for sharing.

    Take care and have a blessed week.

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