Posted by Unknown On Thursday, February 18, 2010 26 comments
The Malaysian political landscape is currently seething with toxic fumes from cauldrons of conspiracies that are bubbling over. There are so many blockbusters to be screened that one is spoilt for choice!

Blockbuster # 1 : The White Knight

First on the list of hot topics would of course be Malaysiakini's report that the trial judge of Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy case has today decided not to stand down from hearing the case despite allegations of bias and lying over his inaction against Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia's coverage of the trial. He said there was no evidence that he had lied in court as accused by the defence team.

What will happen from here? Your guess is as good as mine.

In the mean time, cracks have shown up in PR and with DSAI in this case, all we can do is to hope that justice will reign supreme and that good will triumph over evil.

Block buster # 2 : The Kacang who would be Beanstalk

In another report HERE, PKR deputy president Syed Husin Ali said today Kulim Bandar Bharu MP Zulkifli Noordin has been evading the party’s disciplinary board. In a statement issued today, said the errant MP, known for his Islamic hardline views, has been told to reply to a Feb 8 show cause letter but asked for a Feb 12 extension.

So what will happen? More suspense is brewing especially after Datuk Zahrain's infamous resignation.

Blockbuster # 3 : The Dark Knight

Coming up next in the feast of controversies is an alleged tussle for power as reported HERE. The new number 2 has shown himself to be a dark horse after taking some tangential positions to his 'boss'. Part 1 has been well documented by Greg Lopez HERE and if you still have not subscribed to Malaysiakini, please do so for you would otherwise be missing out a lot of great articles. Thus it would appear that a huge chasm exists between No 1 and No 2 of our country! What will happen from here is anyone's guess. Only the kingmakers would know!

Blockbuster # 4 : The Man who Could Not be Deputy Minister

Cracked_Glass.jpg Pictures, Images and Photos

Malaysian Insider reported HERE that Umno Youth went away with RM2 million to fund its programmes from Datuk Seri Najib Razak at yesterday’s meeting but he was non-committal about giving their chief Khairy Jamaluddin a Cabinet post.

The report raised certain issues as to why Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, who lost her Lembah Pantai parliamentary seat in Election 2008, was made minister after she won the Wanita Umno chief post last year.

Many are asking why UMNO Chief Khairy has not received a Cabinet post.

Well, as always, only the Almighty knows.

Blockbuster # 5: The Other Frogs

Frogs Pictures, Images and Photos

So what about the saga of other assemblymen who might turn froggy? I am sure they are probably....

ANIMATED FROGS Pictures, Images and Photos

Whatever it is, Malaysians are spoilt for choice as to which blockbuster they wish to savor to pander to their fertile imaginative mind. Golly! For all we know, it will be a veritable feast to behold in the near future!!

So while we speculate as to what may happen, enjoy Tom Jones' rendition of

Will there be more things in store for Malaysians? How low can we go? Hmmmm I really don't know. Do you?

Do leave a comment if you wish. Thanks! Have a lovely evening!


  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    You wrote: So while we speculate as to what may happen, enjoy Tom Jones' rendition of WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT?
    Errr...what has a puttytat to do with Malaysian politics? The caterwauling? purrr....meow!

  1. says:

    Unknown Ah my darling Cat-in-Sydney,

    It is a hint that we are all probably not surprised by whatever outcome because the ones who wrote the scripts are far more powerful than we are and will only disguise their true intentions by telling us that it was all for our own good because they love us!



  1. says:

    Village Boy Another "froggy sandiwara" in the making!

  1. says:

    Monyet King Hi MWS, you have summarised the current situation concisely with style and wit. Cheers

  1. says:

    Perakian You wrote : Cracks have shown up in PR and with DSAI in this case, all we can do is to hope that justice will reign supreme and that good will triumph over evil.

    Correct! Correct! Correct!

    Let's charge ahead confidently, daring to take the difficult path!

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Village Boy

    Ah - we have to wait in the shadows to see what unfolds.

    Take care and let's hope this is one blockbuster that does not happen.

    Thanks for dropping by!

    Rest well tonight.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Dr. Bala

    Thanks! Appreciate the kind and encouraging comment. Have a lovely evening with your family.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Perakian

    Thanks for that exhortation! Forward much and on our knees to pray too!

    Take care and thanks for being hopeful and supportive.

    God bless you!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous Karpal to judge: "You lie!"

    A spade is a spade, a lie is a lie, you can't call it otherwise.

  1. says:

    Banyak Susah BN sees Anwar as the biggest threat to its hold on power.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.54 pm

    Currently, the truth is elastic!!! How saddening.


    Thanks for standing up for truth!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Banyak Susah

    But we see him as a White Knight...riding through a sea of dark and even black knights!!!

    May justice prevail!

    God bless you!

  1. says:

    Anonymous "Malaysia’s judiciary operates according to the legal standards of any other fully developed country, requiring that every person in Malaysia receives a fair trial, regardless of any other factor," Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman said.

  1. says:

    Ckw Karpal Singh accused Najib and his wife Rosmah of masterminding the sodomy charge being faced by Anwar.

    Well, I reserve my comments!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.15pm

    Reality can be blurred by circumstances and what we dream of as a fantasy may never be a reality!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear CKW

    Under such circumstances, I also do likewise!!!


    Words unspoken can speak volumes.

    Thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Ckw Political leaders should stay free from conceit and self-importance. Instead they should strive with complete integrity and sincerity.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Often, I wonder if your words unspoken are emotions unfelt...

  1. says:

    AntiHop I really despise the culture of political jumping frogs.

    I call this betrayal of the rakyat’s trust, confidence and mandate.

    To those who can’t resist the millions of RM temptation, please be reminded that divine retribution will come to haunt you when the time is ripe.

    Just for your information, I am a strong opposition to the corrupted BN government all my life.

  1. says:

    Jay DS Anwar – although this yo-yo judge and court may not be on your favour, do remember that we the rakyat are always with you and will pray to Almighty for you to win. Thumps the devil to pieces...

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.57pm

    Please read the context of MY statement with reference to CKW's comment @ 9.59p.m. Obviously, your statement about your 'wonder' about my lack of emotions would also be directed at him and I invite CKW to respond accordingly.

    A person with no feelings ie a person with emotions unfelt would not be able to say that words are unspoken because he/she would not know they are there. I am fully aware of my emotions.

    A person who does not have emotions does not care about how his/her words can get him/her into trouble and then let the children be affected by the trauma of an arrest. I do care.

    A person without emotions would not be able to blog. I blog.

    He/She with no emotions would not be able to blog original articles that can stir emotions in others. I do that.

    A person with no emotions would not care about how his/her words can hurt other people. I care.

    A person with no emotions would not respect laws in the country. i respect laws of this country and would not do anything to show disrespect and this includes expression of emotions at the right time and place. It is called WISDOM.

    A person with no emotions would not respect other humans and would do or say words that put other people down. I respect people just as I respect you whoever you are.

    A person with the inability to feel would be nothing less that the empty shell of a person with no integrity or desire to observe morals or values in life. I do have that desire.

    If you have never read my writings, I suggest you do so because by then, you would know that I do have emotions but I know when to express them and when NOT to.

    I hope you do too.

    God bless you.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear CKW @ 11.41

    I fully agree with you and hope that our leaders will remember that. Do read my previous comment. Thanks.

    Take care and God bless you.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear AntiHop

    Thanks for sharing your passionate response. Sometimes, it is pretty obvious what is our stand and one need not express it because we can read in between the lines :-). Yet, I appreciate your honesty and sincerity in your declaration. May it inspire others to do the same.

    God bless you.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Jay

    You have spoken well.Thanks for your support. He has my prayers too and that of many in this country.

    Take care and God bless you.

  1. says:

    ahoo The politics in Bolihland always excites and never a dull moment. In any case the manipulator of laws will surely not escape the judgement of our creator in due time. As for some who choose to write remarks without much thoughts nor emotion attached, I quote this :

    For those who understand the written words, no explaination is needed. For those who do not understand, no explaination is possible.

    Have a purposeful day !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    God bless you for your wise and timely comment which I truly appreciate.

    May you continue to bless others with your wisdom, inspiration and exhortation.

    Have a purpose-driven day!

    Best wishes

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