Posted by Unknown On Monday, February 8, 2010 8 comments
Of late, news reports highlighted how migrant workers are responsible for soaring crime rates and social problems. Some argue that migrant workers are responsible for soaring crime rates and social problems. Yet, some leaders take offense when others swing into action to solve these problems. It seems that scapegoating is used as and when it can offer political mileage. Then there is the disturbing incident where one made derogatory remarks that smack of racist stereotyping about two segments of our Malaysian populace. Is scapegoating a fair practice that we can condone?

Scapegoating is a hostile social and psychological method to shame a particular group because they want to shift the blame and responsibility away from themselves and refocus it towards a target person or group. In this way, they hope to project angry feelings and feelings of hostility, via inappropriate accusation, towards others.

So why are they doing this? They wrongly target and persecute the target group who receive misplaced vilification, blame and criticism. What will happen is that this group will suffer rejection from the same group that the perpetrator seeks to influence.

In the end - the animosity between the migrant workers and those who assimilated into Malaysian society eons ago will increase, much to the delight of the scapegoaters who need the migrant workers for their hidden agenda!

Scapegoating has a wide range of objectives that can be targeted at individuals or groups but one thing is for sure - distortion of reality/fact is always a feature.

As netizens, what can we do? We need to develop an understanding of current affairs, not just on the surface, but at a much deeper level as well. We have to always question and see beyond what they are trying to tell us....

I believe what actually happens is that the guilty ones use scapegoating to transfer feelings of guilt, aggression, blame and suffering from themselves because of their own shame and guilt for not doing the right thing (because they may not be capable of it or because they just don't care. In this way, they try to cope with their feelings of guilt and displaces the citizens' attention on the inefficiency of those concerned to combat the problem via projective identification. In short, scapegoaters are insecure people driven to raise their own status by lowering the status of their target. This can only happen if their audience is foolish enough to accept their fallacious claims!

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For examples of scapegoating in Malaysia, check THIS ARTICLE.

If you have the time, please read:

a) Psychodynamics of Scapegoating, Persecution, Bullying - in particular page 2 and 3

b) Eric Brahm's SCAPEGOATING

Why am I blogging about this? Hitler practised scapegoating and now, we see it happening in our own backyard. Could it be for the same reason? Say 'NO' to scapegoating and a resounding 'YES' to justice, integrity and truth!

Excerpt from Wikianswers:

Many Germans blamed the Jews for Germany's defeat in World War I, some even claiming that German Jews had betrayed the nation during the war. In addition, at the end of the war a Communist group attempted to carry out a Bolshevik-type revolution in the German state of Bavaria. Most of the leaders of that failed attempt were Jews. As a result, some Germans associated Jews with Bolsheviks and regarded both groups as dangerous enemies of Germany. After the war, a republic known as the Weimar Republic was set up in Germany. Jewish politicians and intellectuals played an important role in German life during the Weimar Republic, and many non-Jews resented their influence.

On the basis of his anti-Semitic views, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler attacked the impressive role Jews played in German society during the Weimar Republic, especially in the intellectual world and in left-wing politics. He referred to them as a plague and a cancer. In his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle, translated 1939), which was published in 1926, Hitler blamed the plight of Germany at the end of World War I on an international Jewish conspiracy and used terms such as extirpation and extermination in relation to the Jews. He claimed that the Jews had achieved economic dominance and the ability to control and manipulate the mass media to their own advantage. He wrote of the need to eradicate their powerful economic position, if necessary by means of their physical removal.

Take care and be on the lookout for such lies that are sprouting like mushrooms. In a world where reality is being distorted, may the Almighty give us wisdom and discernment. Have a great day.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Received ???
    please wait.


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Jeet

    Belum lagi...Have not received it. Will alert you when I do. Appreciate the kindness! Many thanks!!!


  1. says:

    semuanya OK kot Cheap workers are brought in, provided with inhumane conditions (which have their own inevitable dehumanising responses) and treated with indignity at every turn (even by citizens who were themselves in the gutter until recently). This double-think of apportioning blame conveniently through the compliant media is also reflected in the general acceptance of cowboy-style "shoot-outs" (called encounters elsewhere).

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Semuanya OK kot

    Thanks for a very compassionate and knowledgeable response to this topic. We need people like you who have the heart and the knowledge to spread the word about the true state of affairs and not that preached by misguided or warped characters. Enough of cavalier attitudes of the media or wolves in sheep's clothing. Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    JournoDownUnder It's happening everywhere, mate! You're not alone. However, it's also sad to see how the scapegoats of yesteryears are now doing it to another. It will never end.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear JournoDownUnder

    The madness will never end as long as such characters are driven by greed and the love for money. These are the symptomatic diseases of materialism :-(. Sighs.

    Do take care and have a blessed week, dear friend.


  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    The influx of large numbers of foreign worker into Malaysia in the beginning was just a money making scheme for the top echelon of UMNO and BN. The emergence of the possibility of using these foreigner as a scapegoat for all of our social ills and crimes was an added bonus for them (it absolved them from responsibility).

    We are talking about huge sums of money being handed over to these politician through the issuance of permits and medical check up and whatnot. It's a billion ringgit industry with no capital requirement just like the APs and timber. They are making tons of money while sitting on the ass just because they have the FW permit given by the gomen.

    And to make matter worse, they found out that FW are the ideal scapegoats to be blamed whenever they (the politician) messes things up or something bad happen due to their incompetence and stupidity. It's very easy thing to do because those FW have no rights, no protection and no one will stand up for them. The FW are at the mercy at of the politician and they can't do anything about it. They are being screwed left, right and center.

    However, just having a scapegoat isn't enough. What the politician have in abundance is us, the gullible, believable and brainless Malaysian who will accept anything said or pointed by those despicable politician. We, Malaysian are the most guilty ones. We are reluctant to use our brain and our conscience. We prefer to bury our head in the sand rather than analyze the facts, situation and circumstances. We are an immature society. We cannot accept our own guilt and faults. We will always blame other people for our mistake and weaknesses.

    And this despicable traits of ours is used against us by the despicable politician. TDM used it effectively on the malays. UMNO and BN uses it to control us. Does the word "communists (DAP), foreign agents, foreign invasion, George Soros, IMF, terrorists, Islamic extrimists(PAS), traitors (PKR) and subversive element (the entire oppositions) rings a bell? Those words were used to point and identify scapegoats (thus diverting us from seeing the evil deeds and corruptions the politician in power are doing)and for more than 3 decades, most Malaysian believed it wholeheartedly without ever looking and asking for the facts. We swallowed it whole without even a flicker of thought!

    Same question "Now, are we feeling ashamed of ourselves yet? NO? Well, we should or better yet, we should really think about it!"

    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me", a wonderful quote all Malaysian should really understand it's implication.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick,

    You never cease to astound me with your sharp and analytical thinking prowess and ability to penetrate the core of an issue. You are spot on in your analysis.

    Corruption breeds corruption and soon more and more jumped on the bandwagon to Disaster Boulevard! Who suffers? The rakyat. Who benefits? Hmm...

    That is why I still blog - to spread awareness, to make people think as I think through issues myself. We need a generation of people who are not passive recipients of propaganda spun for the benefit of little devils or napoleans for that matter.

    Neither can we have a generation of apathetic people who know and yet don't give two hoots about the scenario as long as they are not directly affected.

    BUT EVERYONE of us IS affected both directly and indirectly. Just look at how our cost of living is going sky high and how our wallets are getting lighter but our real income is decreasing and our quality of life is DECREASING and medical costs are escalating. Gosh! When will people wake up? I blame this on the failure of education institutions to fulfil their responsibilities to train minds to think and to be ready for the real world.

    For so long, propaganda have been shoved down our throats and most accepted it docilely thinking it is the ASIAN way to do things and that it is wrong to complain, to object. Crap! That was the philosophy passed on to us out of fear and now, in fear many still OBEY and acquiesce even though they know it is wrong.

    Time to wake up cos the bells of doom are tolling LOUD and clear.

    Thanks so much, dear Nick, for your response. I am in a foul mood today cos I am very worked up as I am halfway writing a post which should be up in 20 minutes. Take care and have a blessed week.


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