Posted by Unknown On Thursday, February 25, 2010 11 comments
The past two weeks have been quite trying for us in the political landscape. We had the sad outcome in the MB vs MB case followed by the resignation of Datuk Zahrain and then DSAI's ongoing court case, the caning issue, the imminent court suit of Zambry versus Wan Azizah and 3 others etc. etc. Day after day, we come across scandalous news of every sort, as if each is trying to outdo the previous in a bit to see who can hit rock bottom first where decency, integrity, honesty is concerned - almost as if there is a public disregard for all things bright, beautiful and of honor, value and goodness.

I cannot fathom how some are ready to wash dirty linen in public, complaining, lambasting, plotting without realization or awareness of the ramifications of compromise and how this can negatively affect our international repute. I can see how the degree of shock, horror and disbelief or concern is gradually diminishing because it is so easy to be numbed into indifference by all the madness that is happening around us. That is the reason why I posted THE WIND OF CHANGE IS BLOWING and ARE YOU STILL INDIFFERENT?

I have tried so hard to continue to let the flame burn brightly and it would have been most difficult to carry on, if not for readers who constantly drop comments in my blog - something which I appreciate so much - and also three of my closest friends (my buddies since the 1970's) who were also with my during the time when I suffered power outages for a period of eight consecutive days from CNY eve. No matter how dark the day, I will still blog and remind all of us that we have to persevere, to be patient and practical in the way we work towards effecting change in our country.

Friends Pictures, Images and Photos

A few days ago, they asked me to go sing our hearts out and commanded me NOT to do any blogging that night. Hmm. Difficult decision. I did go but whilst I did not bring along my laptop, I had my pda with me and was blogging from the karaoke room :-).

My pals wanted to throw away my pda but bless their kind hearts they allowed me to respond to readers' comments (my husband had been assigned to release the comments from home haha)...

Music always soothes my soul and I felt so much better after belting my favorite Bee Gees numbers. At the same time, while the other three could sing Lady Gaga, Jason Marant etc, yours truly was as usual locked in the 1960's to 1990's :-).

Tomorrow is another day. I truly pray that when I surf the various news portals, it will bring some semblance of GOOD NEWS. Today, I could not, for the life of me blog on anything because everything was just so toxic! But no matter what happens, we have to keep the good fight and blow the blues away with our hopes, dreams, aspirations and prayers for a better Malaysia. With patience, perseverance and a united effort, we can do it together!


  1. says:

    Anonymous wat about Massachusetts which i mentioned in the wrong post ??
    'almost' 25 years lah & u were only toddling when i was running & chasing !

  1. says:

    Unknown Aiya - I never liked that song cos I had difficulties remembering the spelling when I was a little girl haha!

    How many grandchildren do you have?


  1. says:

    Anonymous belum ada; daughter 33 just married
    last year & son 28 is an 'iron' bachelor susah cari makan in KL !

  1. says:

    Unknown Well, at least your kids are grown-up already...I have a long way to gooooooooooooo....

    God bless!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Know what, Masterwordsmith, most of us know of the BeeGees, Carpenters, Cliff Elvis and so forth but few really knows about real great old (folk, movie classics)songs etc.

    Samples :




    Oh bathtub graduate, fret not, you'll do ;).

    When you cut your CD, I can handle the CD cover photoshopping/embellishing for ya, if needed! :D


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi ~wits0~

    Aha - we share the same taste in music!!!

    *I love Shenandoah - sooooo romantic and moving lyrics and music.

    * I watched Camelot when I was a little girl and waited for my knight in shining armor lol...love this song and also the other IF YOU GO AWAY...I think I have watched Camelot five times.

    * The Bonnie Banks O' Loch Lomond is new to me...but I do know many folk songs (thanks to Ms Margaret Boey - MGS Music teacher) and movie classics cos I have always been a movie fan!

    Me cut a cd? LOL!!! Marcel has cut his cd - his compositions and his singing...For me, only one of my compositions has been recorded - sung by an American pastor...think it is somewhere in my blog.

    Thanks for the kind comment and offer...One day, I will cut my own cd when I have enough guts haha...and I would definitely need lots of embellishment! Are you in the music industry? My son will be graduating this year with a degree in contemporary music (jazz) and will be looking for opportunities. Hope you can advise.

    Thanks so much! Take care and have a good day!


  1. says:

    Anonymous No, MWS, I'm as distant from the music industry as the Moon. :D. I can handle Photoshop tho'.

    Here, messing around with Susan's Blog profile picture:



  1. says:

    Anonymous Oh MWS, yours truly also is not quite a stiff-neck Banana Anglophile wrt great song classic, ler.

    So da terrific Alan sings, "Alishan mountain":

    And the recent oneS from, "Red Cliff":



    btw, Final Fantasy VIII - Eyes On Me, sung BY Faye Wong is also great:



  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    My oh my - you are quite progressive while I am locked in the past and still listening to Teresa Teng and Shanghai jazz :-).

    I have both Red Cliff I and II but have not watched it cos I wanted to read Romance of the Three Kingdoms first. The theme song is very new ageish...and very appealing indeed. Suits the ambiance of the movie and the theme. However, whilst my younger boy likes the song from Final Fantasy, I thought the motif for the melody sounds a bit too oriental and did not jive with the English lyrics..but then again, I am not a Final Fantasy fan. I love anime but not this one....

    Take care and thanks for the links!

    Have a great day!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Outa way, Che Guevara!
    Here come Susan Loone:



  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    LOL!!! Does she know???? You are a real Susan fan!! I wanted to see her when I was in BKK in late December but alas, my schedule was too tight. Must send her a message soon in FB.

    Thanks for sharing....You are a real riot!!!


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