Posted by Unknown On Monday, February 8, 2010 14 comments
Franklin Roosevelt once said, “All we have to fear is fear itself.” Trite as it may sound, it is a fine example of his effort to provide the nation with emotional leadership in a dour time. And oh, how Malaysians need leadership in so many areas today.

With all the atrocious statements being spewed out of the mouths of morons, injustice in so many areas, all we really have to fear is an unconscious or blind refusal to understand the scheme of things and to use that information to our benefit. As we well know, fear attracts fear. Anger produces more anger while love begets love. During such trying and challenging circumstances such as what we currently see in Malaysia, we need true leaders who display excellent marks of leadership to draw us out of the quandary, depression and sense of hopelessness but do we see that happening?

John Naisbitt said, "The new leader is a facilitator, not an order giver."

What we need are leaders who can show us:

  • responsibility, accountability and reliability in what they say and do
  • that they knowing the latest facts of the situation such as understanding goals, objectives and directives
  • that they are capable of delegation and administration of people and other resources of both the state and the nation
  • that they can playing the political game and emerge winners instead of losers
  • that they know when to zip up and when to speak

Leadership is an art that needs a certain style and ineffable qualities that set people from others to justify them being in that select position. Without the necessity of ordinary citizens voicing their discontent, our political leaders should have an intuitive manner and a clear conscience to know that what they are doing is good not just for themselves or their party, but for the collective good of the nation.

It is truly very saddening to see what is happening in our midst. We see one faction vs another, one party versus another and then they retaliate and launch another onslaught as one plot is revealed after another and the many plots being unraveled thicken and breed sub-plots. Gosh! When will the season of madness end? Have people no sense of decency?

I believe many leaders should go to a quiet place and do serious soul-searching and ask themselves whether they are playing wholesome roles as leaders. Are they true to their calling to lead the people who elected them? Or are they leading us down the path of destruction while they attain self-glorification?

Some soul searching questions that leaders should ask themselves are listed below. In fact, we should ask our leaders these questions too, bearing in mind the element of accountability, since we are the ones who elected them to office.

1. Do our leaders display the mark of personal integrity as leaders whom we can HONESTLY trust and admire?

2. Do our leaders display personal courage and have the guts to stand up to bullies and negative forces for what is good and right, to protect the rakyat?

3. Are our leaders consistent when talking from a podium and when talking at the grass root level?

4. Can our leaders intelligently and responsibly debate issues of concern to the rakyat with intellectual rigor, honestly and consistently with arguments and reasons to support their premises? Do they prepare themselves for Parliament and do they keep tabs on what is happening in their constituency?

5. Can we see mental strength and stamina in our leaders and do they have the ability to bounce back from every challenge with more resolve to work even harder and wiser for better results?

6. Do our leaders crack under pressure?

7. Do our leaders maintain their personal dignity and teamwork when under trying circumstances?

8. When in battle, do our leaders exude a calm and sound demeanour to direct energies and people in the right direction?

This post is truncated. Click the next link to read more.

9. How many of our leaders possess charisma and star attributes to have that extra something that can make people listen to them and act on their advice or do we have leaders that turn us off so much by their arrogance, indifference, and warped unfair discriminatory tendencies?

10. Do our leaders have intuitive abilities to read the writing on the wall and to have enough confidence to trust those vibes and take the necessary action to protect the rakyat and the nation? Or do we have leaders that only read their own agenda?

11. Do our leaders have the people mentality and put the rakyat first to attend to their needs not just in a catastrophe or during elections but attend to them because they care and they want to help?

12.Can we honestly say that we have wise leaders who are able to weighing multiple and subjective viewpoints when making decisions and charting courses instead of those who go only ONE way - either their own way or the way of their cronies?

13. Can our leaders hold their head up high to building powerful oratorical skills to influence others positively instead of projecting themselves?

14. Undoubtedly, we need leaders who possess creative problem-solving skills and can think out of the box to produced innovative means of resolving conflicts, conundrums, paradox and the unknown such as what we see before us today.

We desperately need leaders who can take the current level of leadership to the next level. The political arena is often untidy, unpredictable, challenging and ever-changing, yet exciting and satisfying, only if they know the way to go.

Malaysia needs leaders who are brave explorers who dare to tread in no man's land because of the rakyat and to be a nuanced orchestrator without inciting people's anger and yet to be a wise and daring catalyst who can cleverly synthesize his ideas with the best of existing ones without rocking the boat too much.

Most of all, I believe that the mark of a true leader is one who is a gentle, caring human being and a holistic renaissance person. And why so? It is because a genuine leader is dynamic and an ever-expanding self, growing and learning, so that he can better serve the rakyat and the nation - his true calling. And so, the true leader is a work of art in motion, moving in tandem with people around him to meet a common objective as spelled out in their election speeches - we need leaders who live out their promises and not just serve us empty promises every now and then to make us happy or to distract us from seeing the reality as it is.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said that "Life's most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?"

What are our leaders doing for us? I believe just as employees go for appraisal, the rakyat needs to appraise our elected representatives in black and white so that they will seriously toe the line and remember that they are serving the rakyat and not the other way round. How many around us have the mark of true leadership?


  1. says:

    Monyet King Both sides (BN or Pakatan) sorely lack leaders. People need to learn that just by standing in an election - doesn't make them leaders.

    But then again, the Malaysian public deserves the "leaders" it gets. This is the price to pay for years of apathy.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Dr. Bala

    I agree with you which is why I have been advocating the rise of the third force to keep both coalitions in check.

    Malaysians just have to wake up and be more responsible in who they vote for and take a more active role in civil society to ensure these elected representatives toe the line and really serve the people.

    The greatest enemy can sometimes be ourselves...

  1. says:

    Nameless Fool I've been thinking, leaders need not always be a 'he'... right?

    A pretty face is always welcome, but I remember a quotation: a woman has to do twice as much as a man to appear half as good as one. I think it was somewhere among your quotation posts. :)
    And women have always been more social than men. Maybe if ladies rule, more of us would be influenced to resort to dialogue rather than displays of anger.

    Thing is, women face a lot of discrimination, like in Parliament, and is the minister in charge doing anything about it...?
    Who am I kidding?

    Ah! I kept talking about this but I don't see myself as much of a leader - unless it's like in Globalization class when a friend of mine 'booked' me for leader in a team project. She knows I'm a nerrrd.

    Oh well. Time passes. If our current leaders are not good enough we'll wait for the next ones to turn up and see if they won't be as idiotic as the former ones. Or better yet, create our own leaders today so tomorrow will see them bear fruits of today's investment! xD

    Seeya round, Kak. Hugs and g'night.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nerdcore

    Right on...I am no feminist but I do believe that women should be given the chance to some level of leadership. Because of natural maternal instincts, unless they are single or older, it would be very difficult to juggle career with family. Something has to go somehow...and usually the kids have to pay the price...Sorry if I sound so ultra-traditional :-). Most unexpected, right? :-)

    My dear, you remembered correctly. Women have to contend with all kinds of discrimination and gender stereotypes which do not work for their betterment.

    At the same time,despite being a woman, I have to concede that if women tend to be more problematic than men LOL!!! Ooops! I may get brickbats from the ladies.

    Ok. If I had a choice, I would rather be a man than a woman!!!

    Seriously, I told you before that you should prepare yourself to stand for elections one day!

    And I mean it!

    Young people must prepare themselves for leadership now so that they can be the leaders tomorrow...and you must be one of them!

    Take care sweetheart. Have a good rest!

    Hugs and salam...

  1. says:

    stephen Hi MWS, interesting post.I guess most politicians would have most of the qualities of a leader at least or they wouldn't have been elected ahead of the others.What some lack are the other skills like being a team player and personal attributes like integrity and honesty that make a true good leader.

    As for women leaders,I guess there is some truth in the maternal touch but then again this does not hold out when we look at women leaders of the past and present.They still exhibit the same attributes as men in their decision making process and they make the same blunders and mistakes.
    My take is that for women who aspire to lead,they must have the same qualities as their male counterparts to fend off their rivals to get to the top.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Stephen

    Thanks for your kind and balanced comments. It appears to me that some may not have the right leadership qualities but were thrown into the position as a gap-filling measure and therein could be the source of many problems.

    I appreciate your very progressive take on women leaders which is most heartening indeed. Indeed, women have to work harder than men to get to the top because they have to work against ingrained prejudices and discriminatory practices.

    Take care and have a lovely day.


  1. says:

    stephen OK MWS, a question. A leader leads from the front to face the foe head on knowing he risks losing his life as he believes in leading by example and also to boost morale.

    Is he a better leader than a one who leads from the rear because he believes that it is essential to stay alive to guide his troops in battle and in essence ,reduce the number of casualties?

    So what is a true leader? Leadership style or leadership qualities with essential skills?

  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    I personal think that we do have good leaders out there but they are unwilling to associated themselves with our current political parties (both BN and the opposition).

    The question is why? Well, if we take a good look at our existing political parties and politics, we would realized that those parties are crammed with the usual egoistic, greedy, selfish and remora (rent seeker) type of leaders and members. Most of them are looking for personal and material gains and that realization would definitely scares the level headed and genuine "people leaders"!

    Unless and until our political parties especially our "opposition" (a bias of mine)start discarding this "material greed and selfish" image, they will never attract good and quality people. People who really have the people at heart (our politics and politician are well known as being the dirties lot, any decent human being will definitely be scared of joining them and be tainted or worse "transformed" into a dirty being themselves).

    But then again, we will be stuck in a catch 22 situation isn't it? Just like a fresh graduate unable to get a job because he/she has no experience. But to get the experience they need to get a job! It's a vicious circle.

    I think what we really need is a solution to break this vicious cycle. A platform for independent candidate/leaders, maybe? Say a leader of local community or NGO (this one is dubious cos most of the NGO are really backed by UMNO and BN. They know that local community leaders and NGO are potential wild cards in politic and that's why they always insinuate themselves in the community group and NGOs)pushed forward as political leaders and we the people will promote these leaders through our free media, the web (blogs, twitter, facebooks etc).

    It would be a virtual organization/platform (circumvent the need to register with ROS!) A special site created for an independent minded politician wannabe to register/sign up, post their political aspiration and belief as well as offering themselves as potential candidate. And we the people would evaluate and scrutinize them (through twitter or facebook and blogs) by getting personal detail, leadership records put up by their own community and friends and colleagues or the public could even provide facts or evidences on those they personally think are non genuine leaders or unsuitable (so we can verify their authenticity of independence and not a plant by UMNO and BN or any other political party)

    A third force so to speak but independent of any existing parties with informal nod by the local community and nonaligned voters. Maybe with the establishment of such platform (after detail scrutiny by the public of the candidate's quality and leadership records, of course) such high quality leaders would be encourage to join the fray (reveal themselves).

    Well, that's my opinion/idea anyway. Hope something can be done to solve the "idiots, frogs and invertebrates" leader problem of ours.

    GOD bless, have a pleasant week and a wonderful CNY!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Stephen

    You have given me a very tough question indeed. Hmm....

    If he leads from the front to keep up appearances, it would be pointless as the troops would ultimately be led to disaster because of the lack of strategy, skills and foresight.

    Yet, if he leads from the rear but lacks the charisma and leadership style even if he has the skill, his troops might not submit to him.

    I would say it depends on the situation for both are important :-).

    What about you? How do you feel? Perhaps guys might view it differently :-).


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    True. Politics is a very dirty game and only those with genuine calling or enough conviction of a variety of reasons would venture into this playing field.

    Evil begets evil. So if there are evil leaders, naturally they would attract the same sort and together they would build their respective fiefs all for the sake of self-glorification and other intentions.

    So how in the world would good people want to venture to be leaders?

    I believe in the third force. Always have and always will. Without the third force, both sides of the divide will have the tendency to be complacent or to continue their domination....

    I am certain that with all the dissatisfaction and frustration in the air, people will step forward to be part of civil society instead of blindly leaving everything in the hands of elected leaders.

    What do you think? I agree with your suggestion re public scrutiny of potential candidates.

    I would suggest appraisal of elected reps too on a regular basis. For too long, many think their status and position is a right and not a service to the people. Sighs....

    And now with the Federal Court decision, what can we do?


    Take care and have a good day in the midst of the gloomy announcement.


  1. says:

    semuanya OK kot Today, because of the havoc created by our vicious, smallminded and clueless SERVANTS running loose, the average person faces hinderances, danger, injustice, insults and disappointments at every turn.

  1. says:

    Anonymous A leader with all the qualities that you had outlined is not a leader but someone who had followed some canned formulas that others had thought of as "good leadership."

    I remember some years ago while I was still gainfully employed (now I am a loafer ;-)) my organisation subscribed to shell's leadership criteria. My head of dept was so eager to please that he tried so hard to fulfill the requirement of such canned formula. I was laughing uncontrollably when he tried to give the impression that he had "helicopter view" by analysing the problems of our educational system.

    Leaders often have a unique personality and we seldom if ever able to pinpoint their qualities. If you can they are not real leaders but good managers.

    Leaders create around them a sphere of influence that often emanate from the very core of their being. They are able to attract to themselves those who resonates with their basic make up.

    In this regard a leader who is corrupt will be able to attract to themselves people who are inclined towards corruption.

    A leader influence events more than direct events. This does not mean that they do not direct or modulate events.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Semuanya OK kot

    I am sorry I did not respond to your comment until now because I amtoo upset over many issues in our country, the latest being this report HERE.

    What will happen to this country and to the rest of us?


    Would appreciate your learned input.


    Take care and have a good evening.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon,

    Thanks for your candid comment which I appreciate very much. It is always good to receive views that differ from mine so that I can learn more.

    I am also a loafer by the old one too.

    Actually, I know what you are trying to say and do agree with you. The purpose of this post was to highlight certain qualities that some leaders in the political arena may not seem to possess and to ensure that the electorate think carefully before they next choose their reps.

    I did mention what you highlighted in your last three paragraphs with reference to #9, # 12 and # 14. Certainly corrupt ones will attract the corrupt who will happily gravitate towards them for the same objective.

    Leadership is dynamic and I agree we cannot box them with definitions but I wrote it this way for the purpose I mentioned earlier.

    It is a pleasure to have you grace my blog. I hope to hear your input again. Do keep in touch.

    Have a pleasant evening.


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