Posted by Unknown On Thursday, February 11, 2010 41 comments
In the faraway kingdom of Dreamsville, lived a Vizier named Marauder whose favorite leisure pursuit was excavating for booger and trimming his curly moustache. He had a strange fixation on noses and oft wondered if people would be better off using a nasal tone or speaking through their noses. Some of his subjects cringed when he approached them for his uncomely nose-digging habit sometimes extended to examining their noses and even that of their pet dogs!!!!

Employed by his Lordship to spread malaise, he delighted in numbing his subjects into stupor at the wonder of his supposed intelligence. In reality, his listeners were stumped into silence at the stupidity and ludicrousness of his tales and myths.

The irony of it all was that there were actually people who enjoyed listening to his balderdash and believed the yarn he spun from dawn till dusk.

Walking into the court one day, he heard the other Viziers complaining about how their fiefdom was being bypassed by travellers from other fiefs.

"What utter nonsense are you garbling?" said Marauder as he picked his nose, distorted it unrecognizably and then pulled out a bountiful harvest and promptly rolled it into a nugget for all to see.

"Now this, my loyal subjects, is the ULTIMATE in life - enjoying the little pleasures that life can give you," he sniggered while flicking his harvested booger away in the direction of his dog who happily jumped up to catch it in its mouth and then licked his face, slurping noisily.

"Come on, you morons! Why worry? We are self-sufficient. Take a look at the fields yonder. Can't you see those simpletons who slave for us just because we told them that in time, we will give them their own fields? Idiots. They should go back to where they came from. Anyway, we have enough crops to feed the people of this land. Everyone is happy. Don't worry, be happy!" he spoke authoritatively as he strutted across the court to examine the nose of one of his soldiers.

"But, Your Excellency," said one of the junior Viziers, "I fear the other fiefs around us will surpass us in produce of the land because they are working very hard and getting the best workers from our land to till their fields."

"Let them go. If they think the grass is greener on the other side, good riddance to bad rubbish!" said Vizier Marauder with much nonchalance.

"Look here, young man," he continued."Dreamsvillians are happy. You get it? H-A-P-P-Y! You dimwits. Listen to me. There’s no major catastrophe in Dreamsville. By Jove, our national past-time is dreaming! And it's free! There's no quarrel, no feud, no impending war so what's your problem? The others are just jealous of our progress. Come on - GET REAL!"

"Why don't the rest of you just go back and get a good nostril haircut? You are talking through your noses and not making sense."

"I am very happy where I am and you can ask our neighbouring fiefdoms to visit Dreamsville and let them eat their hearts out when they see us doing our national past-time - DREAMING. I am going to sleep now, if you don't mind. Call me only when there is a real problem! Remember- I do not want to be disturbed."

And so Dreamsvillians continued to rot as they all pretended to live in the throes of happiness when in actual fact, they were rotting in the pits of ultimate denial!

Did the neighbouring fiefdoms overtake them? You bet!

Wiggle Nose Dogs Pictures, Images and Photos

Do leave a comment if you wish. Thanks! If you are driving home for the CNY, please drive safely! Gong Xi Fa Cai to all Chinese blog readers and friends.


  1. says:

    JournoDownUnder Dear MWS,
    What a witty and cunning story. You should consider writing fiction for a change, you know, something in the veins of Tales from the Crypt. That dog looks cute, though booger-less. Is it yours? I prefer comely sheep and goats myself.

  1. says:

    LC Teh good story... sounds just like a contry we know.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi JournoDownUnder

    Thanks so much for the encouragement. The despondency in the air is most depressing and I thought some lighthearted satire should dispel the gloom a bit.

    I love writing fiction and have done a bit here. Wonder if you caught my Isle of Madness satirical piece which i posted on February 6th called Madness reigns in Pulau GIla...Check it out if you have time.

    Haha - I love your suggestion and will try to work on it. Actually, I did a piece on Nose Digging last year called Dig, Pick, Roll and Flick :-).

    No, the dog is not mine. I have yet to get over the death of my last dog - blogged about it in my review of Marley and Me last year :-(. I am such a hopeless sentimental old lady :-(.

    I love sheep - they are so gentle. Absolutely fearful of goats!!! Take care and thanks for swinging by.


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Lian Chye

    :-) *grins widely* Thanks so much for the encouragement. You are a good writer too! Take care and keep in touch.

    Gong Xi Fa Cai!


  1. says:

    Monyet King Aaarrrgh ... now I have a competitor for animal stories. :)

    Well done, MWS. Clever and to the point.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Dr. Bala

    :-) Many thanks for your kind encouragement. I confess your latest post inspired me to explore animal stories ;-).

    Take care and have a lovely evening.

  1. says:

    Village Boy I really enjoy reading your fantastic (or rather witty) animal stories!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Gong Poh once asked her friend how she gets her husband up in the morning.

    "I put dog biscuits under his pillow," she replied. "Then in the morning, I send send my boxer in to nose them out. It works every time."

  1. says:

    Ckw Are we actually living in a world of denial, total denial?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    Thanks! I am glad you enjoy the satire and humor.Take care and have a lovely weekend.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear CKW,

    I believe it is tragically in a different realm of existence.

    Take care and have a good weekend.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.56pm

    Thanks for sharing! That is a very reliable alarm clock. :-)

    Take care and have a good weekend.


  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    Blogger update says you've posted Jokes for Valentine's Day - but I found this entry instead.
    Anyway, a silly question from an ignorant cat. How do you mine booger from a dog's nose? Perhaps your story should come with illustrations too. purrr....meow!

  1. says:

    stephen MWS,you've laid a masterpiece! I am impressed.Subtle nuances and hints, as good a satire I've read for a while.I would have preferred a name like Mischief though for the main player, but small detail.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Cat-in-Sydney

    I am so sorry!Last night, I scheduled the jokes for auto-posting at 11a.m. today BUT I forgot to change the date and the time and it was posted!

    I only realized ten minutes after that. By then, Feed burner had already burnt the feed so I had to delete the jokes and rescheduled it for the correct day and time.

    My apologies - getting old la!

    Haha! I chose dogs because I could not think of any other animal with big noses. Dr. Bala might come after me if I chose monyets and you might scratch my eyes out if I chose cats!! Pug is missing so I thought it safe to choose dogs!!

    Love your mine booger from a dog's nose.

    Have a lovely weekend!


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Stephen,

    Thanks! Appreciate your kind and encouraging compliment as I know you are a *ahem* tough critic LOL!!

    I wrote it when I was in one of those silly moods when laughter can dispel gloom :-).

    Take care and have a lovely weekend and blessed holiday season.

    Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  1. says:

    Arthur Here's my contribution to the story:

    Meantime the narcissistic Vizier Marauder, who is so concerned about his curly mustache and his two horrible orifices on his pug face, is so damned pissed that someone from a little rocky island just beyond the great wonderland where a huge number of serfs have came earlier, is grandstanding on him by talking through their nostrils, where he thought it was only his sole right to do so. Actually a lot of other citizens are laughing at him for talking through his nostrils, he is talking through his other orifices as well.

    But beware, Marauder is eyeing the post of the Lordship where he is planning, scheming and hatching many a diabolical plot to topple him so that he can proclaim himself to be the sole and rightful heir to the throne. Then he can indulge fully and extravagantly to further trim his moustache and keep digging his nostrils for more of what he thought that his subjects yearn for and craved for, as he is not exactly happy that currently he is second to HIS Lordship and has to listen to HIS Consort – Rooster Maniac the Great and ordered the people of the Land to proclaim her as the Beauty of the Land.

    Marauder is really bored stiff as second in command and only holds the portfolio of teaching the stupid masses of the people, especially to all the serfs who from elsewhere who laid claims to the name of his heavenly Master.

    So Marauder wanted to do a big number on HIS Lordship and this is not the first time he is doing that.

    So Marauder hatched a plan so evil, that Satan even shudders at his scheme, that he co-opted the master of artillery, to unveil and bare all the Lordship past sins to all and sundry, such as missing arrows and wagons.This will not be the end as stories and stories are coming out to educate the people of all the past sins of the current Lordship and the hidden hand of Marauder is seen everywhere.

    Meantime the people of the Land are also fed up with the Lordship for all his stupid rhetoric, where everywhere the Lordship created Thunder but there is no rain for the parched and almost dried Kingdom. And a lot of people of the Land are also fed up with the Marauder, who can only think as far as his spit and his bounty excreta from his pug nose can project, with all his snitching and conniving gang of parasites that are concern with raping the land for its spoils.

    So the people of the Land are not sleeping too. A lot of them are up in arms and are plotting a bigger scheme of overthrowing the current Lordship and the Marauder and his gang of rapists.

    So take heart people of the Land, Marauder may get what he wants but at the end of the day he may be crowned the Lordship when his diabolical Brutus schemes work again to his selfish agenda. But he may be without a Throne for he may find his Kingdom to be on the other side of the river.

  1. says:

    Hafiz b Shukor Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the current infighting in the opposition pact shows that Pakatan Rakyat has failed as a coalition.

    He believes that there will a mass exodus from PR.

    Pakatan leaders, please, please wake up before it is too late!

    We need CHANGE!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Arthur

    Thanks for the clever continuation to my satire...Appreciate the effort you made and the sharp wit and caustic humor.

    Here's wishing you and yours a blessed new year.

    Take care and all the best to you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Saudara Hafiz

    How lovely to hear from you again!

    At the same time, we are all saddened by the impending exodus which is likely to happen.

    Cracks are appearing and soon they will become crevices and then gaps then maybe huge holes which can never be mended again.

    PR leaders had better shape up indeed cos the pressure is both internal and external in nature.

    Take care and have a restful holiday season.

    Thanks for swinging by. Do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Hafiz b Shukor PKR MP Zahrain Hashim has announced that he is quitting the party.

    We aren't the least surprised, are we?

    To this Hopping Frog, we can only wish him good luck!

  1. says:

    Unknown Der Saudara Hafiz

    Expected already...Sighs..And how many more will folow and what will happen next?

    Take care and have a good day!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Drop Anwar charges, Australian MPs tell Malaysia.

    Lucky that these MPs can never possibly be ISA-ed, haha!

  1. says:

    Village Boy Zahrain announced that he has quit PKR with immediate effect. He will become an independent MP but one 'not friendly to BN'.

    Well, it is a sandiwara in the making again! Or, is it all simply an empty show?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous

    How true!!! It is shameful that even foreigners feel convicted to speak up while many keep quiet in our backyard!


    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    Probably they are rehearsing for cadet faire roles in Hollywood, Bollywood or Malaysian woods!

    That is the tragedy being broadcast live!!!

    Take care and have a great weekend despite all these dampening news.


  1. says:

    AntiHopping “Zahrain is no giant of a politician,” said Karpal.

    People with weak life force will eventually lose out.
    They will be forgotten, but will never be forgiven!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear AntiHopping

    Thanks!!! I will be doing a post on that once I finish my chores.

    Take care and have a good day!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Najib said today that he is not surprised by Zahrain Hashim’s resignation from PKR, adding that he has been expecting the Bayan Baru MP to leave the opposition party.

    “We cannot control what happens in the opposition party but we can control ourselves. So let us be a party that is seen as the best and respected by the public,” Najib said.

    Well said, Najib. But, please do some "house-keeping".

    Are you not aware of what is happening in MCA, Gerakan, PPP, etc, etc, etc???

  1. says:

    Anonymous Zaharin may give an outward impression of strength or strut around puffed up with self-importance, but he is in fact weak.

    Actually, he left because he did not dare to face the party’s disciplinary board!

    What a great coward he is!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 1.48 and Anon @ 2 p.m.

    I am doing a post on that now...Pls swing by later.


    Have a good day!


  1. says:

    nick Hi Sis,

    I'm really depressed. It surprised me how the federal court ruling effected me. I'm totally devastated with the ruling. It destroyed all of my belief in rule of law, fair play and justice. UMNO, the evil entity has destroyed everything that's decent and good in Malaysia! I'm mourning the death of democracy, justice and the constitution. Feb 9th made me ashamed to be a Malaysian and especially a Malay. I REALLY HATE THEM! I HATE THEM FOR DESTROYING MALAYSIA! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THEM! NEVER!

    Malaysia is the land of the upside down. We are a nation where a submarine is unable to submerge and jet engines that flies without pilot, wings and body. FANTASTIC(BS)!!!!!!!!!!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    You are not the only one. I am also in the same boat. So are many others.

    For the last 5 years, I have been trying to analyze the situation to try to make sense of the nonsense but the deeper I go, the more s*** I see and the worse it stinks.

    We have to think of sth to do in civil society.

    The problems are so ingrained that it would need a mental revolution to set it right.

    Take heart, Nick. Come to Penang with your family and rest by the beach...berkelah di tepi pantai for your kids, rest, relax, let my family treat you to dinner and we can take a break when your kids play with my boy!

    Cheer up ok? Er...Look who is talking :-(. I am telling myself the same thing.

    Have a good weekend.


  1. says:

    Tak Malu The mention of PKR MP Zahrain Hashim makes me feel sick.
    He should search through his soul and see if there is any conscience left!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tak Malu

    Agree! Your nom de plume of Tak Malu should be given to him. I am 80% done writing a post on him. Do swing by again in a while. Thanks!


  1. says:

    Penangite Zahrain Hashim, the vile hypocrite, who had been trying to use the Pakatan for his own purposes and commit egregious offences should have been dismissed long ago!

    Pakatan should win at all costs!

  1. says:

    Anonymous PKR needs men and women of principle!

  1. says:

    Sharizat Habibi Congratulations to PKR for having rid of Zahrain who has been a "thorn in the flesh". Zahrain's resignation is likened to a "successful removal of a tormenting bad-tooth which keeps decaying and giving bad breath". Yes, thank Allah, the "foul-smelling bad tooth" is finally removed and gone.

    If he ever returns to BN, then I wish BN, Good Luck !!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Penangite,

    I agree!!! At least now PKR and PR are rid of one heavy liability. Check out my latest post on his resignation if you have time.

    Thanks and Gong Xi Fa Cai if you are Chinese and happy holidays if you are not.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 6.02 pm,

    Definitely!!! May the Almighty bring men and women who have integrity, values and principles to serve in the PR component parties.

    Take care and have a pleasant evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Sharizat Habibi

    My appreciation to you for such a mature and sensible reaction to a saddening situation. Do check out my latest post on this topic of his resignation if you have time.

    Thanks for swinging by to share your thoughts. May you have a wonderful weekend.

    Do stay in touch.


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