Posted by Unknown On Friday, February 19, 2010 26 comments
As a mother of two boys, my heart goes out to the loved ones of Teoh Beng Hock, particularly his longtime sweetheart Soh Chor Wei on the day he was supposed to be married on July 17th last year. Malaysian Insider HERE reported about the imminent birth of their baby.

I cannot imagine how life must have been like for Cher Wei during the past six months of her journey to motherhood. I am not going to blog about the possible emotions and trauma she must have gone through because no matter what, we will never be able to imagine the magnitude of her grief, pain, anguish and the saddening journey to motherhood she must be going through.

For those of you who have never gone through the journey to motherhood, please go to THIS LINK and imagine that lonely road Cher Wei travelled and how the foetus developed without hearing the sound of his father's voice reverberating through his mom's stomach.

The last stage of pregnancy is the most difficult. Tears are in my eyes as I type this. I pray TBH's spirit and soul is with Cher Wei as she prepares herself to bring to this world the legacy TBH left behind - his son. I hope that she will have a safe delivery and that TBH will be there with her, holding her hand, enveloping her with his presence and his love and letting her know somehow that he is there with her as she goes through labour pain.

And when the cries of the new born babe are heard in the delivery room, I pray his voice will be like that of TBH. May the baby have his face to remind his dad's perpetrators that they took away his dad's life but he will live to be a wonderful man and uphold the principles that his dad held to honor integrity, honesty and dignity and not to be cowered by intimidation.

When Cher Wei holds the babe in her arms, may she be reminded of the depth of love Teoh Beng Hock had for her....the wonderful times they shared and the unforgettable moments which will always be her source of strength in moments of weakness.

And when she holds him in her arms may she say, "Your father is not here but HE IS A HERO. Remember he died that freedom and truth may live in Malaysia. Grow well, my son, for you are all I have of your dad."

As she prepares herself to walk that lonely road of single motherhood, may people who come into contact with her NOT JUDGE HER OR HER SON. May genuine compassion be in their hearts and eyes and may they may moved to extend to Cher Wei and her son, whatever help they need.

Malaysian Insider reported:

The matter of “Baby Teoh” bearing the father’s name on the birth certificate, however, is still undetermined.

Laws in Malaysia require proof that both parents are married or in a case where a child is born out of wedlock, the father must be physically present, in order for the birth certificate issued to carry the father’s name.

While Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is reported to have personally assured the Teohs and Soh and directed the Attorney-General to help the family last year, it is not the policy of the National Registration Department to register the father’s name for a baby born out of wedlock.

Any delay in giving this innocent baby a birth certificate that bears his parents' names will only prolong Cher Wei's agony and inflame the already heated sentiments of the rakyat with regards to TBH's tragic demise. May sense and sensibility, love and compassion be in the hearts of the authorities concerned and may they give this child what he rightly deserves. As it is, he has been cruelly robbed of his father and will have to live with that for the rest of his life.

May TBH's spirit and soul rest in peace and may justice prevail in his court case. May the Almighty continue to bless TBH's family, Cher Wei and their precious son to be born soon in Johore.

26 comments to TEOH BENG HOCK'S LEGACY

  1. says:

    Anonymous Masterwordsmith, whenever Bolehland's Gomen institutions refuses to do the right thing on the basis of fairness, justice or humane, they always hide behind the excuse of "policy". Much like. as if, all their policies are immutable and divinely ordained and therefore infallible and absolute.

    To the nobodies, the rigidity applies, to the titled big shots, flexibility always appear.

    This applies to many "minor(?)" everyday matters. The lack of responsiveness and proactiveness encourages the form of laziness in governance and the accompanying corruption that we are so familiar with.

    Of course, all bureaucracies everywhere tend towards this sort of situation to a varying degree, but ours are further aggravated by bad policies and established racial discrimination as well as rooted inherent ineptness thrown in.


  1. says:

    QQ The Teoh Beng Hock inquest resumed today with the three pathologists who conducted the second post-mortem disagreeing over the possible cause of death of the political aide.

    What sad news!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear !wits0~

    Thank you very much for your learned and objective perspective of the situation. This malady is bureacracy in the highest degree - probably tops in the world devoid of any iota of compassion, human element but overflowing with so much vile intentions.

    And you are right. Tragically so. :-( in concluding that all their policies are immutable and divinely ordained and therefore infallible and absolute.

    God will be their judge when they meet their Maker.

    Take care and God bless you for your righteous stand for truth, integrity and justice.

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    Indeed it is most saddening! I am following the case online...

    Take care and have a restful weekend.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Village Boy Let's go out into society, out among the people!
    Let's bring people hope so that they can break through the darkness of their suffering!
    Let's aid and assist them, guiding them to human victory!

    Justice for Teoh Beng Hock!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Masterwordsmith, please excuse my occasional running over of 'grandma' caused by the speed of the keystrokes. ;)

    The M'sian Gomen is a VERY HYPOCRITICAL one by way of administration and policies. It borrows plenty from the cultural hubris from the ME and Paki co-religionists and has forsaken its own roots.

    It seems that the more it stresses on showy religiosity and shallow morality, the worse it visibly becomes. No less.

    The more it tries to extol the culture of one favored race by putting down others, the more ludicrous and screwed up everything becomes.

    God has already judged and actively sentencing 'em according to their deeds. We await the economic whammy via the expected double dip world financial crisis.


  1. says:

    Anonymous For a child, a mother's love and care are psychologically indispensable.

  1. says:

    Anonymous What did our Gomen pathologist say?

    He claims no damage thyroid(cartilage) and therefore no strangulation. Why didn't he specify the hyoid bone? Both are next to each other. It's harder to fracture a cartilage.

    From :

    "A common cited injury is fracture of the hyoid bone, actually only found in a minority (no more than one third) of all fatal strangulations." u/q

    and also:

    "The hyoid is the U-shaped bone of the neck that is fractured in one-third of all homicides by strangulation. On this basis, postmortem detection of hyoid fracture is relevant to the diagnosis of strangulation. However, since many cases lack a hyoid fracture, the absence of this finding does not exclude strangulation as a cause of death."

    DUH! He's a fudging DUD.


  1. says:

    Selvi My memory of my beloved father is that he was a man of few words who nonetheless managed to express his great affection for us.

    I can still feel his compassion-filled voice reverberating within me. It encourages me to do the right thing and it helps me determine what is right or wrong.

    The words that I recall are not extraordinary. Notwithstanding, his words are engraved in my heart and I have never forgotten them.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    That is what I hope to do here - to reach out to netizens and to remind them that there is so much work to be done. We have to work and walk together for common goals, one of which is surely JUSTICE FOR TEOH BENG HOCK!

    Take care and God bless you! Have a productive day!

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    No worries at all!

    Hollow religiosity and noisy clanging cymbals of moral righteousness serve to undermine whatever holyintentions they have proclaimed from their godly smiles!

    And you are so right, the harder they try, they heavier they fall!

    It is saddening that they cannot see the log in their own eyes but make a big hoo-ha over the speck in their brothers' eyes!

    They will meet their lot in due time...


    Take care and thanks for sharing!

    Have a great day.

  1. says:

    ahoo How apt for these sentences to be written as per your take on TBH's:

    We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.

    We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope.
    (lifted from comments by flyer 168)

    Life offers no guarantee,.... just choices; no certainty,.... but consequences; no preditable outcomes,.... just the privilege of pursuit. (Tim Conner)

    May Mdm Soh Chor Wei be blessed with all that her heart desire for both herself and the baby.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 3.15 pm

    You are so right!!! But fathers are also important as well!!

    God bless you and yours.

    Take care and have a good day!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Just because he is neuron-challenged in his spins does not mean the rest of us are as well! Some people can exude such a vile and toxic air about them that it makes puking almost a natural ability!


    Thanks for the update!

    Take care and have a great day!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Selvi

    You are so blessed to have a good father. Reading what you have shared here makes my heart ache more for the soon-to-be-borne babe of TBH and SCW.

    May you continue to live the legacy that your father gave you and may your children carry on that legacy to subsequent generations.

    God bless you, Selvi!

    Have a lovely weekend with your loved ones.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    My thanks to you for sharing such awe-inspiring words.

    Thank you also for your compassion and prayer for Mdm Sor Chee Wei and her baby.

    God bless your kind and considerate heart and may you continue to bless others like me with your words that build.

    Take care and have a great day.

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    Earlybird I,m a man who is in the autumn of his years.My own father died many years ago ...and I still miss him dreadfully.There is never a day that my mind does not relive some moment we spent together.
    For a son to have no father,nobody to teach him to fly a kite,to take him to his first football game,to buy him his first beer,is a tradgedy.
    Justice for TBH...and his son.

  1. says:

    Kenneth The verdict will be death by suicide, or cause unknown and nobody will face the music for it, not even the scapegoats.

    This is Bolehland!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Earlybird,

    Thank you for your very sincere and moving comment. What you have shared was straight from the heart of one who has known, enjoyed and grown in his father's love and it is a tragedy that TBH's son will not be able to experience this dimension of life.

    My mother died 37 years ago and I still miss her everyday. Daughters are closer to mothers. I still miss my dad who passed on 21/2 years ago and I miss him dreadfully too.

    Sighs. This has been such a tragedy and a situation which should never have happened in the first place.

    May JUSTICE prevail for TBH and his son and may God bring to justice the perpetrators who brought such a tragic end to his life.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Kenneth

    Sighs. I had to say it but you are probably right, judging from the way things are going....

    May God convict the hearts of those in positions of authority to let justice prevail.

    Take care! Lovely to hear from you again.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    edward Dear MWS,

    The people who are in charge and who can make a difference (you know them)do not have the MORAL courage to do what is right. They don't seek after the truth and certainly do not honour what truth stands for. We have very few men of substance and honour in our institutions.


  1. says:

    Justice Let not the rakyat be led astray by corrupt influences!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Edward

    Moral courage - a rare commodity

    Men of courage and valor who could make a difference to truth and justice must explain to their Maker why they chose otherwise.

    To top it all, the meaning of honor and integrity has become a relative one instead of absolute.

    We are living in eschatological times and must be on our knees even more to stand in the gap for divine intervention.

    Take care and may God bless you and yours.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Justice

    Well spoken!! We have to stand firm and steadfast on high moral ground.

    Take care and thanks for sharing your views.

    God bless you and yours always.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Excerpted comments from Susan Loone's blog: http://fwd4.me/GIT

    February 19, 2010 at 8:26 pm | #38


    The frequency of throat-skeleton fractures was investigated in a series of 30 unselected cases of strangulation. Less than half of the victims showed fractures.

    That better donkey Dr Shahidan will be replacing Health Minister [who is also a donkey]

    February 19, 2010 at 8:49 pm | #39

    Bolehland’s logic baru(or isn’t it barua?):

    No fracture of THB’s throat skeleton complex = NO aspyxia occurred.

    No tear in Saifull’s anal wall = still GOT sodomy.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    My thanks to you for the quotations and for showing the differences in the way there is evidence or the lack of it.

    It puzzles me as to how such subjectivity over objective evidence can still exist in this day and age.

    Take care and have a lovely weekend.

    Best wishes

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