Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, February 9, 2010 14 comments
It is a very sad day in Malaysia for many of us. I have not been able to write anything today. The result was as I expected although the dreamer in me was hoping otherwise. I am so sorry for this delayed response because I honestly do not know how to feel anymore. I know many of you had been swinging by to my blog to check on updates and are probably wondering why I have been silent.

Honestly, I do not know what to say.

I do not know how to react.

Anger? What's the point?

Disappointment? I expected it.

Disbelief? Oh yea - we had better brace ourselves for the worst is yet to come.

Hope? Can there be hope when the path and destination is known even before the journey started?

Can there be genuine democracy in Malaysia?

Democracy can be effective only if power is vested in the people. But what happens when that power is taken from people in strange ways that the natural mind cannot accept? Democracy does not emerge simply from an interest in universal suffrage and the redistribution of wealth. It emerges from a struggle for democratic freedoms that go far beyond the right to vote.

Throughout most of human history, despotism and autocracy have prevailed. This was not simply because elites were able to repress the masses. The fact is plain and simple for all of us to behold in stupor. Citizens lack the resources and organizational skills needed to seize democratic institutions, and obtaining democracy has not been their top priority - not when so many have been apathetic and don't vote, have never voted, will not vote or have not registered to vote. Still, how many gave their support in tangible terms to the situation throughout the painful journey?

The writing is on the wall. Unless people realize their role in democratization, we are doomed.

People, it is time to empower ourselves, to be part of civil society.

We cry today but we will soldier on tomorrow for a better nation that is yours and mine.

Do leave a comment if you wish to share your thoughts and views.Take care and keep up the good fight. Have a restful evening.

14 comments to WHAT CAN I SAY?

  1. says:

    Anonymous sigh...sigh...SIGH !!

  1. says:

    jeffrey As a Perakian, i expected the outcome...just can't wait for GE13 to reinstate the RIGHTFUL government!!!!!

  1. says:

    Anonymous How can you mend a broken HOPE !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Uncle Chin



  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Jeffrey

    I believe most of us expected the outcome. Let's just pray that the next time round, the people's voices will be louder and will be respected!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 7.17pm

    Hope and our spirits can never be broken...hearts and feelings yes...we will prevail!!

    This is but a mourning period with the hope that somehow, joy will follow...

  1. says:

    InjusticeSistem Come next time ard, the result will be DA SAME. Why is it da same? Well...it is da same bcos :-
    1) da candidates will be da same rotten candidates.PKR r made up of UMNO rejects who couldnt cari makan over der bcos of long queue up da ladder, therefore it is best to contest under PKR banner, win and then jump back to BN. Imagine u r junior exec in Maybank, go to Bank Pertanian bcome manager, den Maybank poach u back n offer u senior manager post, wow, no need work and wait 15 yrs for tat promotion.
    2) da voters will be da same racist cock eye voters. To those bumi voters, they will choose PKR over UMNO, but it will be very difficult for them to choose DAP over UMNO. Bcos to them DAP is da evil so call chinese communist party who is going to take away their NEP/AP/Felda/Uitm.
    So at the end of da day, in a majority bumi constituents, PKR(UMNO rejects) candidates will get to contest,and we all know what happens after PKR candidates win....of cos we also hv 1 frog from DAP call Hee....well....i guess DAP are also made up of rejects from MCA....sigh....

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Injustice System

    Spot on!!! That is why i have always advocated a civil society and a third force to ensure both sides of the divide toe the line. I am not saying they should stand for election - No! That will split the votes but the third force must be a check and balance system lest both sides become complacent and rot away!

    Take care and be part of that third force cos you have sharp thinking skills and we need that so much in Malaysia now.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous After all that has happenned..some here are still in wonderland...what makes you think there will be a GE13......dream on......

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.29pm

    Now, I say to you today my friend, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the Malaysian dream.

    I have a dream that one day this nation will RISE UP and live out the true meaning of the fact that all men are created equal and that with democracy, there will be elections where we can elect our representatives to serve us.

    They may not be perfect just as we are not.

    Dreams cost nothing.

    But with dreams, man can move mountains....and regain vision for this nation.

    I will dream for that day no matter how dark it is.

    I mourn today but tomorrow is a new day and I will soldier on. I will continue to cherish that dream and believe that things can only get worse before they get better.

    At least it is better than surrendering to the rot and rotting away with cadavers in human form who have no vision, no hope, no dream, no conscience but only greed and injustice.

    Such is the mystery of life.

    God bless you.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    semuanya OK kot After the constitutional crisis relating to royalty (not sure first or second), Aliran asked who would now control our politicians. So there is some irony here.

    For further perspective, note that after standing for 9 years, a FC ruling implying you cannot recover real estate stolen from you has just been reversed.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Semuanya OK Kot

    The current scenario is certainly very worrying. It only highlights the simple fact that PR need to be on guard at all times in all circumstances and need a stronger strategy to protect their ground.

    At the same time, citizens must really continue to do their part to establish a civil society.

    Do you have any suggestions as to how we can have some damage control or at least to develop stronger walls of defence?

    I always appreciate your learned views and thoughts and hope to hear from you again.

    Take care and thanks for sharing your observations. Have a good day.


  1. says:

    Arthur Democracy is retrograding fast in Malaysia under the current PM, where finally he has administered the coup de grace on taking back power in the Silver State. But this is not a genuine victory where the victors are lauded for their bravery, honesty and moral courage and the victory does not only belongs to the victors per se but to the rakyat and to the State.

    This is a hollow victory where some resort to all sorts of chicanery, cloak and dagger side shows, political horse trading, immoral means of deflection and three two jumping frogs.

    Now all these are water under the bridge. Nizar has to bite the bullet and move on with his troops so that he lives to fight another day.

    But if we are to look at it objectively it may be a blessing in disguise to lose this battle. Firstly, most of us would have gathered from the ominous political clouds that have been playing out for the past few months that this is a foregone conclusion.

    If Nizar wins he will have an uphill battle to fend off marauding and ferocious attacks by BN agent provocateurs or the power themselves in the administering of the State. Just look at the MB of Selangor or the CM of Penang and the various racial, political and social upheavals that happened over the last 10 months. It does not take a rocket scientist to deduce who is manipulating all these destabilizing and debilitating events that rupture the peace and harmony of the State.

    Nizar may watch his back, guard his flanks and protect his front patch carefully but he has got a job to do and that means he must stick his neck out. He may trip and fall hard over the next two years if some catastrophic events, engineer or otherwise, will to happen and PR handles it badly. BN will make a big banquet meal out of it and PR will perhaps lose precious votes and Assembly Seats in the next GE.

    PR is still nascent and inexperience in the whole gamut in the administration of the state as well as to play politics with the Federal Government. A number of ADUNs are still wet behind their ears having being elected in the last election not because of their track record of serving the rakyat but more so to spike BN by the rakyat. Moreover, Nizar has incurred the wrath of the Sultan and it will make his administration untenable without the tacit and the whole hearted support of the Silver Sultanate.

    Now, Nizar, go and do a peaceful and tactical retreat. Brainstorm with your troops, without any blamestorming, on your next battle and war plan, see the bigger picture, understand the nature of the forest as well as the terrain of the trees, shrubs and the geological outlay, go and weed out the would-be greedy and incompetent ADUNs who may be thinking of doing another HJF to gain huge monetary gains that lasts them many life times, ensure your troops are squeaky clean, tell them to serve the rakyat, ingrain in them a spirit of esprit de corps among the different ADUN members of the coalition and engage the rakyat in whatever your team plans to do.

    Remember that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Arthur

    What an awe-inspiring comment you have shared with us this evening! My deepest appreciation...

    It is such a brilliant comment that I hope you do not mind if I post it as a separate post.

    A fantastic comment like yours dotted with wisdom and insight all the way deserves wider readership.

    Thanks so much for sharing this, Arthur. Take care and have a good rest!


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