Posted by Unknown On Monday, March 15, 2010 28 comments
This morning, I came across an article in Malaysiakini called Agong: Lies, distortion in new media so I thought I'd repost an updated version of this essay on freedom of speech which I wrote in 2008. I sincerely hope that Malaysians will still enjoy freedom of speech and that we will speak, write and even think with decorum and with respect one for another. At the same time, I hope the authorities concerned will be fair in zeroing in on culprits fairly without showing favor for any party for there have been many cases where one particular MSM made many questionable remarks but yet nothing happened to them. In other cases, for one article alone, a few MSM were given show-cause letters. Above all, may the Almighty impress upon all quarters concerned, a deep sense of honor, justice, integrity, accountability and transparency from hearts that are in touch with their conscience that the rakyat may continue to look up to them as public institutions of good repute. Do leave a comment to share your thoughts or views. Thanks. Have a lovely day!



Freedom is one of the most precious possessions that we can have. For centuries, men have fought and died for freedom and this is still continuing today. As we all know, there are many in the world who have sacrificed comfort in life and freedom as a result of expressing what is in their hearts.

Freedom of speech refers to the right of the individual to express his views about matters of interest to him/her whilst freedom of the press would refer to the freedom of written word in printed form and that BOTH refer to the freedom of THOUGHT and are the outward expressions of our THOUGHTS.

George Orwell in Nineteen Eighty-Four depicts a society where freedom of speech is denied and he argues there as to whether thought is possible without any external stimuli. (For more, CLICK HERE) The long and short of it is that distortion of facts, limiting areas of thought and expression, not only stagnates but destroys the human mind, creativity, potential and retards the development of relationship between man with himself and man with others!!!

Freedom of speech is not the freedom to hurt or harm others. Yet, some in our society who do the latter most insidiously, using others to hurt others be it in the political arena or in society. Personally, I strongly advocate that freedom should stem from a full, creative life which is satisfying for ourselves and can lead to the betterment and growth of society.

The ability to think and to speak are the two abilities that distinguish us from lower life forms. Thus, to me, the denial of these two basic freedoms is a DENIAL OF MAN’S HUMANITY!!! As long as conditions are repressive, thought processes cannot function normally.

A society that muzzles the press and the freedom of opinion may be equated with one that forbids THINKING and in doing so, will pave the way for it to stagnate. There is more to life than physical comfort and the possession of luxury items or non-essential comforts of life. Throughout the ages, man has fought and died for freedom. Like what I mentioned before, freedom of speech is fundamental to the functioning of democracy.

I opine that such types of freedom enable men to make life creative, progressive and meaningful. Stop. Think. Are we at that stage in Malaysia? Think hard.

We must remind ourselves that unfettered freedom is a chimera and can be a danger to the established order and the economic well-being of the country.

Freedom of the press (and the new media) must be used to bring to the fore the views of the public (and not that of the individual), whether they are critical of, or in support of the government; and it can even be a bulwark against government excesses.

Intelligent opinions and constructive criticisms should not be smothered, for such suppression can create a groundswell that is inimical to the government. The MSM and new media must always remember that views that are inimical to the state, if given free scope, can spell disaster e.g. sowing the seeds of discord. All must write responsibly and if they did not, they must apologize or be brought to task. The authorities concerned must always act fairly and consistently to continue to have credibility in the eyes of the rakyat.

History shows that in countries where restrictions were placed on such freedoms, the dictatorial regimes fell. This happened in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc. where the rulers insulated themselves against political criticism and this led to their death or downfall.

The people in East Berlin courted arrest in order to preserve those forms of freedom discussed here. Deep thinkers who have freshness of thought and expression, incisive writing, fearlessness, a drive to seek justice etc. would find it absolutely suffocating to be limited by any restrictions. More important than bread or economic well-being is the freedom by which man wants to live.

Click HERE to see the 2009 Worldwide Press Freedom Ranking Index for Malaysia.

I dream of a Malaysia where we have an enlightened government that allows freedom in communication, criticism (with decorum), change and growth and that the government will always remember that by restricting such freedoms to avoid criticism to preserve a static condition, they are actually sowing the seeds for ultimate destruction!!!

To live without freedom is to live in fetters. One’s personality should not be lost in an attempt by certain characters to force one to be subservient to a system or a person. Yet, freedom, when not misused, is a boon.

With freedom, comes responsibility - responsibility in reporting, blogging, speaking and expressing our thoughts. So, the betterment of society depends on the right exercise of freedom which should not be taken away from us in any guise, rhetoric or policy.

It is my hope that the government, together with the rest of society will nourish our freedom of speech that should be exercised wisely while honoring democratic principles and respect for one another. We cannot expect to agree on everything but let us choose to agree on core values and morals including a hatred for corruption and a love for honesty, integrity, moral values, justice, fairness etc. Let us cherish and honor freedom of speech which must not be misused or abused in any way. Let us use it to spread hope, goodwill and bring to light things which must be made known in order that we can have a better society.

Thanks for reading. Do leave a comment if you wish to share your thoughts and views. Thanks. Have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Boleh Man The ultimate victory is winning over ourselves. Nothing meaningful can be achieved without a struggle!

  1. says:

    Kampung Girl If Utusan Melayu, the New Straits Times and the Star continue to publish distorted news and comments, it means they have no respect for the Agong!

  1. says:

    Apa Nama Let's speak without fear or favour.
    Let's protect the brave ones who speak out for truth and justice.

  1. says:

    Jack2 "The betterment of society depends on the right exercise of freedom which should not be taken away from us in any guise, rhetoric or policy."

    Very well said!

  1. says:

    Anonymous How about the lies and distortion in news media re the deaths of those in police custody like Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan and many others?

    How about the many lies spewed continuously by Utusan Melayu, NST, Star, RTM, TV3 and TV7?

    Shouldn't stern action be taken against those who spread lies or mix lies with the truth?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Boleh Man

    We have to strive to meet our aims and to see our effort materialize in the achievements and success of our struggle. In all things, we must observe moderation, discipline and justice. May God help and guide us.

    Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Kampung Girl

    It is up to the authorities concerned to take the necessary action against those who have overstepped the boundaries.

    SO the ball is in their court.

    Take care and God bless you!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Apa Nama

    Very true. However, it is not so easy to protect the ones who speak out for truth and justice...As such, all have to speak wisely.

    Take care and God bless you for your stand on truth and justice.

    Have a lovely evening.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Jack2

    Thanks for your kind and validating comment. Take care and have a lovely evening.

    God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 5.31pm

    Thank you for your passionate response to this post which certainly jives with many Malaysians.

    I mentioned it in my introduction from the fourth sentence onwards beginning with:

    At the same time, I hope the authorities concerned will be fair in zeroing in on culprits fairly without showing favor for any party for there have been many cases where one particular MSM made many questionable remarks but yet nothing happened to them...

    I sincerely hope the authorities concerned will uphold truth, fairness, justice without fear or favor.

    May God help and guide them and convict their conscience to do what is morally, legally and spiritually right.

    Take care and God bless.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous The people decides what to believe or reject. There is no real need to instruct them on that - this being, now, the 21st Millennium.


  1. says:

    QQ What come may, we must strive exuberantly in the vanguard of our struggle for truth and justice, triumphing over the corrupt and the dark-hearted.

  1. says:

    Penangite One day after denying a newspaper report that Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan has resigned from his post, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein today revealed that the former will indeed be replaced.

    ~~ Malaysiakini

    Well, yet another joker in the making!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Very true. Thanks for the reminder. Sadly, there are those in our midst who fall prey to lies and spins by devious persons. Hopefully, they will see the light soon. Take care.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    How true. It is a constant struggle indeed truth against half-truths, truths against lies but no matter what - we will persevere and be victors one day! Take care and have a lovely evening!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Penangite

    If you want to know the story behind it, check out the thread of comments in Malaysian Insider :-).


    Best wishes

  1. says:

    ahoo All that is worth cherishing in this world begins in the heart, not in the head.

    Let us not be too focussed on today's problems that we put off planning for tomorrow's opportunities. We will ultimately reach the finish line, it is just a matter of time.

    So, let us cherish and honor freedom of speech. Words to live by are just words,..... unless we actually live by them. Fear not !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    I am really touched that you read quite a number of my posts tonight and left comments too! Not only that, I am blessed that your input is carefully thought out and oozes with much God-given wisdom. We need more Malaysians like you!!! Take care and have a lovely rest!

    God bless you and yours always.


  1. says:

    Justice We will not win if we are passive. Those who press forward indomitably to transform the situation will triumph.

    In this respect, you've done a marvellous job. Keep it up!

  1. says:

    Anonymous In this Bolehland, we do have freedom of speech, but not freedom after speech.

    No doubt, there is a constitution which guarantees freedom of speech. Nevertheless, it also allows the government to impose restrictions, and this has led to a litany of laws that severely curb freedom of expression.

  1. says:

    Jelapang Voter Most Malaysians perceive that mainstream media reporting is always in favour of the ruling Barisan Nasional.

    For example, the PKFZ scandal is quite illustrative of the media because the reporting is largely based on government-sanctioned information.

    Actually, the mainstream media should produce more investigative journalism and critical pieces that serve to inform the public of any injustice and untruths.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Justice

    You may never know how deeply I appreciate your kind and encouraging comment. I just want you to know that your input has inspired me to continue doing what I have been doing that all of us may live in a better nation. Take care and many thanks for your validating comment. Have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.45pm

    You have spoken with much insight and wisdom. I like the term you used - freedom after speech. It can certainly be a very high price to pay for freedom of speech and we must exercise it with caution and wisdom. Take care and thanks for the alert. God bless you always.


  1. says:

    Kenneth The issue of freedom of speech will never disappear in Malaysia’s political agenda so long as unreasonable restrictions exist, will it?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Kenneth

    I have to agree you are right and we know the circumstances leading to this, don't we? :-)

    Take care and thanks so much for sharing. Have a lovely rest.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Jelapang Voter

    Thanks for speaking with much fairness and objectivity. I agree with you that in some cases, the MSM have done a brilliant job in investigative reporting such as in the example you listed. In fact, it was one MSM that revealed the news about the RM28 bullion last year. I hope that they will certainly undertake more of such reporting that the truth may be made known and may set us free from the encumbrances of the past. Take care and have a lovely rest. God bless!

  1. says:

    Anonymous How can Malaysians be proud when a citizen can be tossed in jail for something he did not even write or say, without even being charged for a crime?

    How can Malaysians be proud when even academics have no freedom to think?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.30am

    The situations you described and even those beyond the comment are certainly very saddening but should motivate us to moot for change in small, simple ways that the biggest change can happen in the next GE. We have to keep the good fight and keep strong and hopeful. Take care, Anon. Many of us have that cry in our hearts like what you have. Let us really hope for the best. There are some things I can be proud of - and one of them is that in Malaysia, there are citizens like you who think, feel and care.

    God bless and keep you safe and healthy always.

    Best wishes

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