Posted by Unknown On Friday, March 19, 2010 12 comments
A priest goes into a barber's shop sits down, gets a good haircut, thanks the barber, and asks how much he owes him. The barber says, 'Father, you're a holy man, a man of the cloth there is no charge you.'

The priest blesses the barber and says, 'Thank you very much' and goes about his business. The next day, 10 gold coins magically appear on the barber's doorstep.

A few days later, a Buddhist monk goes in for a shave and a shine, and when the time comes to pay the barber says, 'No money, please, you're a spiritual leader, a man of the people, it's on the house.'

The next day, magically appearing on the doorstep are 10 magnificent rubies.

The following week a rabbi comes in, gets a haircut, goes to pay and the barber says, 'No, Rabbi, you are a learned man, a wise man, I can't take any money from you, go in peace.'

Then the next day, the barber opens his shop to find 10 Rabbis waiting for a haircut.

bad hair day Pictures, Images and Photos
Berlin - A German man drank too much, wet his bed and set fire to his apartment while trying to dry his bedding, police in the western town of Muelheim said on Monday.

'He was too drunk to go to the toilet, 'said a police spokesman.' The next morning he put a switched-on hairdryer on the bed to dry it and left the apartment.' When the 60-year-old returned, his home and belongings were in flames.'

Firemen eventually put out the blaze.

Another Bad Hair Day?

Alan walks in to the barbershop.

The barber says, 'What will it be today?'
Alan replies says, 'Well I want it going with my waves on top, faded on one side, plug the other, and just make it all out of shape and messed up.'

The barber answers frowning, 'Now why in the world do you want your hair cut like that?'
Alan says, 'That's how you cut it last time.'

Another Barber Joke

Paul enters a barber shop for a shave. While the barber is foaming him up, he mentions the problems he has getting a close shave around the cheeks.

'I have just the thing,' says the barber taking a small wooden ball from a nearby drawer. 'Just place this between your cheek and gum.'
Paul places the ball in his mouth and the barber proceeds with the closest shave the man has ever experienced. After a few strokes the client asks in garbled speech. 'And what if I swallow it?'

No problem,"' says the barber. 'Just bring it back tomorrow like everyone else does.'


People Do Have the Funniest Eating Habits

* A meal in Istanbul could include lamb eyeballs dressed in a traditional Turkish cream sauce. Aboriginals eat chopped, marinated kangaroo tails.
* In Central and South America, iguana meat is sautéed and turned into a gastronomic casserole that is eaten with bread or rice.
* Australian aboriginals commonly eat chopped, marinated kangaroo tails and sugar ants.
* Pickled ram's testicles and decomposed shark meat are among the traditional Icelandic foods that present special challenges for tourists.
* In parts of Asia and Africa, locusts are typically dredged in wild honey to give them extra flavour.
* And people still reportedly breed dogs for food throughout severely impoverished areas of Korea and China. North American and UK animal rights groups are working to ban the practice.
* Bear paws and filets remain a highly prized dinner in Russia and Eastern Europe.
* Fresh snake meat is readily available in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Phoenix, Arizona.
* Chinese delicacies include shark fin soup and pigeon soup, while we here in the West have a fondness for goose liver pâté and frog legs.

Hope you liked this selection of humor. I am back to normal blogging today so the next sopo post should be up at about 11a.m. I had such severe blogging withdrawal symptoms yesterday when I did not do any sopo posts. Take care and have a lovely day!

12 comments to HAIRY TGIF JOKES

  1. says:

    Village Boy I really love the jokes.
    They're sure to raise me up!

    Have a nice day

  1. says:

    Anonymous Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has described a possible censure over his allegations in Parliament that 1 Malaysia was copied from Ehud Barak’s 1 Israel a “rotten joke”.

    ~~ Malaysian Insider

    Haha, we seem to have jokes everywhere in this Bolehland!

  1. says:

    Apa Nama I'm waiting for the Malaysian jokes you shared with Pat.

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    You're still suffering from BWS? purrr....meow!

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Village Boy

    Glad you like the jokes! Here's wishing you a great day!

    Keep in touch and God bless you.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous

    The MSM will put magazines such as MAD out of business cos of the live comedy being played out before us!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Apa Nama

    Plenty! She just has to read the MSM!!!

    Take care and have a great day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Cat-in-Sydney

    Oh yes - once a blog addict, always a blog addict. I have weaned myself off the net but will always love blogging.

    Take care dearie and have a lovely weekend!


  1. says:

    Catherine A kampung playboy had a closer shave than he bargained for a local barbershop. His manicure girl was very beautiful, and he suggested dinner and a show that evening.

    "I don't think I ought to, " said the girl demurely. "I'm married."

    "Ask your husband," suggested the playboy. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

    "Ask him yourself," said the girl. "He's shaving you."

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Catherine

    Haha!! That's a great joke!!! Thanks for sharing this with us. It certainly gels with the post.

    Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.

  1. says:

    ahoo To share true a joke about " orang ulu " of the interior during his maiden flight to KL.

    After flying across the sea and landed safely at the LCCT, and time to disembarked. As he was reaching the doorway, he asked the stewardess where is his shoe ? She was shocked to see him bare footed. She then asked him where he was seated.

    After a quick search, the shoe was nowhere in sight. Upon further query it was found out that he had earlier took off his shoe at the stairway up the airplane. Have you any idea why he does that ?

    Have a fun filled weekend !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Haha! That is an original Malaysian joke which warms my heart!

    Take care and thanks for sharing. May you and yours have a blessed weekend!


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