Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, April 13, 2010 58 comments
The Hulu Selangor by-election is heating up as it is indeed a crucial by-election in the light of recent developments on both sides of the divide. The Hulu Selangor vote was triggered by the death of its MP, PKR’s Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Ahmad, who succumbed to brain cancer late last month. While PR may think it can ride on the tsunami 2008 victory, the reality is that the four recent resignations from PKR has dented its image considerably. The fact is that PR needs to boost its image while BN is trying to regain lost ground to be in good stead by the next GE. The main factor will be the choice of candidates for BN and PR and both parties are playing their cards carefully because of the delicate situation and both cannot afford to lose. At this stage, it is clear that Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat are in a race to dish out goodies as they attempt to outdo each other in the Hulu Selangor race. A win for BN would be a clear indicator of voter confidence towards the ruling coalition and Najib’s leadership and possibly waning support for PR.

Today, The Malaysian Insider reported HERE that their strawpoll indicate locals prefer Datuk Zaid Ibrahim over local born neurosurgeon Datuk Dr Halili Rahmat. About 60 per cent of the voters polled yesterday said that they would vote Zaid while 40 per cent said they will back anyone to replace MP Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Ahmad — whose death last month triggered the April 25 by-election.

According to THIS LINK, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Ahmad Maslan said that BN will pick a local candidate for the Hulu Selangor by-election to win over the hearts of voters. Such a candidate would be perceived as being able to give the best service to the people of Hulu Selangor if returned in the election because of the intimate knowledge he has of the constituency as it is his place of birth. Conversely, outsiders were sometimes seen as “Touch ‘n Go” candidates and less favored.

Let's have a look at the goodies that have been offered so far. Needless to say, with the backing of the federal government, BN is leading in terms of ringgit and sen. This link said that BN have proposed to spend close to RM60 million on various infrastructure projects including:

  • A housing project in Gugusan Kampung Dusun worth RM32 million aimed at ensuring the vote of Felda settlers in the constituency. The settlers are considered the coalition’s vote-bank in the constituency.
  • Development projects of three primary national schools, one secondary school and one Chinese school worth a minimum of RM20 million.
  • RM16 million worth of miscellaneous “infrastructure projects” Details are unavailable.
  • A RM2 million flood mitigation project in Kg Sentosa, Batang Kali
  • Repair mosques and public facilities within the constituency at an estimated cost of RM650,000.
  • The announcement of a daycare centre, Pusat Permata Negaramade, made by Najib’s wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor which will cost the federal government RM200,000.
  • The provision of a hearse & facilities improvement for the Masjid Kg Sentosa in Batang Kali with an estimated cost of RM100,000.

Here's what Pakatan Rakyat has been doing in Hulu Selangor. It does not have as much financial resources as BN but has the strength of the state government. Here's what they have been dishing out:

  • MB Khalid announced that some 100,000 families, who have been occupying state land for more than 15 years, will be eligible for leasehold grants of up to 99 years.
  • Farmers working on land with temporary occupation licenses (TOL) would either given long-term rent options or issued grants.
  • Land grants have been given to 108 families in Ladang SKC Bernam and RM182,500 allocation for 73 senior citizens under the Mesra Usia Emas scheme.
  • The Selangor government is expected to spend at least RM1 million for the Hulu Selangor vote.
  • The Selangor government have also temporarily shifted its office there in a move to be closer to the Hulu Selangor grassroots.

Note the huge difference in the amount spent by both coalitions. The amount spent by BN is testimony to the significance of the Hulu Selangor by-election.

In another report HERE, Bernama revealed that MIC is sparing no efforts to regain the seat with hordes of party election workers descending on this sleepy hollow, which has about 64, 500 voters and is as big as the state of Melaka. MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu and his deputy and former Hulu Selangor member of parliament Datuk G. Palanivel want to regain the Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat because Palanivel held the seat for four terms before his 198-vote loss to Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s (PKR) Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Ahmad in Election 2008. Sources said that the BN candidate would be a toss-up between Palanivel and Hulu Selangor MIC Youth chief V. Mugilan.

So who will win? BN or PR? Is the Zaid factor enough for PR to win? I don't think so. Many factors must be taken into account and it is an intricate balance that could tip either way. I would urge those of you in the area to take an active part in the campaigning for whichever party you support.

Ultimately, may the BETTER candidate win and may the voters VOTE WISELY by their head and not by emotions or freebies. If not, they will have to suffer the consequences of casting the vote for the wrong person.


  1. says:

    Anak Hulu Selangor Whoever is the PR candidate, we'll support him!

    Whoever is the BN candidate, we'll reject him!

    Hidup Pakatan!
    Lawan tetap lawan!

  1. says:

    Anonymous It is estimated that BN have proposed to spend close to RM60 million on various infrastructure projects.

    Wow, goodies are coming to town!

  1. says:

    Loo CONFIRMED - It's Zaid for Hulu Selangor.

    HOORAY! What great news!

    The Hulu Selangor voters must make their choice with wisdom and conscience.

    We have been waiting for the day to see Zaid fights back against the BN evils in the parliament!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Overheard in Hulu Selangor, two villagers chatting…

    V1: Ooi! Pak Din?! Still wearing your old singlet ah?
    V2: Why? What’s wrong with that? Still good what.
    V1: Hello Mr. Bodoh! Our kampong is now in the news lah, don’t you have anything better to wear? Those big YBs will be going around shaking hands, you know? And all the television people are also coming! You want people to see you like this ah? You no brains or what?!
    V2: Ya Man, I never thought of that! No wonder I see you wear like going to a wedding!!

    V1: By the way, who are you going to vote for?
    V2: What do I know? Just go and vote for those who give me money at the polling station lah!
    V1: Cannot just do like that…of course take the money first…but make sure we vote properly.

    V2: Who are the people contesting anyway?
    V1: I don’t know who the others are, but Zaid is one of them.
    V2: You mean Zaid from PKR? Yeah, I like him. Handsome fellow…hehehe…
    V1: Ya, handsome fellow…but he also a good man. Everyone likes him. And one more thing, Zaid may be the next PM, you know? He’s a lawyer also, you know…just like our former Tunku…
    V2: Ya Kah? How come he can be PM pula?
    V1: Tell me, if Anwar goes to jail because they say he main belakang, who do you think will take Anwar’s place? You?!! Si Bodoh? Kakakaka…..
    V2: But he’s not from our kampong what?
    V1: So what? Imagine…the next PM is from Hulu Selangor! Waa..I so proud!
    V2: Ya, betul lah Man! Ok, I go home now..
    V1: Ooi! What’s the hurry? Relak lah...
    V2: No...must change into something nice. Who knows, if I’m lucky, Zaid may want to take a picture with me! Waa…PM Zaid with Pak Din the farmer…waa…I so proud!
    V1: Ooi! Don’t forget, vote for Zaid!!!
    V2: OK…now where should I put the photo…in the living room or in the bedroom?


  1. says:

    Anonymous Well said, Anak Hulu Selangor. :)
    Applies to elsewhere too!


  1. says:

    Anak Melayu Muhyiddin said BN is ready to face Zaid in the Hulu Selangor by-election.

    "In this by-election we will have a lot to talk about Zaid Ibrahim," he said.

    Well, Muhyiddin, by all means, go ahead. But, will the Hulu Selangor voters 'buy' your words?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Wow! I'm impressed with PR for fielding Zaid Ibrahim.

    A wise choice!

  1. says:

    Justice Please don't bring tempting goodies to Hulu Selangor just because there is a by-election. It is actually an insult to the Hulu Selangor voters. Do you think they are so foolish and can be easily blinded by those 'goodies'?

    Remember, Taj Mahal or The Great Wall of China are not built in a single day.

  1. says:

    Pro-Khir Zaid Ibrahim versus Khir Toyo in Hulu Selangor!

    How nice if this materializes?

  1. says:

    Ex-MCA Man Dear Pro-Khir,

    Never dream of that, please!
    Khir is enjoying his life in his mansion.
    Don't you think he has 'pride' too?
    Fighting with Zaid?
    Oh no, Khir may even lose his deposit, hehe!

  1. says:

    Anonymous In the battle for Hulu Selangor, every vote counts, including the 721 from the often-ignored Orang Asli community.

    ~~ Malaysiakini

    Obviously, each and everyone of the rakyat is important when there is an election, be it a general election or a by-election.

    Nonetheless, on any other day, many are being either marginalized or neglected, aren't they?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Overheard in Hulu Selangor, two villagers chatting…

    P1 : Eh, if Khir Toyo is running for BN, how?
    P2 : Aiya, so simple lah. Just kick him out!
    P1 : Yahor, you so clever, hehe...

  1. says:

    Anonymous You know what the people in the West are saying about Malaysia? And let me tell you; it is the wisest and most accurate statement I’ve ever read anywhere. This is what they said:

    Malaysia is not really a multi-racial country. Malaysia is actually a MULTI-RACIST country!!!

    And that’s f**king true!!

    Day in day out, we hear politicians reminding us of our racial differences. The Malay leaders will tell his people that their race is under threat by the non-Malays and they must reclaim their supremacy even if it means another May 13. They want 67% of the country’s wealth to be given to them, doesn’t matter if they never lifted a finger to earn it. The Chinese leaders will tell their listeners that they want to be treated equally and wants the govt to abolish the racially biased NEP and bring back meritocracy. The Indian leaders will say that they are the worst of the lot – that the govt doesn’t even know they existed! And I have not even f**king begun to talk about the communal-based parties in Sabah and Sarawak!

    For 52 f**king years we have all been living with a fake identity!! Are we TRULY Malaysians first and Malay or Chinese or Indian second? How many can truly stand up and say, “Yes, I am Malaysian first!”

    I can.

    From the day I put down my schoolbag, I have never thought of myself as anything but Malaysian, first above my cultural heritage. And I see my countrymen only as hardworking, or lazy, or smart, or stupid, or caring, or selfish, or beautiful, or ugly – not as a race – but as Malaysians. If they’re rich and successful, I’m not jealous. If they’re poor, I’m not angry. And if they needed help, I’ll help them if I have the capacity to help. Three years ago, I’d used a different pen name to express my thoughts.

    That pen name was MalaysianFirst.

    Hulu Selangor, twelve days from tomorrow, you’ll be going to the polls. Do you still want to be Malay first, or Chinese first; or Indian first and continue to remain divided? Or do you want to be Malaysian first and help forge a better and brighter future for all Malaysians? Malaysian first?

    Good. Vote Pakatan Rakyat.


  1. says:

    Anonymous BN to attack Zaid for not being 'local boy'?

    A very, very stupid strategy!

    What does Najib mean by '1Malaysia'?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Zaid Ibrahim may not be a local boy. So what?

    Palanivel may be a local boy.
    So what?

    Palanivel has proved something.
    He is a useless local boy!

  1. says:

    Selvi “If Palanivel is not selected, we will boycott the election,” said another MIC grassroots campaigner.

    -- Malaysian Insider

    Just let both Palanivel and Mugilan stand as candidates!
    Simple solution, win win policy!
    I support both.
    Both are local boys, aren't they?

  1. says:

    Kenneth We are all Malaysians first.

    Whether we hail from Hulu Kelantan, Hulu Perak or Hulu Selangor, we are local boys and girls! We are not pendatang.

    So, to all BN campaigners, please stop harping on the 'local boy' issue.

    Najib, please tell your boys the true meaning of 1Malaysia, ok?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anak Hulu Selangor

    During such times, we have to be on guard to ensure victory!

    Take care and all the best to all campaigners.


  1. says:

    Jelapang Voter By looking at all the goodies, I wish a by-election would be held in my constituency too.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear @ 12.24pm

    Santa BN has come to townlah!!!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Loo

    I am certain Zaid will win hands down!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    What will I do without your witty and meaningful comments in my blog? A clear simple message conveyed with such a genuine localized flavor!

    Thanks a million, dear friend.

    God bless you and yours. Take care and have a lovely evening!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0!~

    Hear ye, hear ye!

    You are right and I stand with you, Anak Hulu Selangor and other like-minded Malaysians.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anak Melayu

    Malaysians are now wiser and have more discernment.

    Take care and thanks for sharing your wisdom.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 4.14pm

    At the rate things are happening, they HAVE to win and Zaid is the best choice.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Justice

    I believe voters today have wisdom, discernment and are able to make choices. I doubt they are easily beguiled by gifts of any sort or value.

    May each of them truly vote with wisdom, conscience and conviction.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Pro-Khir

    I agree!!!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ex-MCA Man

    That is why I agreed with him :-).

    Take care and thanks for speaking up!

    Have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 5.39pm

    I am glad there are Malaysians like you who can see beyond the smokescreen of gifts and freebies.

    Reality hurts. Gifts may dull the senses and give a temporary syiok feeling but the cruel reminders of the harsh reality of life MUST steer Hulu Selangor voters to vote only ONE WAY, the RIGHT way.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear A non @ 6.22pm

    :-) Love your sense of humor and perspective of reality!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking


    WOW! Thanks for that brilliant and passionate outburst.

    Tell it like it is in a straight talking style - no waffling.

    That is what we need.

    And I sincerely hope Hulu Selangor voters will wake up to reality and DO THE RIGHT THING, VOTE WISELY and by their conviction, conscience and not because of any conditioning.

    Thanks for that input of patriotism and support for PR!

    God bless you always!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 7.57pm

    Very good observation and comment!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Take care and do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.22pm

    May the Hulu Selangor voters see reality as it is! They MUST come out to vote wisely and pertinently.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Selvi

    :-) Very clever comment.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Kenneth

    Brilliant comment! Thanks for speaking up!

    May Hulu Selangor voters realize the wisdom of your words.

    Take care and God bless you.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Jelapang Voter

    Why is that it seems to rain blessings only during by-elections or a GE?

    Strange phenomena indeed!



  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear Jelapang Voter,

    Ask your hopping frog, Hee Yit Foong, to resign, and surely, there will be Santa BN coming to your place loh!

  1. says:

    Ex-MCA Man Umno is believed to be lobbying for its alleged “proxy” within MIC, V. Mugilan, to be the candidate.

    ~~ Malaysian Insider

    Why make things so difficult? Just let an UMNO man be the candidate and challenge Zaid.

    Or perhaps, let Chua Soi Lek have a try! He is still energetic and proactive too.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.04 pm

    What a lovely thought - Froggy resigns...:-)

    Dreams give us the zest to carry on with hope :-).


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ex-MCA Man

    Excellent suggestion!!! Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a great day tomorrow!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Dreams give us the zest to carry on with hope.

    ~~ mws

    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

    ~~ John F. Kennedy

    Malaysians need to have dreams....

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.33pm

    Thank you for that comment. Indeed Malaysians must have dreams and even visions of a better nation and I hope it will be seen in Hulu Selangor.

    May you inspire those around you to have dreams and to work towards a better Malaysia in the future.

    God bless you. Do stay in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous It’s true. In terms of racial DISUNITY, we are the champion of the world, no thanks to BN. Even in South Africa, during the height of their apartheid years, they only had two warring parties – the blacks and the whites. Here? My God, we have more than seven or eight communities all clamoring for special attention and challenging each other about who is more “Malaysian” and who has more rights to “own” the country. One moment we’re like sworn brothers; next moment, we’re at each other’s throats fighting like sworn enemies.

    52 years today and our PM and DPM are still afraid to say he is Malaysian first!

    Now slowly but surely, Pakatan Rakyat is leading Malaysians out of the Malaysian dilemma that BN had so skillfully created; out of this blind allegiance to race and not country. It will take time to evolve, but if more and more Malaysians join hands, it will hasten the process. What is written in our constitution is not cast in stone. We have amended that document umpteen times in the past and we can amend it again, and again, until we get it right.

    For Malaysia to progress and be respected among the world community, we need to tackle and eliminate two very important issues that are, right now, giving us a bad name – racial politics and corruption. Whether we like it or not, only Pakatan Rakyat has the answers. BN is a BIG NO!!

    Hulu Selangor, now is your turn to show us what you’re made of.

    Vote Pakatan Rakyat!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    Wow! You are all fired up, dear friend. Seriously, I see you as a potential MP or speaker!! If you have the time, I truly hope that you will go to Hulu Selangor and campaign. Your sassy speeches and straight talking mode will surely make many wake up and vote right!

    Thanks so much for this brilliant comment. May I use it in another post and credit to you? As always, I await your permission before any further action.

    Take care and have a lovely rest!

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    Anonymous The distance between your dreams and your reality is always traversable. If you can dream it, you can make it so.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.04am

    What a lovely comment! Most inspiring indeed. Thank you so much for sharing...Take care and have a good rest.


  1. says:

    Anonymous That's me sweetheart - one straight talking SOB.

    If you feel my humble comments deserve a wider audience, feel free to put it up wherever you wish. You don't need to give me any credit. If at all anyone deserves credit - it's you. For giving us a platform to voice our opinions.

    As for going to HS to help campaign, I'm afraid I'll have to give that one a miss as I won't be home yet that soon. Besides, I'm sure the locals will do a good job helping to defend the PR seat. And BN is also helping PR to win by maintaining their Jurassic politics.


  1. says:

    Ahmad Syafiq This is not March 8, 2008. This is 2010. A downhill time for PR. This will be an uphill battle for them to even defend this seat.

    I wrote my analysis about this by-election on my blog:

    Anyway, all the best to Hulu Selangor voters. I hope they'll make their wise choice.

  1. says:

    Anonymous I most certainly agree with what StraightTalking wrote @ 11:43 PM

    It can be summed up as, "BN is evil"!

    After being entrenched in power for 53 years, it will not and cannot change. It thinks it can get away with anything it says and does.

    But times have changed and the people are more discerning now.

    Kiss the dirt, BN!


  1. says:

    Anonymous I hope PR will win in Hulu Selangor. This will send a strong message to the Pee Am that the end is coming.

    God save Malaysia from tyrants

    Darth Vader

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking,

    Thanks a bunch! Will be writing on HU again and will certainly include your comments and attribute it to you. Take care and have a good trip!

    God bless and keep you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ahmad Syafiq

    Despite being a young student, you display much maturity and I certainly hope that there are more Malaysians like you!

    Take care and do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Indeed you, StraightTalking and many are aware of the real picture.

    May more be enlightened.

    Take care and have a great day tomorrow.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 1.35am aka Darth Vader

    Definitely! Thank you for voicing your stand and for being with like-minded Malaysians.

    Take care and have a good rest!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous Hi Ahmad @ 12.50am!
    I hope you don’t mind if I do a simple analysis on your analysis.
    Ok, let’s jump straight into your take. You said that:

    So, here's my prediction for Hulu Selangor:
    BN to win by a majority of 5,000 - 7,000 votes

    Now, let’s take a look at the facts:

    There are 64,500 registered voters in Hulu Selangor which is made up of:
    Malays: 34,020 voters (52.7%)
    Chinese: 16,964 (26.3%)
    Indians: 12,453 (19.3%)
    Others: 1,063 (1.65%)

    In 2008 general election, Zainal Abidin won the seat with a slim 198-majority against MIC’s deputy president G Palanivel.

    On 25 April, how many will turn up to vote and how many will sit at home biting finger nails, we both don’t know. We can only guess.

    Let’s then assume that 85% (in equal proportions) turn up to vote and the rest sit at home biting finger nails, that means there’ll be:

    Malays: 28,917
    Chinese: 14,420
    Indians: 10,585

    Now, you said, “HS has long been a BN fortress. Back in 2004, they won this seat by a majority of 14,000+. For them to extraordinarily lose this seat is unbelievable. But since then, I can bet they have learned their lesson. Never ever take votes for granted. Serve the people, and you will be courageously rewarded with self-satisfaction.”

    Your statements have two parts – one part is true and one part is false.

    “HS has long been a BN fortress. Back in 2004, they won this seat by a majority of 14,000+. For them to extraordinarily lose this seat is unbelievable.” – This part is true. That was in 2004 when there was no viable alternative party for the people to choose. Obviously the 14,000+ came from the Chinese and Indians. Then 2008 came. While a portion of the non-Malay electorate was still wallowing in despair and hopelessness, a portion suddenly saw political change in the air and went with the tide and kicked BN out. That’s why PR made such a small win.

    “But since then, I can bet they have learned their lesson. Never ever take votes for granted. Serve the people, and you will be courageously rewarded with self-satisfaction.” – This part is false. Have BN learnt their lesson well? I really don’t think so. Just look at the scandals (only those currently exposed) and issues – the missing jet engines; the PDRM-Israel connection; Teoh Beng Hock death; churches burning; cow head incident; Perkasa demanding 67% of the nation’s wealth; Malay first, Malaysian second; corruption of ballistic proportions; etc; etc; - do you think BN have learnt their lesson? Do you think all these issues will sit well with the HS voters?

    Now, for my prediction:
    PR wins Hulu Selangor by 2,000 votes.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    Excellent systematic, clear and rational analysis. Will incorporate into a post together with your other comments. Thanks to you and Ahmad for sharing!


  1. says:

    Ahmad Syafiq Hi Straight Talking

    Thanks for your views on my analysis, haha. What I meant that they have learned their lesson is that, they have been splashing goodies all around since the late PKR MP had fallen sick 6 months back. So, they are desperate to regain Hulu Selangor.

    Now, you must remember that Hulu Selangor is a semi-rural area. Not many people there would care about national issues like we do (TBH, missing jets, APCO, etc...)

    They are more for local issues. Standard of living. They want to know what either side can do for them. Unless... PR can exploit the APCO issue linked to Zionists among the Muslim voters. As you can see, most Muslims are sensitive about Israel attacking Palestine. If they can make UMNO look bad in their eyes for dealing with the Israelis, then who knows? Such a big swing of Malay votes can be unheard of before.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Hi Ahmad!
    You have a valid point abt the "local issues". I must admit that I don't know HS at all. Never been there. So I wouldn't know abt what PR has done for the local folks after 2008.

    I'll classify these as "soft" issues. If after taking over HS, PR never made any effort to look into the soft issues, i.e improve what is within their limited capacity as the administrator of HS, then it is for the residents to decide - whether they wish to rise above the soft issues and consider the bigger picture.

    Like you wisely said in your earlier comment, let's hope HS folks make a wise choice. Let's see what happens.

    May the better man win.

    Warmest regards,

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