Posted by Unknown On Saturday, April 10, 2010 8 comments
As some of you might have guessed from the posts yesterday and today, I was away - this time for a brief getaway in KL to meet up with buddies.. I am home again - much fatter, more relaxed and had serious blog withdrawal symptoms while down there with my old friends. Unbelievably, I did not bring my laptop with me. The reason being, I knew I would still be glued to the pc screen if I had brought it along. Nonetheless, I could post comments from my hand-held device while hubby had been assigned to release comments for me.

KL is a fine city - lots of great restaurants, fine dining, authentic local cuisine, wonderful malls, best book shops but there is no place like home!!! That is why I can never be away for more than two or three days. Just last month, I was away with Angela for four days and even then, had a great time eating non-stop. Apart from eating and shopping then, I was huddled in front of the hotel's computer.

I cannot imagine how in my younger days I could traipse around be it in Europe or US or down under for longer periods and only got homesick after a week. I suppose being an older person now, I cherish my home, family life and the daily routine of housework.

Truly, there is no better place than home - where the heart is. So, it will be back to sopo blogging tomorrow! Stay tuned! In the mean time, enjoy John Denver's BACK HOME AGAIN.

Thanks to all readers who endured my jokes and other posts. Thanks also for your patience with me as I was slower than usual in responding to comments.Have a lovely evening!


  1. says:


    Didn't even realise you were away! hahaha

    I guess the scheduled postings give that impression.

    I'm too dense to realise that they were not your usual fare. LOL

    The jokes are always great! When I need quotations, I'll also know where to look for them. ;)

    God bless and hugs.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi dear Lita

    Wish I had had the chance to meet you, my dear...

    Hehe...if no sopo post means something is amiss....

    Thanks for the kind comments. I love to post jokes and quotations...cannot rant or grip all the time :-)

    Take care and God bless you and yours too!

    Hugs and love

  1. says:

    ahoo Eh MWS, do count us bloggers in when you next arrive in KL ok ? Probably, the likes of WitSo, StraightTalking etc. can have a chance meet-up over a cuppa or even to the hills of Ampang for a scenic view of KLCC Twin Towers with night lights and its surrounding.

    I volunteer to be the driver and the bill be on me. In total plus driver, not more than seven adults or else we need two drivers in two MPVs. Do consider this invitation seriously and it is with sincere heart not pulling a fast one on you, ya. You can reach me at Thanks.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Oh that is so sweet of you!!! I will be in Kl again next month so I will surely let you and the others know. Thank you so much for your kindness, sincerity and generosity. I do hope I can meet you, Wists0, StraightTalking and other readers/bloggers. It would be very heartening to put the face to the name! Likewise, do let me know if you are in Penang! It will be my pleasure to show you some Penang hospitality!

    Take care and God bless you and yours!


  1. says:

    ahoo Yes, be my guest in KL and this invitation is extended to any family members or friends coming with you. If you can be reach by email, I would like to post my HP number for you to contact upon arrival and pick-up can be done at airport, train station or even bus terminal.

    I'd been in KL since 1977 and I think I know most of the places in and around KL/PJ etc. God bless !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thanks so much for your kindness. I will get in touch with you via email soon after this. I do not put it up in my blog for in the past, I received all kinds of spam, lotteries, offers of inheritances hahaha and all kinds of scams!

    Normally, readers leave their note/email add here in the comment etc which will not be published upon their request.

    Take care and have a blessed day. I look forward to meeting you one day! Somehow I have this feeling that I know you!

    Blessings to you and yours

  1. says:

    ahoo Noted and thanks! I'd always said to my family that strangers are friends we have yet to know. For we are afterall of one race, the human race. On another thought, we are actually spiritually being going through temporary human experience. Blessed with three score and ten,.....and more if strong and healthy. God bless you & family with His choices blessings.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Wow! Three score and ten!!! I hope I can live to that age! I have not even reached half a century yet and already feel so weary physically!

    Health is wealth and a blessing from above!

    We are but sojourners in this journey called life...and I am blessed to meet a fellow sojourner like you.

    Take care and God bless.


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