Posted by Unknown On Saturday, April 3, 2010 25 comments
I confess. I don't watch the idiot box and donate money to Astro on a monthly basis just in case my son wants to watch his favorite National Geographic, Animal Planet, Discovery Science Channels. As such, I was delighted when Malaysian Insider provided a transcript of the Al-Jazeera interview with our PM. Let's have just a closer look at what he said at Fauziah Ibrahim. Although I did not watch the Al-Jazeera broadcast, I believe Faridah Ibrahim did an EXCELLENT job in addressing key issues and zeroing on the target when specific answers were not forthcoming :-). She is definitely a brave and courageous young lady! For us to have a better idea of what is in the mind of our PM, I have changed the format slightly for better ease of understanding and for certain points to stand out. Let's see if there is any Freudian slips or weaknesses in the arguments or whatever. Better still, let's see if it spells hope for a better Malaysia :-).

The following has been summarized from THIS LINK with no change to the wordings:

1. When Faridah asked about how different was the affirmative action of the NEM from previous :

NR: It’s different because you know we’ve learnt from implementing the affirmative action in the past. We know where the weaknesses are.

2. When she asked about the weaknesses:

NR: We have to change the way we implement it so that it:
  • is more attuned with the current market, especially the market expectations – that it should be market friendly.
  • is based on merit. It should be more transparent.
  • should also be on needs basis.
  • has to be fair.
  • When we implement affirmative action, it means for the bumiputera and when we say bumiputera it’s not just for the Malays. It must also include the other indigenous people especially in Sabah and Sarawak.

3. FI said: Well, there has been criticism that the way it’s been implemented has been corrupted, has been abused in the past. Would you agree with that?

NR: There’ve been shortcomings, yes. I’m not entirely disappointed with the results. I think if you look at it across the board a new generation of bumiputeras have emerged. You know, the entire middle class, for example, would not be there if not for the New Economic Policy. And quite a number of bumiputeras in the corporate field, managing huge enterprises with a great sense of confidence now.

4. FI: There is no doubt that some bumiputeras have definitely benefited from the plan itself. But you know there are some who sort of say after nearly forty years of affirmative action, why is there still a need for affirmative action for the Malays and the indigenous people?

NR: It’s because:

  • the goals have not been fully achieved, number one.
  • in an unbridled capitalistic market economy, without some degree of affirmative action, then you will get this marginalisation to appear once again.
  • And that’s going to be quite catastrophic for our society because our society is predicated on stability.
  • I think stability is a bed rock in terms of where Malaysia has come from.
  • In the past we went through a very painful experience.

5. FI: Are you talking about racial stability?

NR: I’m talking about political and racial. I mean racial stability is part of political stability. And that’s so important because if you have, stability benefits all.

6. FI: Many people have said that the affirmative action has led to a generation of Malays who feel that they are entitled to these special privileges. There are some minority groups who feel sidelined. They feel second classed because of the affirmative action. These are what the critics are saying about affirmative action. Do you really think that there is still a need for affirmative action? Why not just make it affirmative action for all races?

NR: Well, when I said that it should be implemented in a fairer way, I mean if you talk about affirmative action, it should benefit you know 65 per cent of the population, right. And then there’s of course the non-bumiputeras and you must have programmes for them as well. And because they are in a market economy, if you give, promote private sector investment for example, and opportunities for the private sector, and naturally the non-bumiputeras will benefit from it. So to say that we have excluded the non-bumiputeras from government policy is entirely wrong.

7. FI: But there has been some opposition from Malay rights groups who fear that perhaps these special privileges, their rights, may be taken away from them as well.

NR: No, I didn’t say they’ll be taken away.

8. FI: Well this is what they fear. This is what they’re saying.

NR: Yeah, I mean it is up to us now to engage them.

9. FI: This is what PERKASA is saying.

NR: But Perkasa is not so extreme, if you listen to them carefully.
  • They can shout about Malay rights as long as they are not extreme in their views and you know to the extent that we can accommodate Perkasa.
  • And we can accommodate also the non-Malays as well.
  • I do engage the non-Malay groups as well, so as Prime Minster, I’ve always said I’m Prime Minister for all Malaysians.

10. FI: But Perkasa has said as the group that represents the Malay groups that fear their special privileges may be taken away from them, they have said that you know in the next election, they may not support Umno because of the actions that you may be taking.

NR: No, no, that’s not true.
  • They are by and large supportive of Umno and they believe that Umno is the only vehicle that can really, not only promote Malay interest but really hold this country together.
  • I think Umno is a strong party.
  • Umno is well-established.
  • Umno can deal with the emergence of Perkasa as well as other groups as well.

11. Prime Minister you’ve introduced the concept of 1 Malaysia. What is 1 Malaysia to you?

NR: 1 Malaysia is about a sense that we are together as one people, as one nation.

  • And I’ve said that it is based, it’s predicated on a change of mindset.
  • And a very minimum would be tolerance. In other words, you tolerate one another. You know, the differences, racial differences, religious differences, you tolerate. But that is a basic minimum.
  • Then you go on to the next stage which is to accept it. You know, you accept diversity as something good for the country.
  • That’s the next, the next echelon if you like, in terms of value system, in terms of mindset.
  • And ultimately, the final if you like, will be to celebrate diversity. I mean if you celebrate diversity, means you are entirely comfortable with the notion of a multi racial, multi religious society.

12. FI: But surely sir, after 50 years of independence, Malaysia needs to be thought how to live harmoniously?

NR: Absolutely. The fact…

13. FI: Why? Why after five decades of independence?

NR: Come on. Come on. Look what happened in Europe. I mean Yugoslavia broke up, okay. You have problems in Northern Ireland. You have extremists even in America. You have modern-day Klu Klux Klan as well in America, okay. There are extremists in any society and including us. And the very fact that there are some extremists in our society means you need 1 Malaysia.

14. FI: Well, you also lead a party that champions Malay rights, Malay needs, Malay interests. And you’re also trying to push the agenda of a united Malaysia.

NR: It’s not a zero-sum game.

15. FI: Do you see the irony of it?

NR: It’s not a zero-sum game. It’s not. It’s a reality.
  • It’s not a zero-sum game because if you promote the interest of the Malays, it’s not at the exclusion of the non-Malays.
  • I think there’s enough resources for us to help everyone in this country.
  • And I think, I’m confident in fact, you know with the policies based on the spirit and philosophy of 1 Malaysia, that everyone will have a rightful place under the Malaysian sun.

16. FI: But you can’t get away from the fact that Malaysia runs on race based politics.

NR: Well that’s history. I mean I can’t change history overnight.
I have to take it from where it is or where it was when I took over and slowly get Malaysians to be together in this journey to transform Malaysia.

17. FI: How long will it take before Malaysia can be rid of race based politics? Before someone stops seeing someone as a Malay or an Indian or a Chinese and says they are Malaysian first.

NR: It’s an evolution, it’s a change of mindset. You cannot legislate.
  • You cannot make laws.
  • It’s a change in mindset and I think it might take a bit of time but for as long as we live in a peaceful harmonious society, it doesn’t matter.
  • You can be a Malay, a Chinese or an Indian but as long as you believe that you are a Malaysian.

18. FI: Let me then just ask you, are you a Malay first and a Malaysian second?

NR: Well technically, if we talk about the constitution, I am a Malay but I’m comfortable being a Malay in a Malaysian society.
  • And I want us to work towards becoming a truly One Malaysia society.
  • But I’m proud to be a Malay. I’m proud to be a Muslim.
  • But the fact that I’m proud to be a Malay and a Muslim it doesn’t mean I cannot relate to others.

19. FI: However there is this large group of Malays feel that with you pushing that, their special privileges, that their rights might be trampled upon.

NR: I never said I was going to change the constitution. I never said that. I said that 1 Malaysia is predicated on the constitution of Malaysia and the constitution has provision to protect Malay special rights. And those things will be in the constitution.

20. FI: But some people have said that is that statement in the constitution that is the basis for the social and racial problems that are in Malaysia today. That make the Chinese, the Indians feel sidelined.

NR: No, I think it is the way you implement things.
I think if you implement things in a fairer way, you can reach out you know, to the Malays, to the non-Malays as well.

Don’t forget, when we implemented the New Economic Policy back in the 70s and 80s, and even in the 90s before the Asian Financial Crisis, it coincided with the growth rates in Malaysia being at break neck speed, you know 8-9 per cent was the norm in those days. So, New Economic Policy, affirmative action has never really hampered the growth of Malaysia into a modern economy.

21. FI: There are critics who have accused Umno of becoming arrogant, self-indulgent after over 50 years of being in power and that Umno has lost touch with the ground sentiment. Take for example the last elections; Umno did lose a lot of seats in those elections. Umno has also lost the last 8 out of 10 by-elections as well. Is Umno still relevant in Malaysia?

NR: Of course, I truly believe so. We did badly, ok, to some extent that’s true. But it’s a party that’s been in power for so long so the challenge is for us to present Umno as a progressive, dynamic party and not for us to be in this kind of a syndrome that we’re too complacent or we feel that whatever we do, we’re going to get the support of the people. I keep on telling people that if we don’t change, we’ll be changed by the people. I’m very frank and I admit we have shortcomings because otherwise we wouldn’t have done badly. But in the international context, people would love to have the kind of majority we have in parliament.

22. FI: I want to go back to talk about the NEM which you are trying to implement to try and attract more foreign investment in Malaysia, to make Malaysia a more globally competitive economy.
But many financial analysts have been rather lukewarm in their response to your recent outline. And they are actually pointing to more deep-seated problems like a perceived lack of judicial independence in the country, a seemingly growing rise in Islamic fundamentalism, and they also point to the fact that Malaysia has slid down the corruption index last year.
In 2008 you were at 47. In 2009, you find yourself at 56.
How do change these perceptions?

NR: Metaphorically, I’ve described this like a façade of a house. You have the roof which is the overarching philosophy of 1 Malaysi — people first, performance now. Then you have the two pillars. One is the government transformation programme, another one the economic transformation programme. And you have the floor which is the tenth and eleventh Malaysian plans. So the government transformation programme is designed to address. And one of the issues is corruption, to reduce corruption and reduce the crime rate in Malaysia, plus the other six, altogether six key result areas. So we’ve recognized it and this is work in progress. It’s too early. It is work in progress but I’m generally quite happy with the progress thus far.

CLICK HERE to read more.

I hope each of you will really study this transcript properly to analyze both the questions and the answers. I know, I know...I just love words...but more importantly, words tell us LOTS about what is in the mind, the heart, the soul and the spirit of the person - the motivation, the ethos and so much more.

After taking just a closer look at this transcript, what are some of the thoughts that have come into your mind? Do share them by leaving a comment. Thanks! I would really love to hear your views. Have a lovely evening!

25 comments to JUST A CLOSER LOOK ...

  1. says:

    Anonymous After 53 years, one grows weary of listening to worthless kok tok by infernal hypocrites who are steeped in the way of duplicitous perversity.


  1. says:

    QQ Enough is enough!
    It takes a brave man to take on an arduous task!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Najib : But Perkasa is not so extreme, if you listen to them carefully.

  1. says:

    Apa Nama Ali is Malay first.
    Beng Li is Chinese first.
    Chandran is Indian first.

    Then only, they are Malaysians!

  1. says:

    ahoo Words are mere words until one live by it. Read again and again to understand it fully. Can you trust such a politician ? Me, never as the words seem to go round and round and nothing affirmative for Malaysians.

    He was caught on race issue and quickly got hold of the constitution to cover him. Just like the " old horse " when asked on how in the world can someone changes his race of birth, he asked that reporter to check Malaysia's constitution that allows him so. Such politicians are bankrupt of ideas except enriching their families, cronies and supporters.

    So, vote wisely when you have the chance and ensure that it is a govt by the people, for the people and with the people.

  1. says:

    Anonymous "Najib : But Perkasa is not so extreme, if you listen to them carefully."

    If you have listened to the long whispered history of Jibby and family, you'll find many reasons why he is now only destined to be a glaring failure!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Hey, is it ok if PERxxxx is formed for the (35% + 15%) ? ... IT won't be 'extreme' TOO if you care to listen carefully !

  1. says:

    Anonymous a TRUE 1-malaysia = to promote interest for ALL, fairly & equally !!

  1. says:

    Anonymous What do you expect? Najib is one person who is not only spineless but has rubber ribs......he is evasive, irrelevant at times and displayed a poor level of leadership speech delivery. He did not answer directly instead he side-stepped and digressed elsewhere; his typical trademark. Very difficult to respect or even listen to such a person. I did watch the interview but much to my expectation, he exposed his incompetence and uncanny ability NOT to tell the truth. He can qualify to go for an OSCAR though. Sigh...what a MALAY PM claiming to be for Malaysians! regards. bengaun

  1. says:

    Anonymous PERKASA is supportive of Umno because Umno is well-established.

    Exactly, that's what is in Ibrahim Ali's mind now!

    Nonetheless, he has forgotten that he stood on a Pakatan Rakyat ticket to win a seat in parliment.

  1. says:

    Kampung Girl 16. FI: But you can’t get away from the fact that Malaysia runs on race based politics.

    NR: Well that’s history. I mean I can’t change history overnight.

    What say you, readers?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Oh yea man! We ARE really tired, weary and just about had enough. This one is er....*speechless*.


    Take care and have a good rest!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    Now we have to be on the hunt for those brave men to lead us!!!

    Take care and God bless!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon@ 5.44pm

    Perhaps some are not carefully listening enough and may choose to live in denial....

    Thanks for sharing!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Apa Nama

    It sort of shakes our perspective of life and how we look at ourselves and each other.


    Take care and thanks for sharing!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    I agree with you, my friend. That is the reason why I reposted it in this bulleted format so that each of us will see what lies beneath the words and even beyond.

    Yes, each of us must vote wisely!!! It is no laughing matter for this is the one and only chance we have...

    Take care and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Some have more skeletons in their closet...

    We desperately need a new breed of young leaders! These do not fall from heaven so we must ensure we train the youth of today!

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 7.46pm

    At this point of time, ALL have to listen carefully for there are too many dodgy statements...

    Take care and have a blessed day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8 pm

    Is it true? Can we be really one? Yes...but once many changes have been effected....then only can we talk about equality and equal opportunities.

    Take care and have a blessed day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Beng Aun

    Thanks for sharing your observations and memorable statements. I pray those who read this article and who watched that program will be of the same mind as you...

    Take care and God bless you! Please keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.18pm

    If one can forget once, he can forget again...so???

    We are reminded of the Malay proverb"

    Seperti kacang lupakan kulit.

    In a nutshell, it means forgetting those of helped us in the past...

    Take care and thanks for sharing!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Kampung Girl

    I think many are stunned or shell-shocked to say anything...

    But during such times, we HAVE to speak up.

    And you are doing just that! Thanks so much.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Overheard in a pub in a New York where a local is chatting up a Malaysian.

    L: Where are you from buddy?
    M: I’m from Malaysia
    L: Oh, so are you a Malaysian, huh?
    M: No, I’m a Chinese
    L: Oh, so you’re from China.
    M: No, I’m not from China, I’m from Malaysia
    L: But you just said you’re Chinese
    M: No, I’m a Malaysian
    L: Hello, funny man, you just said you’re Chinese!
    M: Yes, I’m Chinese and I’m a Malaysian
    L: (talking to the barman) Hey Joe, give this man another drink, he needs one.

    He turns to talk to the Malaysian…
    L: How can you be Chinese AND Malaysian at the same time? You carry two passports?
    M: No, I carry one.
    L: So, you carry a Chinese passport?
    M: No, a Malaysian passport.
    L: Then you are a goddamn Malaysian! How confusing can that be?!!! (shakes his head)
    M: No, I’m Chinese first, then a Malaysian
    L: Oh, I see…so you are NOT really a Malaysian. You’re a Chinese but a PR in Malaysia
    M: No! I’m Malaysian but Chinese first.
    L: Oh yeah! I am the President of the United States, but I am American first. (starts laughing)
    L: (turning to the barman) Hey Joe, give my buddy another drink, I’m losing him fast. (laughs loudly)

    He turns to Malaysian again…
    L: Listen, you are either Chinese or Malaysian. So, what are you?
    M: I’m Chinese, but…
    L: uh uh..no “buts”. So, you’re Chinese. Salute! To Chairman Mao!! (hiccup, hiccup)
    M: Listen up Mr. America! I am Chinese first, then Malaysian! (hiccup) (both laughing at each other hysterically)
    L: Yeah, Mr. Mao Tze Tung, you are Chinese first and I am American first! Salute!!

    A few more drinks later…
    L: So, when are you going back to China? (hiccup)
    M: What do you mean “going back”? I’m not from China. I’m born in Malaysia..(hiccup)
    L: Oh yeah! I’m born in the USA..born in the USA (mimicks Bruce Springsteen)
    L: Okay buddy, time to check out the babes. Nice talking to you…(hiccup, hiccup)

    Joe the barman leans over the bar..
    J: So, you are not Malaysian are you?
    M: (quite pissed off by now)..No, I’m Chinese and I’m from China!!!


  1. says:

    Unknown Brilliant one, StraightTalking! Thanks so much. May I please repost it separately???

    Thanks for sharing!

    Take care and have a lovely weekend.


  1. says:

    Anonymous to all malay bro and sis,

    ask your self tonight before going to sleep, do you really need a govt to protect malay race or to develop the malay race. i bet that if they had developed malay race right from 70's, AMNO fc**ers pundai won't be talking now, you guys will be the leaders. they have made you guys week so that you all need them to feed your all.

    pls wake up and stand for your right and ask then to buzz off

    from sultan sulu

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