Posted by Unknown On Thursday, April 1, 2010 4 comments
Our planet needs more energy — pure energy. And thanks to pioneering Norwegian technology we may be able to provide it. The energy source of the future is starpower...

When stars explode, gamma rays with vast amounts of energy are hurled out into space. Now game capturers will be placed in orbit around the earth to capture this energy. This pioneering breakthrough has been developed by researchers and engineers from Statkraft.

Norwegian company Statkraft has just released a video announcing how they can generate power from starlight. Watch this video! Don't miss out on this latest breakthrough!!

CLICK HERE to watch the video.

Read more over here.

APRIL FOOL!!! :-) Did you fall for it? Please don't be angry with me ok? I only get to do this once a year. You can imagine the fun I had playing pranks on my students :-). Do leave a comment to share your experience of pranks you played on others or vice versa. Thanks! Sopo post will be up at abt 6-7pm. Have a lovely day!


  1. says:

    Anonymous I'm Chinese 1st then Malaysian, ok ? Happy fooling !!

  1. says:

    Monyet King MWS< I see that you are having a field day with the April Fool jokes. Keep them coming.
    Wishing you a good day.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon,

    With all the madness raging around us, some laughter can help us to destress. Doing a sopo post now.

    Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Monyet King

    :-) Yes, I am! I love April Fool's Day! My family members are on guard...hehee - friends too!

    Glad you enjoyed the humor. Take care and have a lovely day!


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