Posted by Unknown On Monday, April 12, 2010 20 comments
Since yesterday, my phone line has been giving me problems. When my caller ID phone went dead yesterday, so did my internet connection. I fixed a spare phone and the 'char kuay teow' background music started when I was on the phone and online at the same time and had sporadic internet connection. After troubleshooting, I realized that if I unplugged my house phone, I could surf the net but the house phone had to be unplugged for smooth surfing! How ironical - masterwordsmith-unplugged had her phone unplugged!

I went to TM Point this morning to get a new caller ID phone and to lodge a complaint only to discover that they only took complaints via #100. While walking back from TM Point to the car park, someone from TM called me from 03 7844 6230 to reassure me that they would look into my complaint. I felt so happy. Hmmm

Last year, I had terrible internet connection problems and knew what to do when I lodged a complaint. Since yesterday, I kept a detailed log of my calls to 1 300 88 9515 - whom I spoke to, complaint #, time call was made, action taken, follow-up down by technician etc.

All went well from yesterday till this evening. At about 7.20pm, I was happily chatting on skype with a friend while simultaneously trying to change my template for my other blog @ Writers.Inc when I had connection problems. I tried all the tricks I knew but none worked. So I made another call to the infamous 1 300 88 9515 and this time, I lost my cool. I asked my long suffering ever patient, Mr. Cool aka my husband to talk to the lady while I checked the blinking DSL light etc etc. to no avail. Asking them to reset the port again proved a futile exercise. In the mean time, I called a technician to beg him to come to my home tomorrow morning and he agreed after I convinced him that if he did not, I would surely die from a cardiac arrest.

Soon after that, I continued to log on and switched on this and that to no avail. After 1.5 hrs of torture and serious blogging withdrawal symptoms, I drove to TESCO.

There, I did a survey of the various wireless broadband services available and finally signed up with one of them. I had to fill up this form that was designed for YOUNG ladies and not old foggies like me for the lettering was MINUSCULE to say the least.

After forking out 100rm of hard-earned money, I drove home happily with the new wireless modem, sim card and the contract.

And guess what happened?

The modem and streamyx connection for my land line are now working fine. The DSL light is behaving itself!


What a nightmare!

After all this, I am sure I lost 1 or 2 pounds. I can afford to lose 30 more haha! I did not have dinner and have not mopped my precious floor yet and I will do just that after I put up this post. My husband said that the lesson learnt is for me to be patient..true but 1.5 hrs of no net connection is equivalent to being stranded on Gilligan's Island!!!

I really pray that all will be well tomorrow. I felt so distraught that I could almost see the headlines in The Star - Blog addict dies from cardiac arrest or Blogger collapses from blog withdrawal symptoms when she had no net access.

Whatever it is, suffice to say that I love blogging far too much for my own sanity! I had planned to do a post on the elderly because of the many thoughts that went through my mind while waiting at TM Point...I will do it tomorrow though.

Take care, dear reader. Do share with me your net experiences or nightmares. Which broadband is the best? I would love to hear from you. Thanks and have a lovely evening!


  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Tsk tsk tsk! MWS still suffering from BWS. Calling all doctors, we need to cure MWS of her ailment. har har har *evil laughs*

  1. says:

    Nick Phillips Thank god you're not with P1 :)

  1. says:

    Anonymous Direct line connection gets Streamyx?
    It sounds like a phone line splitter problem also as the prime suspect.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Coincidently I picked up a brochure at TMpoint to pay my bill as it did not arrive by post. This is on wireless Broadband.

    I'm pissed off with what I read there.

    No essential details regarding the pertinent. No mention of which are the areas that can use that! No clear instruction as to how to find that out easily.

    The presentation appears typically deceitful/evasive wrt what's important. Just typical obfuscating sales hypes emphasized! Such as are always found whenever such things are promoted....a blardy gimmickry beginning with the time when hand phones services began to hit the market. Then, they tried to obfuscate the actual costs of using their services.

    Yep, the fine print needs a magnifying glass indeed! This is sheer offensive nonsense!


  1. says:

    Ummie Streamyx in JB was down couple of days ago for ONE WHOLE DAY - Contagious Internet disease spreading?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Making calls to 1 300 88 9515?

    Wasting our precious time only, sis!

  1. says:

    Apa Nama Exactly, contagious Internet disease is spreading everywhere!

    Is TM daydreaming!?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Cat-in-Sydney

    Quick! Send me some medication from down under, sweetie!! LOL!!!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick Phillips

    Is it worse???? Thanks for the alert!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    No, it is not the splitter cos I don't use one....The technicians came to check it this morning and discovered that it is the faulty wiring done by the previous contractor!


    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Contrastingly, the various Broadband sales personnel I spoke to were very thorough and spent quite a bit of time explaining lots of stuff to me.

    I wish there were more TELCO providers that are efficient, reliable and with a caring heart for customers.

    The current state of affairs is most disgraceful.

    Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ummie

    I believe so! Isn't it strange how it sometimes coincides with by-elections?


    Let's hope oops I mean dream of greater efficiency.

    Lovely to hear from you, Ummie.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.40am

    Sob sob!! I know...which is why the final time, I lost my cool.

    Sighs...Take care and thanks for understanding my frustration.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Apa Nama

    More like building castles in the air for would be customers :-).

    Sighs...and then the bubble will burst for them and they will be calling 1 300 88 9515.

    Have a lovely evening!


  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    We have the remedy for you. Come to our "house" and check it out... har har har *evil laughs*

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Angelina

    Think I should be there by the end of this year haha!!! Hope your area is connected otherwise it will be a torture chamber :-(!!!

    Have a great day!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Don't ever subscribe to P1Wimax. The slogan "POTONG" is more applicable to it i.e. "Potong P1Wimax". Their sales agents would conveniently not tell you that the WIGGY mobile modem is for outside use only and hence you would have problem in signal strength using it inside your home. There is no such thing as free modem as I have to fork out RM299 (penalty for not completing the 24months contract) to cancel their service. Don't know much about other mobile broadband. So stick to Streamyx as I find it most reliable with its minor hiccups like what you are facing.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi there

    Sorry I forgot to respond to your very helpful comment because of the many developments lately.

    Thank you so much for your input. I guess I have no choice but to stick to streamyx :-(.

    We are at their mercy....

    Take care and have a good day.

    Do keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    uncle james Dearest MWS,
    If you hv 14 streamyx accounts like me, i think for sure you will get heart attacks very so often.The trick is..."talk real nice with the TM ppl, and they will send their techie over asap!". Ohya, TM service is getting better, not like those "screamax" days not so long ago.

    And many thanks for yr concern for felicia & her daughter. All of us (friends & family) are rallying around her, and she is coping well.

    Will appreciate if you can please say a prayer for her & daughter.


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Uncle James

    Oh my! 14 Streamyx accounts???? Wow! Difficult to manage...

    Lovely to hear from you again and you can be sure I will support her and junior in prayer. Take care and God bless!


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