Posted by Unknown On Friday, April 2, 2010 8 comments
Having worked with youth for over twenty-five years, I am so pleased to note that many have now shifted into action gear for the nation. There are a couple of activities that I wish to bring to your attention. These were highlighted by various blogs earlier last week and even a few days ago but some may not have come across these announcements so I am posting this with the hope that as many can attend. Your support is deeply appreciated by the organisers.



The Growing Emerging Leaders (GEL) group, which gave birth to the Empowering People Impacting Community (EPIC) project working with the orang asli have now embarked on a bigger project called Voice Your Choice.

On 3rd & 4th April 2010, these young bright hopes for our nation are going to launch the Voice Your Choice project of registering 2 million voters over the next twelve months.

The launch will be at three places for starters, from 10.00am to 10.00pm on both these days at weekend magnets for our youth these days - the shopping mall!

1. Subang Parade
2. Amcorp Mall
3. E-Curve Mall (formerly Cineleisure, Kota Damansara)

Event Details:

Date: 3rd & 4th April 2010
Time: 10am – 8pm

Venue: e@Curve (formerly Cineleisure Dsara)
Amcorp Mall
Subang Parade
E-Curve Mall (formerly Cineleisure, Kota Damansara)

Contact: Johnson Oei (012 6910086)
Loh Jon Ming (017 2263153)
Jasmine Ng (016 3177788)

If for some reason you are unable to help these young folks physically, then help them financially by donating to the cause.

Bank: CIMB
Branch: Subang Jaya
Account Number: 1261-0002228-05-3
Reg Number: SA0143174-D

If you’d like to find out more about this event, you can contact the above persons or send them an e-mail at when you are free.



BANGKIT is a nationwide search for songs written BY the youth, FOR the youth and reflecting the aspirations OF the youth of Malaysia. These songs will be showcased on our website where the youths will vote for the songs that most reflect their thoughts and feelings. The 10 most popular songs will then be professionally recorded and compiled into a BANGKIT CD to be distributed nationwide.

Write a song and tell us what you feel about Malaysia. Do a simple recording (just you and your webcam or radio is good enough). Email your mp3 and the BANGKIT registration form to us. We’ll post it on this website. (We begin on 1 April. Closing date is 15 May.)

What's unique about BANGKIT is that we are aiming to do all of this with NO MONEY. There is NO MONEY for allowances or claims, NO MONEY for design and marketing, NO MONEY for prizes, NO MONEY for recording, NO MONEY for CD production...well, NO MONEY for anything to prove that our nation's youth DO care about the country and want to make a difference.




MALAYSIAN-LAH campaign is organized purely by students of PR2 class of DIPMC program in SEGi University college specially for youth about Malaysian unity and harmony. There will be bazaars, food stalls, forum, games, exhibition booth and of course performances. Andrew Netto will be the emcee for the event. If you are free, please join them as they STOP STAND SALUTE Malaysia in their tribute campaign!

Date : 3 April 2010 (Saturday)
Time : 11am – 6pm
Venue : e@Curve (formally known as Cineleisure)

There will be performances by:
-Joe Flizzow feat. KLG Squad
-Danell Lee
-An Honest Mistake

Forum Speakers:
-Actress Sharifah Amani
-Celebrity Jojo Struys
-Malay Mail Editor Irwan Abdul Rahman
-Comedian Andrew Netto

BE THERE or BE SQUARE. Stop.Stand.Salute! For more information, click HERE.

It is simply heartening to see youth rising up in different ways to make the much needed difference in Malaysia. Please see which one you would like to attend or support financially. Your help will go a long way to make each event a success. Thanks for your cooperation and support. Have a nice day!


  1. says:

    Anonymous To lose heart just because of one or two failures is shortsighted indeed. Life is a long journey. Youth should go forward with courage, realizing that the more often you fail, the firmer the foundation you are building for your future life and happiness.

    ~~ Daisaku Ikeda

  1. says:

    Ex-MCA Man In their Common Platform of the Pakatan Rakyat which will come into force if the Opposition comes into powers, Malaysians will automatically be registered as voters when they turn 18.

  1. says:

    Loo The youth in this Bolehland cannot afford to be politically apathetic or ignorant any more.

    Act now, register now!

    Our future depends on you!

  1. says:

    Apa Nama I am a voter but this doesn't mean I am going to vote for **!

    To PR, please choose your potential candidates wisely! We need no Froggie politicians to represent us!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.08 pm

    Many thanks for your unending contribution of Daisaku Ikeda's quotations which truly embellish the message in my post. I am humbled by your effort and also the wisdom of this sage.

    God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ex-MCA Man

    Thanks for that reminder! A very important one too that will make a world of difference.

    Take care and God bless you.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Loo

    Thank you so much for your passionate response. God bless your patriotic and nationalistic heart to put our nation above all else.

    Take care and do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Apa Nama

    A very timely reminder indeed. PR cannot afford to make a mistake in their choice of candidates. Neither can they lose this by-election.

    Take care and let's pray for the best.

    God bless you!


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