Posted by Unknown On Friday, May 28, 2010 24 comments
In 1887, Lord Acton said : “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.“ Why am I bringing it up? Simple. The Malaysian Insider reported HERE that our PM had obtained the backing of the Umno Supreme Council for the government’s decision to relocate the Tanjong Pagar railway station in Singapore. The report said:

The prime minister also said more meetings with Singapore would be required to solve other contentious bilateral issues.

“My explanation was accepted by the supreme council and they are of the view that the solution is a win-win for both Malaysia and Singapore,” said Najib (picture) after chairing the Umno supreme council meeting here.

On former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s suggestions to solve other bilateral issues, Najib said those matters would be addressed in stages.

“We look at these in stages. One meeting cannot solve everything,” he said.

“I believe with trust, a lot of issues can be addressed,” said Najib. Click HERE for more.

I thought, like many others, that we have a democratic government which is elected by the people. Now, it looks like power is in the hands not of BN as a whole including all its component parties but in the UMNO Supreme Council.

  • Shouldn't the Cabinet be consulted on such a serious matter?
  • Why did the PM only consult the UMNO Supreme Council? What is the rationale behind the move?
  • Why are the BN component parties and Opposition silent on this? There should be many queries wrt this move.
  • How are decisions made? How are decisions SUPPOSED to be made? Who ultimately decides on How decisions are made?

Until and unless true democracy exists, our nation is likely to face such scenarios and are we happy with this? What are we going to do about this? Who owns political power in our nation?

Wikipedia states that political power is a type of power held by a group in a society which allows administration of some or all of public resources, including labour, and wealth. There are many ways to obtain possession of such power. At the nation-state level, political legitimacy for political power is held by the representatives of national sovereignty. Political scientists have frequently defined power as "the ability to influence the behaviour of others" with or without resistance.

Personally, this situation shows that there is too much power in the hands of too few! Power is an insidious force that should never be taken for granted. When one has too much power, one can be so beguiled or seduced to the extent of losing a logical sense of perspective or even to compromise one's value system/moral standards until power slowly corrupts and destroys us - like what Lord Acton implied in his famous quotation.

As citizens, we have to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages posed by the centralization and concentration of power. With this development, the time has come for civil society and every one to be vigilant about the forces of power at work in this nation. We have to understand how power is acquired, exercised and retained by those who walk the corridors of power. Gone are the days when we could trust so openly. Instead of conforming, we have to exercise our critical thinking skills and constantly question the motives and actions of those in power because obviously, there are those who inclined to further their own ambitions by exploiting their access to power.

When megalomaniacs exist, trouble is bound to abound! Some can spur us to improve ourselves but it is common knowledge that some have led us into economic problems as can be seen by Datuk Seri Idris Jala's recent announcement that our nation may be bankrupt in nine years' time. Let us NOT forget that billions of $ have been squandered on many items and via leakages because of selfish political ambition and greed. All that money that went up is smoke could have been used responsibly to improve the lives of the rakyat instead of ...

Whatever the case, there should not exist a concentration of power that threatens the existence of democracy in our country. No individual in our society should use political power to their personal advantage feeding on their sources of power and letting the rakyat suffer in the darkness of ignorance, higher prices and what have you...

As citizens in such a scenario, we cannot afford to sit back but to put in time and effort to stay informed and take an interest in the issues of the day. Otherwise, we would then be transformed into easy prey for their greed, avarice and lust for unlimited power and we MUST NEVER let that happen!

We have to morph into a powerful civil society and a healthy democracy in order to take an active part in the affairs of our nation instead of just sitting there, being an armchair critic and 'swallowing' what we are told via MSN.

I am sure many of us have had enough of imperious hypocrites who breed corruption and indifference to the needs of the rakyat - the very ones who elected them and those whom they are morally and politically meant to serve! No more double talk. Tell it like it is at the right platform to the right people to make the right decisions.

Let's do something positive to effect change in this country and to ensure that the RIGHT candidates are voted into the office. We cannot afford to be complacent anymore and to see greedy ones sap $ from our nation whilst the rakyat suffer rising costs of living. Let us be intellectually curious, informed and involved that this nation will not go backward but forward!


  1. says:

    Anonymous It boils down to BAD and INCOMPETENT planning.....besides, UNMO never tell the whole truth and lack credibility cum integrity.The present leaders have wiped off from their vocabulary words like shame, honesty and humility. Jala is right but soon his mouth will be shut or filtered. The day TDM became PM, UMNO reigns supreme. I personally blame the MCA, Gerakan and MIC for being so insipid. While bloggers like you are doing a good job delivering 'alternative education', the rural folks and the older generations are less secured and tend to be over accomodating [even rationalising that crumbs are better than none]. Maybe sincere praying to our preferred faith will help. Meanwhile, there is no harm in trying to rouse the crowd to do the right thing! regards. bengaun

  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    The same is true about money (in the context of Malaysian people). It is often remarked that "Money equals power and vice versa". So it is not hard to imagine the sheer criminality and the despicably of action by those in power with regards to public funds (i.e the taxed income and EPF) and in this context state property and sovereignty.

    I have often remarked that "with this dubious and clueless character at the helm of our government, we can expect a disaster, a catastrophe on the horizon" BUT to see and witness the predicted thing to really happen and with no ability to stop or change it, it left a heavy and sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Subconsciously my mind spoke with a grim and heavy note and said " kecik-kecik taknak mampus, dah besar menyusahkan negara!" and it was aimed at the past and present "leaders of UMNO".

    We had a chance for a great future and a great nation BUT we squandered it for a fistful of dollar offered by a snake oil salesman who happens to be a "Dr" (actually Dr. can be use as the short form of "Deceiver" too). TunDeceiver Madey, a perfect match made in hell!

    May GOD saves Malaysia from disaster! Amin!


  1. says:

    tupingera Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, from Greek: κλέπτης (thieve) and κράτος (rule), is a term applied to a government that takes advantage of governmental corruption to extend the personal wealth and political power of government officials and the ruling class (collectively, kleptocrats), via the embezzlement of state funds at the expense of the wider population, sometimes without even the pretense of honest service. The term means "rule by thieves".

    Let us call a spade, a spade.

  1. says:

    rainstorm It just shows BN govt is just run by UMNO ! Speak up MCA, GERAKAN, MIC and all the opposition parties !

    Basically our PMs (ex & present) think that M'sia belongs to them only and they can do whatever they want without consulting the Parliament/Cabinet, just like the case in Sarawak wherby Pah Lah "gave away" Block L & M to Brunei !!!!

    Lets vote BN out in the next GE. Is long overdue to clean up our country's mess courtesy of BN !!!!!

  1. says:

    Selvi PM = Umno Supreme
    Umno Supreme = PM

    What's the difference?

  1. says:

    Anak Melayu Mahathir said one of the things which helps to keep him mentally active and healthy despite his mature age, is the pleasure he gets from ribbing present leaders.

    What a sound advice from a wise man!

  1. says:

    Starmandala The root of the problem, ultimately, lies in the Y chromosome, which makes the male of the species vulnerable to testosteronal poisoning. This manifests even in simple folk like the Orang Asli. As soon as the male gets hold of some serious money, 95% of it is squandered on booze, broads, and bikes - leaving the wife and kids hungry and mad. These UMNO flers are only better dressed than the OA males - mentally and psychologically, sama sama.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Older ppl who have lived through the decades of umno misrule should at least be able to spot all the fundamental lies which they have been fed throughout via the complicitly sick media.

    If they still can't, then, they've truly grown old in vain. Also, there is really no cure for willful and/or ignorance.

    Any self respecting person of some integrity and intelligence is expected to realize how duplicitous the repressive governance has been and can only continue with more of the same - forever, if possible.

    The older ppl have enabled this monstrosity for so long ; it's time for(some of) them to do some penance themselves and not harping only on the young voters for everything related to the utterly NECESSARY need for change!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Strictly speaking, a truly wise man cannot be also a wicked one. A wicked one can never be wise for if he were so, he wouldn't have been wicked in the first place.

    53 years of umno recolonisation has made this country stupid, shallow and undiscerning than it could have been without its overall repression.

    This regime has only demonstrated the overbearingly comprehensive art of exploitation of its own ppl and that of its natural resources in favor of its own selfish elites.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Beng Aun

    Indeed gross incompetence, corruption and fiscal irresponsibility have largely caused most of the problems that we see before us. You are right in that those values of honor and integrity do not exist in their vocabulary. The subservient silence of other BN component parties have led to this pathetic situation - that they would rather be puppets on a string than vanguards of honor for their respective communities is a crying shame. Definitely, we have to go on bended knees for divine intervention and deliverance. Thanks for your kind and encouraging words. Always appreciate your thoughtful input! Take care and do keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    Thank you for your very thought-provoking and passionate comment that has made many see far beyond the issues at hand.

    To think that ONE evil man can wreck so much havoc in a beautiful country such as ours and worse still, to influence many to do the same!

    Malaysians MUST wake up and drive out of this quagmire otherwise we will all be sucked into this whirlpool of disaster!

    Take care and let's persevere in seeking justice, integrity and equality. Take care and have a blessed evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tupingera

    Thank you so much!!! While I was writing the post, the word "Kleptocracy" completely slipped my mind. I thought of plutocracy but knew that wasn't it. At my age, I can be quite forgetful! Thanks so much for reminding me about kleptocracy.

    We see a lot of it in and this practice has to be put to an end...Take care and God bless you.

    Do keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear rainstorm

    It appears that while a few are getting bolder, others are getting more docile and servile! What a tragedy. Definitely they have to go that this country may thrive! Thanks for your passionate comment. I stand with you in this issue. Take care and God bless you. Enjoy the rest of the evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Selvi

    The same one in supreme in both cases so that is the heart of the problem...

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anak Melayu

    I seriously think he is too mentally active and should ride into the sunset and enjoy his moments with his grandchildren and family adn let the younger and newer set rule...There has been enough destruction from varying degrees of *ahem* wisdom. *winks*


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Antares

    That is a powerful anthropological perspective that aptly sums up the alpha male issue in those who want to rule by sheer force...I do agree with you, dear friend. Thanks for sharing your learned view that is laced with first-hand observation. Take care and have a great weekend.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    I fear somehow, the older set are more subservient in character to the extent that it is second nature to conform and not to challenge the status quo - in short - a very 'Asian' approach.

    Willful ignorance and deliberate indifference - both allow them to rot in silence while thinking that all will be well as long as their rice bowls remain untouched.

    Tragically, many forgot about their children and descendants who have to suffer the consequences of their fearful behavior and so it is up to us and the next generation to boot them out!!! We have inherited far too much baggage and must throw them all away!

    Thanks for your lucid comment, ~wits0~.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits~

    Thank you for your thought-provoking comment. Whilst it is true that the wise cannot be wicked, some wise ones can lose their wisdom via propaganda. While they may have acquired spiritual wisdom or at other levels, ignorance, indifference, passivity and wrong perspectives thanks to years of exposure to MSM propaganda and rhetoric have truly made many devoid of their logical thinking.

    Their folly is their belief in what they see and hear and thinking that is the truth without questioning. Thank God for net penetration without which even more would be rotting in the backwoods of ignorance.

    The time has come for each one of us to spread the gospel of change...

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    pywong Sorry dear friends. I think you miss the point. The issue is not power alone. The issue is allowing them to gain power too easily by cheating over and over during elections.


    A: 4.4 million unregistered voters. Most are anti-BN. The less voters there are, the easier it is to cheat with postal and phantom votes - statistically, less are needed. Sibu has shown very clearly how the SPR tried to cheat DAP of its win.

    Solution: Join Voter registration teams to register new voters.

    B: Cheating on polling day due to inexperience and incompetence of Polling Agents and Counting Agents (PACAs), with SPR helping BN.

    Solution: Volunteer to be a PACA for the PR component parties during by-elections to gain experience. Take part in PACA training programs conducted by the PR parties to prepare yourself for a snap election. Elections is war. PACAs are the soldiers needed to fight the war.

    When enough new voters are registered and PR PACAs are sufficient (800 nos per MP), UMNO/BN will really start to worry about losing power. That's when they will reform. Who knows? We may get lucky and kick them out of power.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely hold so much truth in it! The next GE13 will be the mother of all elections. That is crystal clear by the way our 1MPM6 is walking the talk. Literally walking with the religious people for now and trying to show a caring altitude.

    Well we have seen such shows for the last 53 years and the people are more political aware to the many happenings around that concern their welfare. Words are mere words until we live by it. On one side trying to protray a caring govt but at the other end preparing to cut subsidy.

    Just get independent bodies to look into the outrageous expenditure of the defence ministry and also the poor collection record of the customs due to leakages. Tighten up all the loose ends and we do not need to bite the bullet of the subsidy.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear PY

    Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing your input, not forgetting all the work you are doing for the nation and the rakyat.

    Thanks also for the wonderful suggestions.

    I believe the various political parties are busy registering voters in public places, shopping malls and so far, the results have been pleasing.

    However, many including myself are unaware of the PACA factor.

    Could you kindly give us information as to how the rakyat can register and help in this area?

    Then the army can be strengthened and we can fight the battle on stronger ground.

    Looking forward to your valued input.

    Take care and God bless you and yours.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    From the way things are going, definitely GE 13 is one that will rock the nation - so much at stake and so many dreams and hopes within.

    I sincerely hope that all parties have already started work to prepare for the next GE. I believe the rakyat is more than ready to go to the ballot box.

    May God deliver this nation from the path of destruction and from evil characters who have their own interests at heart. May God put into place men and women of honor who can steer the country and the citizens on the right path!

    Thanks for your heartfelt comment. Take care and God bless you.


  1. says:

    amused u cant expect much from a guy who buys a submarine that cant submerge. on top of that, he is too busy to attend "smart consumer" classes or workshops so you'll have to excuse his poor judgement and decision making.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear amused

    :-) Excellent comment laced with wit and humor to remind us of the ludicrous situation! Thanks for visiting and for sharing!

    Do keep in touch and have a nice day!


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