Posted by Unknown On Sunday, June 20, 2010 12 comments
We've all heard about people having Guts or Balls. Did you know that there is a medical distinction between Guts and Balls? I was clueless about this until Freddie sent me the following information :-). In an effort to keep you informed and humored, here are the definitions:


It is arriving home late after a night out with the boys, being met by your wife with a broom, and having the Guts to ask: 'Are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?'


It is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the butt and having the balls to say: 'You're next, Chubby.'

I hope this clears up any confusion on the definitions. Medically, speaking there is No difference in the outcome.

Both result in death. :-)

Have a nice day! Keep smiling :-)


  1. says:

    1. nick Sis,

    Reading the medical distinction of both terms, I say that both describe the attitude and the intoxicated (with money earned by his consultants for the so called "labs" and "studies" and "whatnot") brain of Idris Jala or for that matter, all of UMNO and BN ministers especially the Pink M. And you're right, both will results in death (politically, I mean..Idris Jala's and GOD willing..UMNO and BN's).

    On another note, being brave to defend one's lies and manipulation of information "with the intent of criminal deceit" is not brave at all. That's sheer narcissistic arrogance fused with senility and not to mention "a certified nut case" mental state. Might I add, it was first developed and incredibly put to use by TDM albeit with the result of his standing in the eyes of Malaysian was reduced to "garbage and a very old garbage at that".

    Have a great day Sis and GOD bless.


  1. says:

    2. Ex-MCA Man Many MCA leaders have BALLS,
    But they have no GUTS!

  1. says:

    3. Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    Please put a disclaimer: Not applicable to male cats as the probability of them losing their balls due to medical procedure is very high. *gulp*

  1. says:

    4. Justice Barisan Nasional is open to any or all five of the independent MPs previously from PKR despite criticisms from their previous party, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said.

    Well, by all means, all the five filthy frogs, please join BN.

    You are a bunch of ball-less wakil rakyat!

  1. says:

    5. Anonymous Dear Ex-MCA Man,

    What do you mean by MCA leaders have Balls but no Guts?

    For all I know, they have neither!!

  1. says:

    6. Unknown Dear Nick

    I am so glad you were the first to comment and to respond in a politically correct manner!

    What you wrote is quite similar to the thoughts that crossed my mind when I first read the joke.

    We need men and women of honor, courage and character to be true to the country, the people, themselves and most of all to the Almighty that together we can progress.

    Till then, we have to cope with a surfeit of balderdash!

    Happy Fathers' Day!


  1. says:

    7. Unknown Dear Ex-MCA Man

    Quite true...however few have both and even if they did, would not be in a high position in the hierarchy of power. Some may have balls but no guts and even more lack both!

  1. says:

    8. Unknown Dear Cat-in-Sydney

    LOL!! I can always depend on you to come up with an unforgettable comment that makes me grin from ear to ear.

    You are precious!


  1. says:

    9. Unknown Dear Justice

    I am so glad you took the cue from the post to share this comment.

    We really need men and women of honor to stand for office. If not, what will happen to us???

    Take care and have a blessed day. If you are a dad, here's wishing you HAPPY FATHERS' DAY!


  1. says:

    10. Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.36pm

    Ah - we share almost the same sentiments :-)....

    Thanks for swinging by. Take care and have a blessed day!


  1. says:

    11. semi valued balls guts is a minister promising a village that he will build a bridge for them.

    when the villages tell the minister there is no need for the bridge as there is no river to cross, a minister needs balls to say he will build a river for the unbuilt bridge.

    now doesn't this case sound familiar? :)

  1. says:

    12. Unknown Dear semi valued balls

    I love your nom de plume and its double entendre :-).

    Thank you for your witty comment. Yup - it sounds a little too familiar for all of us. Take care!

    My apologies for this late response. I have become quite forgetful :-(.

    Do keep in touch.


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