Posted by Unknown On Saturday, June 26, 2010 9 comments
A friend sent me the following diagram that just about sums up the scenario in many households.
I showed this to my husband before I posted it and he smiled. Well, I do admit that we argued a lot during the courtship years and somehow, the frequency declined the longer we remained together. And now, 27 years later, I can safely say that it has been a very long time since we had any argument. I guess that is what marriage is all about - the commitment to love and the willingness to adapt to one another. For those of you who are about to be married or are married, here's wishing you and yours a lifetime of sharing, loving and caring. Have a pleasant weekend with your loved ones.

9 comments to WILL THE HUSBAND WIN?

  1. says:

    1. KoSong Cafe For peace of mind, let wife wins.

    With more years of experience, it becomes an art before it even starts!

  1. says:

    2. mokja Bet after 50 years,the lovey dovey couple would take a stroll hand in hand.
    Love seeing past shelf life couples so loving.Bring tears to my eyes.Difficult to see one in Malaysia.

  1. says:

    3. Unknown Dear KoSong

    What a wise comment you have shared with us! Many thanks! Have a lovely weekend with your loved ones.

  1. says:

    4. Unknown Dear mokjadeandell

    Thank you for sharing this touching comment. I feel the same way as you do. Of late, I have seen elderly couples holding hands in Penang - especially in shopping malls and even at recreation parks in the evening - truly an inspiring sight to behold that love is the greatest of all emotions - it grows and stays with us..

    God bless you and yours always.



  1. says:

    5. Darth Vader MWS

    After marriage, man afraid of NAGGING. We want peace of mind so we lose all the time.

  1. says:

    6. Unknown Dear Darth Vader

    Haha!!! Quite true. I notice that many men are quiet during arguments and this can be both good and bad.

    It is good because it prevents the other party from getting angrier...

    It can be bad if all the anger is suppressed! Is this why men have a shorter life span? Just a passing thought...

    Take care and have a lovely weekend with your family!


  1. says:

    7. Anonymous "Will the husband win?" depends very much on which group we are talking about? Those that can marry four wives are different. The women cannot win leh!

    They lived in constant fear and in any argument with the KING of the house it may cause a breakup. Then he can have the excuse to take another one.

  1. says:

    8. Unknown Dear ahoo

    Haha!! I forgot about that scenario..That is very sharp of you to consider such a situation.

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and may the Lord bless you and your wife with many years of loving, caring and sharing.


  1. says:

    9. Bunny Well, I do admit that we argued a lot during the courtship years and somehow, the frequency declined the longer we remained together. And now, 27 years later, I can safely say that it has been a very long time since we had any argument.

    i thought you were talking about sex.

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