Posted by Unknown On Sunday, July 25, 2010 31 comments
Malaysian cyberspace is ablaze with the news of falling FDIs of 81% as announced HERE by Tony Pua and HERE by RAM Holdings group chief economist Yeah Kim Leng. I thought things were bad but not THAT bad. What to do? It seems that corruption and incompetent leadership is a lethal combination for the nation's economy but does it appear that those who COULD make a difference IF they wanted to, are alarmed, concerned and/or taking remedial action? Oh yes, they are taking remedial action indeed to protect their own turf!

The upright have no political power to keep the country astern. Malaysia is NOT facing a shortage of competent people who are prepared to serve the country but most tragically, it is that they are NOT given the opportunity to do so.

Look at some who are in the limelight. Probably 50% of them would not be able to enter international companies because of their dismal achievement and yet these very ones are running the country??

A classic example is the issue of subsidy cuts. After the announcement of such a supposedly remedial move, we hear of other *clears throat* horribly surprising overtures and proposed projects/expenditures that make a mockery of the first one. Competence?

If they had been at the helm of billion dollar companies, they would have been sacked before they bankrupted the company but yet, those responsible for bankrupting the country and yet denying it in a hunky dory fashion!!!

Those two articles I cited have provided data that show in no uncertain terms that we are faring VERY badly economically.

Definitely, Malaysia faces a leadership problem. RPK has expressed it succinctly in his post WHAT WE SHOULD FOCUS ON:

Some lament about the FDI. Some scream about Malay Supremacy (Ketuanan Melayu). Others worry about what T-shirt or jersey we wear. There are those who would like all Malays absorbed into just one political party for the sake of ‘Malay unity’ -- and so on and so forth. But all these people overlook one important thing -- and that is the quality of life in Malaysia and what your Ringgit can buy.

So instead of making our country a better place, instead of pulling our economy out of the doldrums, they are spending their time ensuring that the world at large laughs at us. Which other country in the entire planet is doing this? Golly, not even in Africa!!! So are we worse than Zimbabwe or Nigeria now?

Actions taken by some and words spoken by some show the complete idiotic political immaturity which is both pitiful and pathetic. Much effort is spent in attacking the other side. For instance, while the Penang State government has achieved some progress in its CAT governance, it is evident some are plotting to run down the administration via sabotage or stupid spats! Others like I.A. and the old man are intent on their old habit of 'kacau' here and 'kacau' there hoping there will be ''kacau" everywhere!

The level of stupidity and reported alleged corruption (alleged because it has yet to be proven despite many Auditor-General's Reports) have reached a record high.

Singapore has a water and land problem which has not hindered their high level of development - instead they have a low level of corruption. Thailand is politically rocked with instability but even so, they have come out economically better than Malaysia. Indonesia has plenty of water and land and USED to be more backward than us but their economic achievement has outstripped us!

Wawasan 2020?

In reality, there are those working to set our country back!

All countries are MOVING FORWARD EXCEPT US!!! Our politicians talk about obscure and unimportant details/projects that SPEND $$ rather than MAKE $$. Yeah -they are spending spending spending on mega million/billion dollar projects as if there is no tomorrow. Are these of optimum use or potential white elephants? Many are questioning such expenditure at a time when out country is supposed to be going bankrupt and some wonder if kickbacks could be the incentive. Sadly, people seem to be as poor or even poorer than in the past because of the rising cost of living.

1Malaysia, 2Malaysia, 3Malaysia or 4Malaysia? Nothing will change the situation as long as THOSE who are responsible for this horrible nightmare are still allowed and glorified as the Freddy Krueger of our country!

So should we suffer this lethal combo any more?

We had better make the RIGHT CHOICE or die with the wrong one at the next GE!!

31 comments to LETHAL COMBO

  1. says:

    Anonymous Ya... jangan tunggu lama lama my friend!!! On the move and together we kick the incompetent and the idiots out.
    We the people is the lethal weapon. It is now or never....ok.

  1. says:

    Anonymous We are into a period of reflection. Everything that had happened to date has its valid reason. We can call it the cross-road crisis where some many leaders seem to tell us to go the direction they wanted.

    At the current rate of non progress, any of those road will lead us nowhere. I do believe that before the new dawn the night will be scary and dark. To some people those nights seem unending.

    Let us unite and share a common call that Enough is Enough! Not another chance for another term of blunder. This nation has had been raped so badly that it will take more than just hope tp restore its diginity.

    We need men and women who fear God to navigate this nation back to its course to recovery. Not the current regime who are out to exploit and continue in their daily manner of unaccounted excessive bleeding of the nation's coffer.

    All people out there, please do not just be a good listener but be ye a doer too. Encourage more people to know the truth that this nation cries out for us to vote wissely and let this land be heal be set free from all those wicked politicians. Let us not be divided in our quest to usher in a new govt for the people by the people.

  1. says:

    Anonymous The "economists" are talking in funny riddles only they can understand. They will NEVER come up with a clear picture of had happened and what to expect. They ALWAYS use "doublespeak" so that what they say is neither here nor there so that if things go THIS way they're right and if things go THAT way, they're also right.

    Look, what the f**k is this...(some statements that I’ve extracted from some fancy sounding sites)

    “MALAYSIA'S economy has likely peaked during the first quarter and is likely to face growth challenges during the second half of the year, said economists…”

    To a layman, this simply means that our economy has done well during the first 3 months of 2010 to the extent that it will not be better from June onwards to December 2010. Right?

    They even reinforced their views that things might not get better because…

    “…while the global economy is on the mend, the recovery is still fragile. The advanced G3 economies (US, Europe and Japan) are expected to remain weak in the second half. The strong unemployment numbers out of the US suggest that global recovery is still fragile and uneven…”
    Then, BANG!! taking a 180® turn, it says that the original growth forecast was 4.9% by August 2010 but BECAUSE of Malaysia’s “better-than-expected first quarter growth (it) has prompted a number of economists to revise upwards their growth outlook for Malaysia for 2010.”
    I mean, what kind of nonsense is this? One minute it says that we have already peaked and the global economy is still fragile and uneven, but the very next minute they say that our growth figures are going to be revised upwards. And, strangely, even “Maybank Investment Bank is now expecting a 7.5 per cent growth, OSK DMG (7.0 per cent) while CIMB Investment Bank is looking at a 7.0 per cent growth”. And it went on to say that “Maybank is factoring in the faster and broader rebound in global economy.” BUT ONLY A MOMENT AGO they said “global recovery is still fragile and uneven…”
    Finally they “…expects GDP growth to ease to 8.7 per cent year-on-year in the second quarter, 6.2 per cent (third quarter) and 5.2 per cent (fourth quarter).” These bloddy “economists” are talking nonsense!!!

    After taking your advice to read up on the reports, I’ve lost 2 pints of blood. Ya, vomited.


  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    'We had better make the RIGHT CHOICE or die with the wrong one at the next GE!!’ - Precisely! Turkey don't vote for Christmas!


  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear StraightTalking,

    Please forgive them. There's a saying, which the economists find it even more difficult to understand economy, not to mention on how to explaining it hahaha...


  1. says:

    Anonymous Yeah Capt, I've always have a soft heart for morons So I'm gonna send you to discipline them. With me, they won't stand a chance...


  1. says:

    Anonymous The World Investment Report (WIR) is a respected report card introduced about 20 years ago that looks at trends in foreign direct investments (FDI) flows worldwide, at the regional and country level. It analyses the FDI trends, its implications and offers objective recommendations. This report is very influential and is used by many in the financial sector and investors and is a “must have” guide where to appropriate or allocate foreign investment funds.

    And in THAT report, it says that Malaysia has the shameful honor of being the only country among its Asean neighbors to record a NEGATIVE FDI in 2009. Our great country was financially rewarded with only USD1.38 billion worth of FDIs! If Singapore’s USD16 billion was a dining extravaganza, we’re like scrapping the crumbs off the plate!! We’re even worse than the Philippines which did USD1.95 billion.

    And BN keeps on harping everyday that we’re doing, not only well, but VERY well.

    Excuse me…but I need to vomit blood again.


  1. says:

    Anonymous "Malaysia faces a leadership problem.."

    From which we also have a sick moral and deep psychic malady. The decadence is earned by the voters who voted for BN/Bumno.


  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear StraightTalking,

    The same goes for me so thanks for the offer but no thanks. You see, I am a samurai as you can clearly see it from my picture. I adhered to a very strict bushido code and unlike some BTN bullshitdo crap, they all might ended up seppuku-ing en masse... wait, an orgy of seppuku? Sounds kind a cool!!!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Dr Yeah from RAM is well known to be a mouth piece for the Goverment to "paint" good story for the Goverment of the day. Many of RAM's projects are done for the Goverment.

    They may be non-partisan as individual including RAM's top management but still need to kowtow to UMNO Goverment.

    When PR takes over Putrajaya, they should zoom down to RAM and interview the senior management to know what are the exact works they have done for the Goverment. Lie or truth is to be revealed.

  1. says:

    Poh Has anyone heard speeches by Alan Greenspan? Can you understand what he was saying? I don't. I must also admit that I am so so intellectually.

    I am sure you must have read Najib's brother defending the low FDI. After looking at the statistic provided by Tony Pua, I was wondering how he could defend it. As I said I am only so so intellectually. People would listen to him because somebody has dubbed him as a top banker.

    If you want to hear the truth about our economy, then go ask people like our sugar king, the Genting boss.

  1. says:

    Anonymous In a way you are right ... the politician is spending money like there is no tomorrow .... There is no tomorrow for them to "make" money from us anymore .... time to get them before they bankrupt us

  1. says:

    Anonymous Would the Out flowing FDI due to all the corruption money flowing out asap as soon the corrupted would not be able to get it out of the country .... every politician (and his entire family) that retired should be ban from leaving the country

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.52p.m.

    Excellent spirited comment. Yup - we have to unite and do a Beckham on them!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Indeed we are living in trying and challenging times. There is probably a mixed reaction from citizens depending on which side of the divide they belong to. More than ever, we have to be vigilant and diligent to spread the news and information lest people be deceived by propaganda and lies.

    Each of us must take an active part in persuading our fellow country men to vote correctly lest we suffer in ignorance or passivity.

    May God truly raise up men and women of honor to lead our nation to development, progress and unity.

    Take care and thank you so much, ahoo, for such a sincere comment.

    God bless you and yours always.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    Thank you once again for yet another analytical comment that makes us think far and deep about this topic. Honestly, I hope that more and more be inspired to question and to dig for information to join the dots of many areas in our country.

    Your expert opinion certainly broadens the dimension of the post and it is quite scary because if you, with your fantastic knowledge, expertise and experience in your field of specialization, can vomit blood, it means that people like me who are less knowledgeable should by right be vomiting entrails...

    Sighs. It IS very worrying indeed.

    Thank you so much for a very mentally stimulating input.

    Take care and God bless you and yours always.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear StraightTalking, the Malusial bUmno specimen know only BullShitDo and they don't mind doing Suckuku to get roguish titles and fake "honors".

    This little acre of the world has a Gomen that extols inverted values of the racist/fascists cesspool and tok kok about rubbish patriotism.

    This is the real reason why they must keep everyone else poor and stupid through lies and propaganda ; they know that they can never win by virtue of reason and facts.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    Thanks for your witty comments :-). Always a joy to read your input!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    Many thanks for that informative input! I wonder why nonsensical statements of defense are still being churned out today.


    Take care and thanks for sharing this.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    It is really painful that we have to suffer the wrong decision made by many at the ballot box.

    Hopefully they have learnt their lessons well and will make right what went wrong.

    Take care and thanks for sharing!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 2.18p.n.

    Thank you so much for that precious input! I hope PR staff will take note of that and do the needful at the right time.

    Thank you for taking the time to share this with us. Take care and do keep in touch.

    God bless you and yours.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Poh

    Your comment resonates with me cos I feel the same way! I also wonder as to how some can disregard Tony Pua's strong claims and data. StraightTalking earlier also brought up salient points wrt The World Investment Report.

    I wonder who they are trying to kid.

    Sighs. That is why the alternative media is so important to spread information and the right facts.

    Thanks for sharing so honestly. Take care and it is lovely to hear from you again. Do keep in touch.

    God bless you.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 4.55p.m.

    Many thanks for jiving with my thoughts. Thanks for taking the time to read it and for sharing your views. Take care and do keep in touch!

    God bless you and yours.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 4.55p.m.

    Excellent suggestion...How I also wish this could come true! Take care and thanks for sharing your views. Do keep in touch. Have a blessed week.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Wow!! That is a power-packed comment that zooms right to the heart of the matter! Thanks for not mincing your words.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Al Greenspan was a five-term Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1987 to 2006 having taken over from Paul Volcker. Five terms is saying a lot about the man in a country where market capitalization is more than USD10 TRILLION! Over that period of almost 20 years, he’d faced some pretty nasty economic disasters. While many attributed the subprime mortgage and credit crisis in 2007 to his free-market ideology and encouraged financial de-regulations (and of course the low interest rates that inflated the housing bubble), he did survive, and helped guided the US economy through two other major financial earthquakes, the first one before he could even warm his seat – the 1987 “Black Monday” stock market crash where stocks around the world came tumbling down (with Hong Kong taking the first bullet) and the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997.

    Sure, he made some pretty bad fiscal moves, but he seldom contradicts himself, if ever. And most importantly, he didn’t lie about the economy. And, if I may add, he did make some pretty sharp observations during his tenure as Chairman of the US Federal Reserve. I’ve left out the more boring technical stuff, and reproduced some excerpts that we can all understand…

    On skills enhancement…
    "Protectionism will do little to create jobs; and if foreigners retaliate, we will surely lose jobs. We need instead to discover the means to enhance the skills of our workforce and to further open markets here and abroad to allow our workers to compete effectively in the global marketplace."

    On equal opportunity and access to knowledge and education…
    "Historically, we have placed much greater emphasis on the need to provide equality of opportunity than on equality of outcomes. But equal opportunity requires equal access to knowledge. We cannot expect everyone to be equally skilled. But we need to pursue equal access to knowledge to ensure that our economic system works at maximum efficiency and is perceived as just in its distribution of rewards."

    On recognizing the importance of China as a global economic partner…
    "It is in our interest and that of the global economy that China continues to progress toward becoming a more market-based, productive, and dynamic economy in which individual initiative, not government decision-making, is the fundamental strength behind economic activity. For our part, it is essential that we not put that outcome, or our future, at risk with a step back into protectionism."

    Do we have local “economists” talking like that?


  1. says:

    Anonymous "Do we have local “economists” talking like that?"

    If we have, these would have been long silenced by Bumno/BN.

    There was once a top malay executive in Proton who expressed his noteworthy opinion that Proton should fulfill its social responsibilty(instead of fleecing the ppl) ; he was almost immediately made to resign!


  1. says:

    SFGEMS Hi MWS, Only reading this today. Been busy doing stuff and today having some quiet time, I am finally reading through some blog posts.

    Good one!

    Hugs :)

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    Excellent comment and if you do not mind, I will post this soon and connect it to some economic issue.

    Thanks for sharing your depth of knowledge and expertise in my humble blog. I pray your comment will go a long way in enlightening many Malaysians.

    Take care and have a great weekend!

    My apologies for this late response! Forgetful old lady here LOL!!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Very true. They would be muzzled!!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Lita

    Thanks so much for reading and for your encouraging comment. Take care and have a great time this weekend!

    Hugs and blessings to you and yours

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