Posted by Unknown On Monday, July 26, 2010 17 comments
In the 1980's, my graduation thesis was A Comparative Study of Viewing and Listening Habits of the three main races in Penang based on samples taken from low cost flat dwellers in three housing schemes. The findings then showed that tv viewing was an important activity. While reminiscing this evening, I thought about the functions of our main broadcasting station then and now and decided to see if indeed these have changed in tandem with the political landscape.

As many of us know, Radio Televisyen Malaysia is under the Ministry of Information, Communication and Culture. Wikipedia provides some information of RTM at THIS LINK. The official website HERE gives the history and development of Radio Televisyen Malaysia. This link HERE reveals that Datuk Ibrahim Yahaya is currently the Director General of the Department of Broadcasting Malaysia.

Interestingly, I googled his name and discovered that he has a few blogs, one of which is called Dunia Tiger. Previously, he was chief news editor of Berita Harian. Then he moved to TV3 as an editor. After a stint at Berita publishing, he became media consultant to RTM (2005-2007). In September 2008, became Media Advisor to Minister of Information and was subsequently appointed as Director General of Broadcasting, Ministry of Information Communications and Culture on March 16, 2009. I am not surprised as he has such a sterling record in the media industry.

Upon close examination of his blog, I am very impressed with his mastery of Bahasa Malaysia. His blog examines various interesting issues - from World Cup Football to politics to personal experiences and of course political issues as well.

One particular blog post caught my attention - Bengkel Transformasi RTM. This particular blog post reveals the functions of RTM (the official version can be accessed HERE).

Excerpt from his blog:

Sebenarnya RTM perlu memastikan kecemerlangan selama ini diteruskan dengan pendekatan terbaru yang lebih dinamik, kreatif, menarik, semasa dan idea di luar lingkungan terutama dalam menyebarluaskan program terbaru kerajaan iaitu Gagasan 1Malaysia.

Sebagai tonggak utama Kementerian Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan, RTM selalu diperhati dan dipantau dari setiap segi terutama Bahagian Berita dan Ehwal Semasa (BES) selain Bahagian Perolehan Filem yang menjadi tumpuan industri kreatif.

RTM mahu dilihat sebagai saluran penyiaran yang mampu mententeramkan rakyat ketika sesuatu dasar radikal dilaksanakan. Dasar yang tidak dipolitikkan tidak susah untuk disebarluaskan. Menceritakan kesulitan kerajaan jika amalan subsidi diteruskan di samping menangkis pembohongan yang sengaja dibuat terhadap kerajaan. Apalah kata...Felda Dah Bankrap. Ish...ishh..ishh.

Sejajar sebagai jurucakap kerajaan, RTM sentiasa dikehendaki mendokong progam terbaru kerajaan agar rakyat mengetahui, memahami dan mengamalkan dasar itu. Empat tumpuan utama kerajaan sekarang ialah Gagasan 1Malaysia, Pelan Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP), Model Baharu Ekonomi(MBE) dan Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh (RMK10).

If your BM is rusty like mine, perhaps you might want to use Google Translate HERE (It is not a very accurate translation but did help me to understand it better).

He is a fan of TDM as seen in THIS POST and also very expressive wrt Anwar as expressed HERE.

According to a friend who writes fantastic articles in Facebook, Vijay Kumar Murugavell, if you watch the news on RTM 1 in the morning, you can have a good idea of what to expect in the political scene. In one of his posts HERE, he said, "Switch off your TV especially RTM 1 and read the Federal Constitution until you understand how this document protects the rights of all, including ignorant citizens like you, and how it makes nationhood possible."

Decades ago, as a mass communications undergraduate, I learnt that broadcasting stations have to fulfil functions to provide:

* information
* education
* entertainment
* propaganda

As a retiree in my twilight years, I can see the fourth function is getting more and more pronounced to cope with the changing mood and trend of governance. I remember how in the 1960's and 1970's, forms of government propaganda were mainly via advertisements or through the screening of music video clips of patriotic songs such as "Berjaya" or "Setia" (which incidentally is one of my firm favorites).

CLICK HERE to listen to SETIA.

In case you did not know, "Setia" was written by the late Tan Sri Mohamed Rahmat. In his political memoirs, Umno: Akhir Sebuah Impian (Umno: The End of a Dream), he explains how his ministry’s campaigns, such as Setia (Loyalty), were actually a response to the Team A versus Team B split in Umno in 1987.

The Star reported HERE:

“I had to bring Malay loyalty back to Umno. And I had to raise a presumption that anybody who supported (Team B led by Tengku Razaleigh then) was not loyal. I went all out in this psychological warfare,” he writes.

“The Malays were numb to political arguments ... I needed something that penetrated the heart. I needed a song.”

So he wrote one himself: the famous Setia song with its supposedly patriotic lyrics (“Demi negara yang tercinta”, or “For our beloved country”, goes the first line) that was broadcast for years especially via the Government’s RTM (Radio Televisyen Malaysia) stations.

Tok Mat admits in his book that he first used Information Ministry staff in 1977 on a “mission” to topple the PAS State Government of Kelantan.

It is clear that it is a completely different ball game today. The times are a-changing, and programming is different from what it was during the days of Tan Sri Mohamed Rahmat. If "Setia" had been launched in the current political climate, I am sure the reaction would be different from what it was in the past. Also, I would not be surprised if the audience size has also shrunk considerably. Certainly, if I were to conduct the same study that I carried out in the 1980's, the results would also be different.

How many of us actually watch RTM channels? I have not watched any TV program in the last 5 years. I cancelled my Astro subscription last year upon realization that I had been donating $$ to Astro for some time :-).

Whilst I would not be surprised if those with net access may know the truth, I am quite concerned about how there could be pockets of Malaysians who still rely on MSM for information without cross-checking with other websites or sources of information.

Clearly, Pakatan Rakyat is at a distinct disadvantage compared to BN which has at their disposal broadcasting stations and the probable unspoken support of MSM. Their only firm avenue seems to be their own publications (which continue to be at the mercy of the Home Ministry) and of course the alternative media.

Suffice to say the next time you read or watch any news article/programme, analyze it carefully to see if there are underlying messages. Don't be deceived or tricked by anyone.


  1. says:

    IbnAbdHalim Propaganda is the top agenda of the BN government that goes through the TV and radio channels, together with the mainstream media. I totally cut myself off from those media since refomasi days.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Saudara Ibn Abd Halim

    Thank you for being of the same mind wrt TV and radio channels. Let's hope that more and more Malaysians will come to realize that they are exposing themselves to propaganda.

    Take care and thanks for sharing your view. Have a pleasant evening.


  1. says:

    Anonymous According to the Malaysian Mirror, an estimated 7 millions young voters will cast their vote in the next GE.

    That's a lot of votes!!!

    I think Pakatan should look at these 7 million from a marketing if these 7 million are potential buyers of their product. So, I think PR should be asking themselves...

    What do we have to do to create their awareness of our product?

    What is the single most important selling point of our product?

    Where do we launch our product?

    How do we sustain their interest in our product?

    I'm aware of Friends of Pakatan Rakyat, but is that enough? I think there's too little interaction. I was expecting to see titles like "Topic of the Day", or "Best Reader's Comment of the Week", or "Sunday Video", or "Breaking News", "What Can We Do To Make More Friends", "If I am the Prime Minister" or maybe give away a "Prize of the Month" for best contributed article, etc etc...that kind of stuff to generate participation and interest among the "friends". The possibilities are endless.

    Just a thought...


  1. says:

    Anonymous Continue from where I left off earlier on "Friends of Pakatan"...

    Issues need not be only on politics. Young people (ahem, like me) like other stuffs too...

    Titles like "Which TV Show do you like best?", or "Which TV show do you hate the most?" or "Who is your favourite singer?" or "Who is your favourite actor?", and then there can be "Favourite TV Show of the Month", "Favourite Movie of the Month" etc etc will liven up kids.

    Again, the possibilities are endless...


  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    The purpose of art is to make the imagined seem real, the impossible seem possible, and propaganda is an art. But what defines it, is, the real purpose of its construction lies within its confusing nature. By the way, pornography has much the same purpose... No wonder la they all like to peek at people’s clothes and not forgetting The Legendary Peeping Tom Rangers tsk tsk tsk... how very the hamsap one!


  1. says:

    Anonymous My dear Paula

    Propaganda can do only so much and never more.

    What were the three things that Goebbels, Hitler's Propaganda Minister said?

    (1) A lie, repeated often enough, will be accepted as the truth.

    (2) The bigger the lie the more liable it is to be accepted as the truth.

    (3) ????

    Like you, I neither read nor listen to the MSM. I read the daily newspaper for their obituary columns.

  1. says:

    Anonymous I categorically refuse to view all official/local TV Channels or buy any noosepapers. And I've been at it for two+ decades. Absolutely revulsionm these!

    Before I switch on the sound in Astro, I make sure it isn't such channels. When I even encounter local Gomen ads while on non local channels, I switch channel or mute it.

    It's about time the PR do more to boycott and expose these propaganda sources for what they are - big time perverse brainwashing kok tokking lies!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    Thank you so much for your wonderful suggestions.

    I hope that PR support staff who read this can pass on the information to their leaders. I do not keep contact with any political party and hope to do my part in my humble blog to raise awareness.

    I will work on your suggestions and come up with something in my blog in response to your suggestions.

    Frankly, it is true. The possibilities are endless and I feel that they should spend more time on important issue rather than barking up the wrong tree.

    Take care and thanks again for sharing your thoughts.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    Many thanks for that clever comment and the subtle underlying messages :-). Your comment is not as obvious as your nom de guerre :-).

    You must be very widely read!!! Thanks for sharing your thought-provoking comment. As always, I enjoy reading your elegant thoughts!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 1.38a.m.

    :-) Thanks for sharing your erudite thoughts. I think I know who you are. Lovely to hear from you. Hope you had a good reunion :-)

    Allow me to compelte Goebbels' quotation that you have brought up at a most opportune moment...

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

    The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.

    It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    Like what I have always said, you are very well read and have such sharp thinking skills. I am honored that you chose to grace my blog with your thought-provoking comment.

    Take care and catch up soon!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    The idiot box in my house is only a decorative item and is used only for a major sports live telecast. Even then, I had been watching FIFA World Cup matches online.

    I have reached a stage where tv hold no appeal to me any more...

    You are right in that PR must be more constructive in the way they intend to counter the propaganda. If not, it will certainly undermine their own strategy.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Vijay Kumar Murugavell They say that “opinions are like a***holes, everybody has one” but some of course “fart” in public and disgust everyone else with the stink. I can see Pak Lah reading the papers now and snickering to himself “…….and they called me flip-flop...”.

    Since we are on the topic, in the runup to the Permatang Pauh by elections – first they said Wan Azizah should not vacate her seat as a by election will incur public funds and may even boycott the by election as it is “kubu kuat Anwar” then they said that they would not waste public funds as the money belonged to UMNO war chest.

    In the beginning BN said that they do not hope to win but if they can reduce wan Azizah’s majority it would be considered a victory, the suddenly because of arrogance, delusion, psywar or a combination of those factor the MSM said that BN actually could win.

    Syed Nadzri of NST wrote a piece that is the subject of much ridicule and guffaws now, titled “Five reasons Anwar could lose ”…_lose.html because not only did Anwar win, the BN candidate got trounced, Anwar also managed to increase the margin garnered on March 08.

    It is ironic that the 5 reasons he gave were mostly in favor of Anwar, but by some copulated logic of Syed Nadzri and hardcore UMNO supporters this was Anwar's “Achilles Heel”.

    Many of the mistakes BN made in Permatang Pauh continued to be made in other by elections. Immediately after being trounced they made incredible statements- 7 reasons BN lost big in Permatang Pauh.

    If they had read some blogs and comments they would have actually learnt something, what Rais fails to understand is the rakyat ultimately decide truth from bullshit whether it is published on blogs or MSM.

    If he thinks a certain blog publishes untruths he should rebut with credible facts not arrest the blog owner, then the general public will definitely think BN has something to hide.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Vijay

    You are truly such a storehouse of wisdom and knowledge. I am constantly amazed at how you remember political milestones and setbacks in our political landscape.

    Many thanks for sharing such vital info to refresh our minds and to ...remind us about the insidious nature of their messages. Thanks so much for sharing this! Take care and hope to catch up with you the next time you are in Penang.


  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmitth,

    Well I'm sorry, I think it's my mood's fault. At times I'm obvious, at times I'm oblique. Sometimes I like to brag, sometimes I'm soft-spoken. When I'm hungry, I eat roti canai in Malaysia, but in Holland, I eat pannekoeken.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    One of my favourite restaurants in Penang is Paddington's House of Pancakes. They serve excellent pannekoeken, blintzes, galettes and crepes...If ever you are in Penang, let me know and it will be a pleasure to take you there and to the best roti canai in town :-).


  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    How very agreeable of you! If I ever in Penang, definitely, and the pleasure is all mine!!!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious,

    Great. See you one day!


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