Posted by Unknown On Friday, August 20, 2010 10 comments
Barely half an hour ago, Malayskini reported HERE that Former federal commercial crime investigation department chief Ramli Yusoff was acquitted of a charge for breaching laws preventing civil servants from being involved in private businesses.

Kuala Lumpur High Court judge SM Komathy Suppiah said that the prosecution had failed to prove a prima facie case as there was no evidence to prove that he was a director Kinsajaya Sdn Bhd on May 2, 2006. She said that even if that point was proven, the prosecution did not present any evidence to show that he was engaged in any form of trading while in his alleged capacity as a director of the said company.

Ramli was charged for violated the Public Officers' (Conduct and Discpline) Regulations 2002 which is an offence under Section 168 of the Penal Code. If convicted, Ramli could have been jailed for one year, fined or both.

This is the last of several cases brought against him in 2007, which he hinted was part of a wide conspiracy to ruin him. He was acquitted of all charges.

Background of the case

* 1 November 2007 - Datuk Ramli Yusoff reported at the headquarters of the Anti-Corruption came with BMW car with four lawyers.
He was indicted by the ACA for possession of assets worth RM27 million.

* 2 November 2007 - Ramli Yusuff was suspended from his duties, be detained until the court's decision on his case.

* 1 November 2007 - The Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) accused Ramli Yusuff at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court , Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur of three charges. He pleaded not guilty to three charges and was released on bail of RM20, 000 in one surety pending trial 15 to January 19, 2008. Judge Komathy Suppiah to hear his case at 3:30 pm.

You can read up more on the background at THIS LINK which is a translation of Wikipedia's page on Ramli Yusoff.

On March 18th this year, Bernama reported HERE that the High Court here today dismissed an appeal by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) against a Sessions Court’s decision to acquit and discharge former Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Ramli Yusoff, on a charge of ordering the use of a police aircraft for his personal interest, nearly three years ago.

“After going through the relevant evidence and the grounds of judgement by the Sessions Court judge, I find she (sessions judge) was not wrong. Therefore, I hereby dismiss the appeal,” Justice Datuk Abdul Rahman Sebli said.

In MACC’s bid to overturn the judgement, Deputy Public Prosecutor Ahmad Bache said the sessions court judge failed to appreciate the application of the law under which Ramli, a former Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Department director, was charged.

On July 27 last year, judge Supang Lian said the prosecution failed to prove a prima facie case and Ramli, 57, deserved to be acquitted and discharged.

The 59-day hearing between May 13, 2008 and July 6 last year saw the prosecution, represented by DPPs Kevin Morais and Joyce Blasius, calling 75 witnesses.

Ramli, who was then represented by Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah and James Tsai, was charged on Nov 19, 2007 on charges that he had abused his powers as Bukit Aman Commercial Crimes Department director for his pecuniary gain by ordering and using a Royal Malaysia Police Cessna Caravan aircraft to take him on an aerial surveillance of two lots in Ulu Tungku, Lahad Datu, in which his real estate company Kinsajaya Sdn Bhd had an interest.

The offence was allegedly committed at about 7.50am on June 15, 2007 at the Sabah Police Air Unit in Tanjung Aru near here.

Ramli pleaded not guilty to the offence which, upon conviction, carries a jail term of not more than 20 years and a minimum fine of RM10,000 under Section 15 (1) of the Anti-Corruption Act, and was released on bail of RM20,000 with one surety.

He was however discharged and acquitted in 2009 by the Kota Kinabalu Sessions court of abusing his power as the Bukit Aman CCID director for his pecuniary gain.

The Kuala Lumpur Sessions court freed Ramli in March this year from three charges of failing the declare his assets, finding that the MACC-led prosecution could not prove a prima facie case against the former top-cop.

Throughout the ordeal, Ramli maintained allegations that the then Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) had mistreated officers in the CCID and that the police had failed to stand by him and his officers over the course of the ACA's investigations.

With this, Datuk Ramli Yusoff is now a ‘free man’ and many of us still remember his allegation that the charges against him were fixed.

For almost three years, he has not been able to serve in the police force and the nation has been deprived of his experience, talent and commitment.

This is what Datuk Muhamad said in his blog HERE about Datuk Ramli Yusoff:

Stories of him being a victim of some trampled up charges and false allegations are being repeatedly posted in the internet, but are silent in the mainstream media. Even the appearance of the IGP as a prosecution witness did not appeal to the Judge. Obviously, the IGP wasn’t a good prosecution witness, and this had raised the perception in the minds of those who were following the case closely, that the allegation against Ramli is flawed. One can be forgiven if they now perceive that the IGP is himself the ‘mastermind’ to this whole affair i.e. a campaign of deceit and ruthless character assassination.

Ramli now has the chance to redeem himself, and to rebuild his character of a highly regarded and professional police officer that he once was. He may not be able to serve the force any longer because of his age, but the least he could do is to gain back what he had lost i.e. honour and dignity, and including all that is due to him monetarily. Certainly, he cannot be robbed of his pension and gratuity.

I have many friends in the police force, and what they say of this case is one that had brought shame to the police force. They are not too happy to see the third highest ranking police officer being treated like an outcast and shunned like a convicted person. Certainly, Ramli must have done something good for the force; otherwise he would not have been elevated to such a towering post in the force. This is where the force had failed him, and there is therefore every reason for Ramli to be ‘sour’ and angry.

I do not know how the ministry will react to Ramli’s demand for reinstatement of his lost honour and dignity, and the two years that he has been placed in oblivion. There can be no amount of money to compensate for Ramli’s losses, and even an apology from the IGP would mean little to Ramli.
Will he be given what he rightly deserves? Will he ascend to the position he rightly deserves by virtue of his experience, caliber and character?

This is indeed a blessing for Datuk Ramli Yusoff and his family during this Ramadhan season. May the Almighty continue to bless and protect him and his loved ones.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Alhamdulillah.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Now that Datuk Ramli is free, maybe he should pay back those that persecuted him and others.

    As a very senior officer, he could maybe leads the cleaning up of the police force hence.

  1. says:

    Policeman's Pants The Malicious Musang better watch out! Ramli is off the hook and pissed off as hell!

  1. says:


  1. says:

    Anonymous Vengeance is mine says the Lord Almighty and let that be the case. For we cannot turn back the clock so to speak. Life has to go on and only in his, Datuk Ramli's heart will he knows of those dreadful and painful days.

    No amount of monetary compensation can ever take away those wilful trump up charges that destroyed one man high career. For true justice to take place, those who fabricated all these allegations MUST now face the rule of law for false accusation and report.

    Let the rule of law and its justice be served on those who hide behind the corridor of power and their blatant abuse of power.
    May this man of the hour be the beacon of light for the men in blue and let those still in darkness with corrupted mindset, be aware that no one can escape the arm of the righteous law.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.25 pm


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.03pm

    May there be opportunities for him to do miracles in areas of weaknesses.

    Thanks for sharing as a concerned Malaysian.

    God bless you and yours always.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Policeman's Pants

    We will have to wait and see what happens in the next few weeks.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Amuraria

    May justice prevail in this land for all the cases that we know.

    Thank you for your spirited response. We need more Malaysians like you to speak with conviction.

    Take care and do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thank you for your wise comment that is fair, timely and inspiring. May the Lord truly allow justice to prevail in the challenging times that we live in!

    Take care and thanks for sharing from a heart that sincerely years for the best for this nation.

    God bless and keep you and yours safe and healthy always.


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