Mona Lisa Just For Fun

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, August 31, 2010 11 comments
One of my readers, Mr. Krishnan, sent me a mail with various versions of Mona Lisa that had me in stitches. Before posting it, I googled for other funny images and thought I'd post a few of the funnier ones just for fun and laughter. For a start, here's a pic of the original Mona Lisa.

What if Mona Lisa had been born in India?

Had she been American, Mona Lisa might have been...

The effect would have been different if she was Iranian...

How about a Pakistani version of Mona Lisa?

Mona Lisa Afghan style?

Mona Lisa in "Twilight" or the land of Vampires?

Mr. Bean as Mona Lisa?

If Picasso had painted Mona Lisa, she might have turned out this way...

Now if Mona Lisa had been a punk rocker...

I think this lot should suffice for now :-). On a more serious note, those of you who have visited the Louvre in Paris would know that the original Mona Lisa is quite small and nothing to scream about. I still remember the first time I saw it there - I was most disappointed. I had a more emotional reaction when I saw Michaelangelo's La Pietà (1499) which is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture housed in St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City.

Anyway, here's wishing everyone a lovely Merdeka holiday. Take care and do swing by again later for the next post. Thanks!

11 comments to Mona Lisa Just For Fun

  1. says:

    Anonymous I particularly like the American Mona Lisa with that "come on!" look. Man! Those bazookas are ready to start a world war!! :-)


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    LOL!! Wah you very hum sup LOL!!

    Actually, I like the Pakistani one best. I love Hindi movies and in primary school right till Form 5, I always tried to shake my head that way but ended up twisting some nerves haha..


  1. says:

    Anonymous What "hum sap". If there's anyone, man or woman (including you!) who looks at the picture and say they never noticed those bazookas, I'll drop dead this instant.

    I'm just being honest. :-)

    Ok lah, if it makes you happier, I also like the Indian Mona Lisa a/p Muthusamy. See? No bazookas, but I also like.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    LOL!! Maybe I am just jealous of her bazookas LOL!!!

    Actually, the Indian Maon Lisa looks the prettiest of all.

    Mr. Krishnan's original mail had Syrian, Egyptian, Kuwaiti Mona Lisas but I did not include those in favor of the ones I found in the net lest some accuse me of being anti-Middle Eastern.

    It is all in good fun lah...

    Another favorite of mine is the Mona Lisa Twilight.

    To find those pics, I had to plough through 46 pages of photobuckets pics of this woman who calls herself Mona Lisa.

    Holy Molly! I have never seen anyone who put up so many pics of herself!!!

    Go to Photobucket and search Mon Lisa and you will see her pic.

    Such is the occupational hazard of a blogger LOL!!

    Good luck and put on sun shades hehe


  1. says:

    Anonymous Happy MonaLisa Day! Not happy Merdeka day for there is not to be happy about the current Merdeka. What is there to be celebrated ?

    As for me and family, we went out visiting many families of the Myanmar refugee. We were really blessed to be able bless others in need. That to us is more joyful than any clubbing or drinking binge to celebrate Merdeka 53.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear ~ahoo~
    Like they say, "A friend in need, is a friend indeed". It warms my heart to read that you are spending time with some desolete refugees to brighten their day. Your humanitarian action speaks volumes of your character. ~ahoo~, you're a good man.

    Warmest regards,

    BTW, I'm sorry to read of your mom's illness. Is she better now?

  1. says:

    Anonymous typo: there is nothing instead of not, apology.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thank you for being a Malaysian with a heart for people regardless of their nationality.

    Your exemplary lifestyle is an inspiration.

    May the Lord continue to bless you and yours always.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear ST, Thanks for the accolades! The honour and glory must be unto the Lord for we are blessed to bless others. Hoarding is not what we should emulate and to touch and change lives in any little way is just so wonderful to see the joy and happiness on those faces.

    Mom is doing very well, thus we had thanksgiving last Sunday for she'd survived ovarian cancer of 3rd/4th stage till now since 2003 if not mistaken. Despite 3 sets of chemo (18 dosages) she could still walk and eat normally and even cooked for us. All for the grace of God and His mercy.

    Thanks my learned friend and if your are around KL/PJ, we should have a cuppa and explore common interest. One of which is Tue as day off to visit the poor, marginalised, single man/woman, refugees, old folks home, hospital etc. subject to itinerary. Just doing a little part to make this country more liveable. Cheers !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ST and ahoo

    I am so glad that you guys resonate with each other just like witso did with ahoo.

    Cyberspace is a wonderful place to make new friends and I am very glad I have you guys in my blog.

    Thank you so much for being who you are and for imparting your frank, candid and wise comments.

    Take care and God bless!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Cheers with kopiputih lah !!

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