Posted by Unknown On Saturday, August 21, 2010 12 comments
To all women: On behalf of all men I would like to clarify a few points:

* The floor is considered an acceptable clothing storage location.
* Never ask me to purchase feminine products. Assume that I will come home with the wrong thing.
* When watching TV hugging is always fine because I can still see the screen. Kissing should only be done during timeouts and commercials. Questions should also be limited to this period as you stand a much better chance of getting an immediate response.
* When we are watching your show and I change the channels during a commercial do not hassle me that they are over to change the channel back. I always know when the timing is right. Also, when we are channel surfing do not ask me to go back, there was a good reason why I skipped it.
* If you need help with the laundry, I am more than willing to carry it from the bedroom to the washer. In my mind this is half the chore and I am now free to return to the couch.
* If I mention that a male friend of mine is allowed to do something it is not necessary for you to call his wife/girlfriend to discuss it.
* If you don't like the way I am driving close your eyes. And I would appreciate it if you would refrain from making that reverse inhaling alarmed noise. I haven't hit anything yet and if I do it will be your fault.
* I go clothes shopping to buy, never to look.
* Just tell me what you want me to wear before I get dressed. And remember that this takes me less than ten minutes no matter what the occasion is. After all I am getting dressed, not getting ready.
* Don't ask me if I prefer one outfit over another or if a certain accessory should be worn or not. I consider this a no win situation and would rather just wait for you to get dressed while watching TV.
* If you want me to put the seat down when I am finished then you should leave the seat up when you are finished. It's only fair. And stop giving me a hard time about missing the bowl. What do you expect from an organ that has a brain of its own.
* I will cook anything as long as it is on the BBQ.
* Yelling to me across the house sounds exactly like stadium crowd background noise to me. I am not ignoring you.

Thank you for your understanding,
From all men.


The Female Stages of Life

Favorite drink:
Age 17: Wine Coolers
Age 25: White wine
Age 35: Red wine
Age 48: Dom Perignon
Age 66: Shot of Jack with an Ensure chaser

Excuses for refusing dates:
17: Need to wash my hair
25: Need to wash and condition my hair
35: Need to colour my hair
48: Need to have Francois color my hair
66: Need to have Francois color my wig

Favorite sport:
17: Shopping
25: Shopping
35: Shopping
48: Shopping
66: Shopping

Definition of successful date:
17: "Burger King"
25: "Free meal"
35: "A diamond"
48: "A bigger diamond"
66: "Home Alone"

Favorite fantasy:
17: tall, dark and handsome
25: tall, dark and handsome with money
35: tall, dark and handsome with money and a brain
48: a man with hair (preferably not on back)
66: a man

17: Muffy the cat
25: Unemployed boyfriend and Muffy the Cat
35: Irish setter and Muffy the Cat
48: Children from his first marriage and Muffy the Cat
66: Retired husband dabbles in taxidermy, stuffs Muffy the Cat

Ideal age for marriage:
17: 17
25: 25
35: 35
48: 48
66: 66

Ideal date:
17: He offers to pay
25: He pays
35: He cooks breakfast the next morning
48: He cooks breakfast the next morning for the kids
66: He can chew breakfast

Next post will be up later in the evening. Keep smiling and have a lovely evening!


  1. says:

    Tiger Hehehe, forever the arguement for residents of Mars and Venus!
    Thanks for the laughs!
    Have a good weekend

  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear Masterwordsmith,
    Please do add this in from us guys,

    "And when MILLY (the mother-in-law - her mother ) comes a visiting " ......,please do inform us 2weeks in advance !

    Cheers !

  1. says:

    Anonymous Some of the things in this article are so true…

    Here are some of the things a man can do while their woman is busy…

    1. Watching soap on TV that she had keenly followed…
    You can kiss goodbye to any movie that you’d planned on watching. You can dangle the most expensive diamond in the world in front of her, but she won’t see it. “Don’t touch the remote!” even if she’s gone to the bathroom during a commercial break. So, you can:

    a) Go next door and bonk the sexy divorcee who had been giving you the hots, come back and sit down where you were before. No problem, try it…the wife won’t notice.
    b) Look for the latest password in her purse to unlock the safe in the master bedroom and gawk at the amount of “loot” that she had stashed away. Now you'll understand where all your money have gone to...

    2. Doing her weekend shopping…
    Following her is an 8 hour walk, so don’t even try. In the end you’ll learn nothing except the names of the outlets that she’s been to 100 times before. So, you can:

    a) Sit at a side-walk café at watch the birds cruise by, or read up on the latest bestsellers at Kinokuniya.
    b) Call your buddies and have a round of golf.
    c) Rush home and watch all the x-rated DVDs that you were not allowed to watch.
    d) Fly to Hong Kong, have some dim sum, and fly back.
    e) See 1a

    Remember, when the wife is focused on something, anything, don’t interrupt her. That’s the only time when she’s actually saying, “Do whatever you want” without saying it. So, make full use of that small window of opportunity. The rest is enforced domestic confinement.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tiger

    Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts. I always appreciate your witty comments. Am glad you enjoyed this post :-).

    Take care and enjoy the weekend!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 7.17pm

    Thanks for that brilliant comment hehe...Hope your wife does not read my blog! LOL!!

    Take care and have a great weekend!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    Many thanks for that brilliant write-up!!

    Golly - what can you NOT write??? You are simply amazinglah!

    Such a classy, witty and sometimes wicked sense of humor hehe.

    Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the weekend with your loved ones.


  1. says:

    Anonymous i guess it's from 'yours' !?

  1. says:

    ismi dat is so manly! ya we r very understanding!
    female stages of life..we r dedicated to sports for life, 4evr strong 2 compete in shopping ;)
    n my fantasy..no wonder..i m at dat age looking for brains ;D

  1. says:

    Anonymous "A woman without her man is nothing."

    All men will write :

    "A woman, without her man, is nothing."

    All women will write :
    "A woman: without her, man is nothing."

    Aiyah, how to understand men and women, then ??? Either way, we will still be fighting on our rights, so how leh!

    May there be peace on earth and forget about Mars versus Venus, ya.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 4.56am

    Haha! Actually, it is from here and there...


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ismi


    I believe we are at the same stage LOL!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Many thanks for your fair and balanced comment.

    May men and women swell in love, harmony and unity always.


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