What will happen at the end?

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, August 25, 2010 10 comments
Everything ends bad… otherwise it would not end. That is a theory many may believe in and many may not. A lost lover or a betrayed one may feel that this is one of the truest sentences while an optimistic guy would not accept this phrase at all. Whether its true or not is not for me to decide but there is one thing for sure without any doubt… that there always is an end – a happy or sad, good or bad is for us to make up.

In this journey of life, we pass through many experiences, take up many ventures, have various experiences and they all come to an end some day. Even all the relations that we have in this world finish when we die. Whether you did a good or a bad job on it is on you to decide. The point we are discussing is the relations we have in our lives; some which end before we desire.

The lost lovers or the betrayed one or the let down ones would always say that we did as much as we could to get the person, what was it that I didn’t do? But the answer here is simple – it was not meant to be. Most relations end with people fighting and shouting over one another and that probably remain the last signs of your time together, but is it worth it? The fact that the end of a relation does not end your life and maybe you have to face that person somewhere down the line cannot be a burden you want to have yourself with. All you have to do first is to accept that it is over and move on. This life is to small for us to stop at a moment… if you don’t look around you might just miss something.

Perhaps if we ever meet again, many may not cry over the situation but smile through.

This also needs to be the end of our stories. Yes there would have been fights, yes there would have been differences and something may never leave you for the rest of your lives but if we never let it go it can do nothing but harm us.

The reality of life is that it always gives you an opportunity to make up at least with people and we must take it as soon as we can or you never know you may not get that opportunity later and may have to regret it some day. If we try to make things normal from one end, if we are good from our side it is difficult to get a continuous onslaught from the other side.

We may not always get the desired end, the desired result, the ultimate price but then who said you will always get one. One may say that he did all he could to get it whether it be a work or a relation but the question is didn’t the other person also do enough to deserve it?

We, always like the famous fable, try to make the grapes sour when unable to achieve the goal but the fact is that some things are just not meant to be and if you keep it within yourself forever and never face the reality it can do nothing but make you unhappy.

Once you accept the fact, once you let the pain pass through and accept the fact that the person is gone and remember the old times, it would only make you remember the good ones because that is what it was all about.

Everything and everyone in our life is a learning experience and we have to keep learning the lesson whether good or bad. Remember never regret a thing that once made you smile. Its worth it!!

Forgive, forget and move on… only thing it could affect is your attitude… it makes you light and happy!!

-Author Unknown-

Sorry for this late post. My part-time cleaner who has worked with me for 8 years has left for her hometown for a long vacation to celebrate Hari Raya Puasa and possibly for an operation. It has been tough for old ladies like me to cope with house-cleaning and other chores :-( but it is good exercise for me as otherwise, I would be glued to my laptop :-). In time, I will get used to the routine and will gain efficiency and speed. I pray the Almighty will bless my dear part-time cleaner and heal her physical ailment and that she will not have to go for surgery. Take care and have a pleasant evening!

10 comments to What will happen at the end?

  1. says:

    Anonymous rm500 for my votes in GE13 !???

  1. says:

    HotDogg Dear Aunty Paula,

    If you must choose one song (no poems please), to represent your feelings about life, what song would you choose?

    My choice is Born Free.

  1. says:

    Anonymous There are many things that are way beyond our control. It is out of our hands and we can only pray and ask for divine intervention.

    Whereas in other areas where it is within our power to take control, that we must exercise without fail such as voting for the right party to govern us. Or lending a hand to our neighbour in need.

    Each individual's journey through life is a unique one. No two lives journey are the same as we are all different from thinking to capability to generousity to responsibility. But all said, we are of the same image as that of our creator and with a brain that's far more powerful than any other created things.

    The journey of a thousand mile begins with the first step. Since we have begin our life journey, nothing can stop us from achieving what our mind have had set out to do.

    The distintive difference between success and failure is the WORD self-discipline. Nothing great can be achieved if we have no self-discipline for that is the bridge towards the reality of dreams. In order to reach our dreams, we must have certain goals in life.

    The tragedy of many people today is that they are living with hopes and wishes every waking morning. Hopes and wishes have been defined as mere dreams with no energy behind it. Without action, our dreams remain just that and it is a great dishonour not to utilize those hidden talents within each and everyone of us.

    Just like the eagle, we never know how high can we fly, until we choose to flap our wings. Our ability to discipline ourselves to set clear goals and then to work toward them everyday, will do more to guarantee our future success than any other single factor.

    Anything in life that is worth cherishing, is worth every ounce of energy pursuing it. Even in area of love, move on when the first time it fails. No amount of regrets nor crying can regain that lost. Let the wounds be healed and the scare that remain as evidence of the goodtime together. You can never forget but you can always choose to forgive and move on as life on earth is but once. Live well and to its fullest purpose!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.10am

    Our votes are priceless :-) and cannot be compromised in any way cos it is our democratic right to select the best leader, ya?

    Take care and have a blessed weekend!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Little Corgi

    Hmmm...I think mine would be "Close to you"...the romantic in me ler...

    I used to love "Born Free" during the time when RTM screened "Daktari".

    Do you remember that series?

    Take care and have a woofderful weekend.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Wow!! That is truly a beautiful comment. May I have your permission to repost it and credit it to you?

    I hope you will kindly say yes.

    Thanks so much for sharing.

    Take care and have a blessed weekend.


  1. says:

    HotDogg "Daktari"? I've no idea what that is.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Little Corgi

    If you search in youtube, you can find clips of that program.

    Used to me my afternoon delight when I was in primary school.

    You were not born yet lah LOL!!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Yes, you are at liberty to repost it if you deem it fit. Was back to kampong and just arrived short while ago.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thanks! Will schedule it for mid-week!

    Good to have you back with us. Take care and God bless!


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