The End of the Journey For Me

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, September 12, 2010 18 comments
The journey to find my missing HTC phone ended about an hour ago @ 8.35a.m. :-). I found it hidden beneath my husband's bag on the console table in the living room. I blogged about my missing phone HERE after I realized on Friday morning that my phone was missing. The last time I used it was on Tuesday evening. It has been one soul-searching journey to find my phone.

On Friday, I started looking for it just before I left for my friend's Open House Hari Raya celebrations. We could not find it so we left for the gathering. Then, my husband and son were quite confident that I had misplaced it somewhere in the house. Upon our return, we all looked for it high and low to no avail. Then, I had to come to terms with the loss.

We called the number which still rang and sent smses. I always believe I have strong intuitive abilities and even when I sent the sms, I felt that when I found the phone, I would be laughing at the smses which offered a small reward for the return of the phone and pleas for the finder to contact me :-).

My husband and son were convinced that I had mistakenly thrown away the phone as I love to tidy the house and throw away lots of junk. He said that it was ringing away in some landfill and that was the reason why no one answered the calls.

Still, I believed that the phone was somewhere in the house and searched every single drawer, shelf and area in the whole house. My older boy said, "It is in the house, Mom. You just forgot where you put it."

On Saturday morning, I was so troubled that I woke up at 4 a.m. and started another search and was looking high and low till 6a.m. Yesterday, I looked for it twice - once in the morning and another in the afternoon and finally decided that I would cheer up and read as many jokes as possible to laugh my woes away :-).

In between, I backtracked my steps and went to/called the restaurants and places I had been to in an attempt to see if someone had found it and kept it for me. All I received was negative responses but I must say they were very helpful, considerate and kind.

This morning, I prayed very hard and asked God to really show me where was the phone and to lead me to the exact spot. Then I walked to the console table of the living room. My eyes looked at my hubby's bag. We all had searched that spot many times but just now, I did something else - I picked up his bag and lo and behold, my phone had been hidden under the bag!! Yipppeeee!

Yesterday, I wrote to a friend to share the lessons I learnt from that episode and I am sharing it here in this post with a few additions.

Lessons learnt from this episode

1. I am more careful now and more alert about where I put my stuff. At my age, I tend to be very forgetful and cannot let my brain rot!

2. The house is even neater now and I found many a few things which I had misplaced before. :-)

3. I have changed handbags to a sturdy leather one instead of the nubile soft leather one I used - stuff can fall out from the latter because I sometimes forget to zip up the bag.

4. I have come to terms with the fact that I am slowing down in age and must take it easy and not rush to acoomplish as much as possible like what I used to do in the past.

5. I realize I am not as emotional as I used to be and have a better control of my feelings and did not cry, not even a teardrop!!!

6. I am thankful I did not act rashly to register for a new number or to buy a new phone. I am glad I have become a pragmatic old lady. As it is, I have difficulty remembering my own telephone numbers :-) and as a retiree, am very careful with my resources.

6. I remember that there is MUCH that I have to be thankful for in life and even if I had lost the phone, it can be replaced but life, health, family and friends are precious and cannot be replaced.

To all readers and friends who empathized with me and sent me inspiring and encouraging messages or prayed for me silently, I just want to say "Thank you very much" for you have made this journey a much easier one to travel and to complete.

God bless you and thanks for reading! Have a nice day. Next post will be up soon as I now have the inspiration and motivation to write again :-). Cheers!

18 comments to The End of the Journey For Me

  1. says:

    KoSong Cafe Was it on? You did not call when in the house? Unless it was off, or you were away long enough till the battery went flat, I would expect this to be one of the initial attempts.

    The other one is calling while in the car. When my daughter 'lost' hers, there was no one else in the house so this could not be tried and when I tried, she was not in the car.

    Anyway, I share your relief after having found it.

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    A consignment of a container load of ginko biloba will be arriving at Penang Port soon. We'll send you packing list and Bill of Lading soon. We've uprooted that majestic ginko tree in Christchurch Botanical Gardens (actual cause of earthquake( for you...hahahaha....purrrr....meow!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear KoSong Cafe

    Yes, it was on but in silent mode cos I was at a dinner the other night and forgot to switch off the silent mode.

    Yes, we also searched the car and asked another girlfriend to search her car too as I went out with her on Thursday morning for tim-sum.

    Thanks for empathizing with me. Appreciate your kindness, KoSong.

    Have a lovely day! DO keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Angelina

    LOL!! Aiyo...I remember that you recommended gingko some time back. I actually bought some and forgot to take them LOL!!!

    Thanks for such an entertaining response, sweetheart!

    Have a great day!


    P.S. Is it possible to send your mama's rendang and ketupat as well hehe? Just kidding.

  1. says:

    Starmandala HTC? What kinda phone is that? Very glad you found it, my dear! Talk to you again real soon :-)

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi dear Antares


    HTC is a company that was started by a Taiwanese lady :-). HTC Touch Cruise is a smartphone that is not as hi-tech as an iPhone but has many functions including gps, multi-media functions and other stuff.

    Yes, I'll talk to you soon! Hubby has yet to bank in the $ for your album and will do so by next week. Take care and have a great week!


  1. says:

    Wan Sharif Glad that you have a happy ending to this journey.. I do believe that I am also in need of that ginko biloba which will be sent to you by our so kind friend, CiS.. pass 100 gram to me kira OK gak ..ha..ha

  1. says:

    Anonymous I honestly suspect dat you r agent for selling HTC owned by a woman who might be your relative or long lost sister !?
    may i have a FREE sample pls !!??

  1. says:

    Anonymous I've searched under my wife's LV or VL bag on the floor ... .....still can't find my freedom , sighs !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Saudara Wan Sharif

    Many thanks for rejoicing with me. Sure - I will definitely share that supply of gingko biloba with you :-).

    Take care and may you have a wonderful time celebrating Hari Raya Puasa with your loved ones and friends.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 2.10pm

    Haha! Sorry to disappoint you but I have no such special privileges :-).

    Thanks for your hilarious input hehe. Have a nice day and do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 2.25pm (iwc?)

    Don't worry. Just love her LOTS and she will be stifled and when suffocated by your attention and outpouring of love and demonstrations, she will surely give you your freedom :-).


  1. says:

    Anonymous suffocation !? i dare not try YET !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 2.43 pm

    Aiyo - no no no...I did not suggest that you suffocate her LOL!!! Aiyoyo! I said if she is suffocated by your love and outpouring of affection...You are a real riot haha!!

    For better or for worse - love her always :-).

    Remember that your freedom was given up when you got married - don't forget the wedding ring, suffering and enduring LOL!!

    Take care and have a great day.


  1. says:

    daffodils Yeah you found your phone!What a feeling! That's how I feel when I loses something and finds it back. I ll quietly pray inside my heart, "Oh God lead me to the item." I read about you blogging it while I was visiting my son in Singapore.

    Once after a practical session I left my iPhone in the lab on the teacher's bench. On realising it I took to my feet like a mad bull charging quickly to get it back.

    My iPhone is so many things to me With all the apps on my palm and my bookmarks, it s a companion to me. I can empathise with u when it is missing. Yeah so good you found it. Do I ring a bell in ur head? We once talked about the World Cup.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear daffodils,

    How can I forget you? I always enjoy reading your comments!!! In fact, I was worried you might have forgotten me.

    Thank you so much for your fantastic comment and for empathizing with me. Yes, I also had lots of files and apps in my phone and was so fretful at the thought of losing the stuff.

    Hope you had a wonderful time with your son.

    If ever you want me to put up any of your writings, just let me know by leaving your email here (will not be published) and then I will email you to let you know my address.

    I dare not leave my email add in my blog because I used to get lots of spams from advertisers!

    Take care and have a great week ahead.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    Anonymous Since you prayed and then you found it the next morning, could it be that the angel took it up there for a quick scan ?

    Or maybe the angel forgot to bring his own mobile and need to communicate with God urgently, thus loan yours for a few days. Better check the numbers dialed as the charges could be out of this world for all you know ! Hooohaaha

    Have a blessed week ahead.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Many thanks for a witty response.

    I dialled Jer.33:3 :-) and the Lord answered :-).

    Nolah this phone cannot dial out cos I only top up once in three months. I keep it for my older boy to call me. Cheaper to call same telco...


    Take care and have a great week!


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