Political Etiquette - Where Art Thou?

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, September 22, 2010 4 comments
There seems to b a very unhealthy trend these days where politicians use the MSM as their platform to make statements about intra-party issues when these should be settled with just a telephone call or a simple face-to-face meeting. Political etiquette - where art thou?

To be a great politician, one should ideally have a healthy self-esteem and display a respectful demeanor to be a positive role model to party members. Confident intellect should be projected in the type of statements that one makes. The emblem of commendable political etiquette should be behavior and mannerism that stems from a heart humbled by one's own successes. A good leader must be undaunted by obstacles in the path and persevere in striving to meet objectives and promises without hitting out or demeaning another person in the process.

I long to see leaders who can, while leading and challenging members, also solicits healthy debate and discussion with open-mindedness to ideas and opinions which may differ from their own.

Is there then a need to hit out publicly at another person from the same party ? I can understand if statements are exchanged by members from opposing sides but what if the members are from the same party?

This evening, Joseph Sipalan wrote an article in Malaysiakini HERE on Don't insult the deputy president, Azmin tells Zaid. The report said:

PKR vice-president Azmin Ali today demanded that Zaid Ibrahim retract his statement published in an online news portal, where he called outgoing deputy president Syed Husin Ali nyanyuk or senile.

Azmin who is expected to face-off with Zaid in a two-man race for the deputy presidency, slammed the latter for his outburst, saying it is "shameful" to the party members and leadership.

Zaid was today quoted in the Malay section of Free Malaysia Today as calling Syed Husin senile for accusing the former of not being fully involved as Pakatan Rakyat coordinator when drafting the opposition coalition's formal policy.

"We cannot have new members offending senior leaders who have been tested in our struggle, unlike Zaid who does not understand the meaning of our struggle," Azmin told Malaysiakini.

"My advice to him is to look back at the Permatang Pauh declaration and understand its meaning. Don't be arrogant, don't act as if you know everything... stop the ego," he said, referring to party advisor Anwar Ibrahim's vision for Malaysia which he announced on Sept 12, 1998.

Both parties are wrong (not that I am judging) and should refrain from speaking to the press when it comes to minor conflicts such as this one. The greater good of the party should always super cede personality clashes.

Mutual respect, tolerance and social/political etiquette must be observed. It does not do much for party solidarity if members speak up publicly against another member. Party solidarity must be maintained and if there is a conflict or disagreement, reason together and come to an agreement without playing up on issues.

Let the democratic process take its course in the PKR elections without leaders influencing other members by their statements or responses.

Ideally, when standing for elections, candidates should tell voters what are their USP - unique selling proposition and why voters should vote them! So let's hear what Zaid, Azmin and whoever is standing for elections have to say about themselves, their qualities/experience/hopes and dreams and let the elections be one that leaves a fragrance in the air that few can forget!

Perhaps then, more rakyat will be convinced that indeed, this is a party capable of making the journey to Putrajaya.

4 comments to Political Etiquette - Where Art Thou?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Even Nazri can be civil. And he is Umno!!!!!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Many of our politicians knew not and know not the art of political etiquette. Maybe they should learn nursery rhymes all over again and hoprfully they will grow up one of this day.

    Alternatively, they could learn a thing or two from the recently concluded Australian general election. It was tough indeed for a ruling govt to end up with a tie in seats but with ethical presentation and professional negotiation, they managed to win over those independents.

    Let there arise more matured politicians who are willing to take this nation forward with true passion and sincerity. Foremost in mind to fear God and men and are guided by valued principles. Have integrity to put in place real reformation that will restore this nation's former glories.

    My dream is that such a man will arise in our generation as the resources are being depleted sooner than we can expect. It used to be millions turning to billions and now it is uncountable !!!Be counted and ensure that you vote for change. It can't be any worse, can it ?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon #1

    Indeed of late, Nazri has amazed me on quite a few occasions...


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thank you so much for a morally upright stand on the requirements of leaders. If only we can see such leaders in our midst now or in the future.

    I believe the way to go is to be in touch with our Maker and our hearts instead of letting the head rule.

    Maturity comes with experience, trials and tribulations which will produce endurance, patience and character.

    Time is running out and I pray that good men and women of honor will step forward to serve the country.

    Time to pray as well!

    Take care and thanks for sharing so beautifully! Have a blessed evening and God bless!


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