Shelby and Osiris

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, September 28, 2010 4 comments
I have not been blogging on sopo issues for the past two days because of post-UPSR merdeka :-). Today, I took my younger boy to register for his identity card. It was a breeze at the Sungei Ara Jabatan Pendaftaran. When we arrived, they were attending to Customer # 1066. Since we were # 1068, I asked him to hurry in filling up the form. I was filling in my details when our number was called. In less than 10 minutes, we left the place happily and headed to Suan's house nearby. Suan's husband and partners run Home's Cafe at D'Piazza, Bayan Lepas.

We spent a lot of time chatting over moon cakes and coffee after which the topic of our conversation was her daughter's pet tortoise, Shelby, who is a most unusual creature indeed. If you look at the collage carefully, you can see that he has outgrown his shell which does not grow in size. He also hates to be in the water!! Debra cleans him thoroughly with a soft towel daily~

It was Debra's grandmother who found Shelby one afternoon when she was walking along the road near her house at Jelutong. She almost stepped on him but stopped in the nick of time and carried him home. Then, his face was a bit distorted, probably a facial injury of some sort. Debra adopted him about 6 years ago and they have been inseparable.

He is completely house-trained and is free to roam downstairs. A very disciplined tortoise, Shelby will wait for his mistress, Debra, at the foot of the stairs around 8am, 2pm and again at 9pm. He does not like to be in the water and you can see from the pics, he is well-fed and rather obese.

In the evenings, he sleeps on his rug and Debra will cover him with his blanket. Under the rattan sofa, Shelby will snuggle comfortably until the next morning. Occasionally, Debra cuddles him while watching television and falls asleep with Shelby on her chest. Suan will then pick him up and put him to bed under the sofa.

Shelby has not eaten vegetables for years. Once, Debra gave him some kangkung and he almost choked to death. Suan then slapped his back and he threw up the kangkung bits which he could not chew. He is on a diet of pellets. When he loses his appetite, Debra gives Shelby her dad's Transfer Factor!!! Very expensive indeed!

If you look at Shelby's photograph, you can see he is indeed a very beautiful tortoise. Suan worries about what might happen if Shelby were to die one day. I should know because I am banned from having pets since it took me ages to get over the death of my dogs and my hamsters :-(.

Anyway, allow me to introduce you to my older boy's pet - Osiris, a bearded dragon...Eeeeeew!!!! And my son says Osiris is one cute darling! Hmmm....! My husband was speechless when he found out about Osiris!

I have yet to meet Osiris but will do so soon when I am in KL. Is there anyone out there who has pet tortoises or pet bearded dragons? Do share your experiences via the comment box. Take care and have a lovely evening. I will put up my sopo post later in the evening. Do swing by to check. Thanks!!

4 comments to Shelby and Osiris

  1. says:

    Anonymous pls find mates for them lah !

  1. says:

    Anonymous Ah, Shelby looks very much like a frog inside a shell ???? Hahaha!
    I only have fishes these days unlike the days of youth where birds, fishes, tortoise, hamsters etc. once reigned in my home.

    As for the little dragon, Osiris, I have yet to touch one actually but a friend once reared one with greenish colour and eat banana daily. He would wear a long leather glove and his pet would sits on his hand without jumping away or frightened of people coming near. Wonder how THEY (friend and pet) communicate ?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon # 1,

    I think Shelby is a confirmed bachelor...Osiris is still a toddler LOL!! Too young lah...

    But in due time, I am sure my son will get him one...Thanks for sharing!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thanks for sharing and resonating with the post.

    I only have one fish left and he reminds me of one unpopular old man LOL!!! He attacked every fish in sight and one by one they died. So, now he is the only lonely one swimming in the tank :-).

    Pets teach us many precious lessons and allow children to learn responsibility.

    Take care and thanks for sharing!

    Have a blessed evening.


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