Facts or Fancy?

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, October 14, 2010 4 comments
The Star reported HERE that Mohd Saiful had gone to HKL on June 28, 2008 to report that he had been sodomised over a period of two months by a high-profile public figure without the use of a condom, and the last date he had been sodomised was on June 26.

If you remember, on May 13th this year, The Star reported HERE that :

Mohd Saiful, 25, admitted that he did not take his bath after he was allegedly sodomised by Anwar on June 26, 2008.

Questioned by Anwar’s lead counsel Karpal Singh, he said he had a complete bath in the morning of June 26 and merely “rinsed” (bilas) after the alleged sodomy.

He added that he did not take a bath and did not wash his anus after the allegedly incident as he wanted to keep the evidence intact.

On why did not lodge a police report after the alleged incident, he said he wanted to seek advice from several people before doing so.

“I want to get advice as it involved my dignity,” said Mohd Saiful, who is the first prosecution witness in the high profile sodomy trial Thursday.

Today, Malaysiakini reported HERE that:

10.35am: Dr Siew relates that Dr Mohd Razali took samples on cotton swab on the high and lower rectal of Saiful's anus. He says Dr Razali also took samples from peri-anal.

According to the witness, his colleague Dr Khairul Nizam also took blood samples from Saiful and used cotton swabs to take samples from Saiful's nipple.

10.39am: All the samples were sealed in a plastic container and signed by Saiful and the three doctors.


11.27am: Dr Khairul Nizam said he conducted a head-to-toe physical examination on Saiful.

The witness said he started from the head down to the toes in his examination.

He noticed old scars on the victim's back and measured them.

11.32am: Dr Khairul Nizam also said that he took saliva sample from left and right nipple, areola, seminal sample from mouth and blood sample.

So more than two days after the last sodomy episode, we know that he did not 'berak' and now with the revelation that saliva samples were taken from his nipples, if INDEED there was saliva there, does it mean he also DID NOT BATHE or does it mean the saliva was so powerful that it can withstand soap and water in a bath?

And does it mean the saliva remnant on the nipple was not compromised by perspiration and other substances? By then, would it not mean that after a lapse of time of more than two days, would the sample be valid?

Why take samples from nipples? Surely Saiful would be able to ward off any attempts from anyone to lick that part of his anatomy if he disapproved of such an act! All it takes would be to punch the perpetrator on the nose or to bang the perpetrator's head with his fist!!!

If there was indeed saliva there for reasons unknown to us, he told the truth in May 2010 when he said he did not take a bath and did not wash his anus after the allegedly incident as he wanted to keep the evidence intact.

How can anyone stomach NOT BATHING OR PASSING MOTION for TWO DAYS or more???

The Malaysian Insider also reported HERE that a forensic pathologist said today that there was evidence of anal penetration on the lead witness in the sodomy trial of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim even though there was no clinical findings to support the conclusion.

Hospital Kuala Lumpur pathologist Dr Siew Sheue Feng told the High Court here that the lack of resistance through the use of lubricants could be the reason why there was no clinical finding of anal penetration on Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

The mystery deepens!!!

Hmmm very strange facts or fancy? What do you think?

4 comments to Facts or Fancy?

  1. says:

    Anonymous He must have been one cool victim, having the presence of mind to preserve evidence for 2 days!!!!!
    Whether rinsing or taking a shower, what is our natural instinct? I suppose most hands would cleanse the face, and ever so naturally move to our private parts then the armpits. Is he so different? Even rinsing, water would have seeped through the cleavage of the buttocks, and he do have to dry it somehow.
    But then, why? Its Bolehlalnd, where the impossible is made possible.

  1. says:

    Anonymous If such a fairy tale can be believed than I strongly believe that "one of this day" the sun will rise from the west ! Or as they said pig can fly too.

    I always thought that to God nothing is impossible but then the great news is that in Malu-sial(witso's term) nothing is impossible. Whether evidence from the thin air or special laws rush through parliament to add in a new chapter on dna.

    Let those who are sane and in position to right this wrong ensure that such insanity be stopped right in its track to prevent us Malaysians from being the laughing stock of the world. Spare us the agony from foreigners asking us question on this bonking episode and the court drama as well.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon # 1

    Thank you for a most appropriate comment indeed. Where the impossible becomes possible...Sighs. May justice prevail in this case and all other cases.

    Take care and thanks for sharing. My apologies for this late response.

    Do keep in touch. God bless you and yours.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    The whole drama has been one tragic comedy. Let us pray that justice will prevail and that those who can make a difference in this case will be in touch with their conscience.

    Take care and thanks so much for sharing.

    God bless you and yours always.


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