The (Mis)Leaders

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, October 7, 2010 2 comments
Do you feel utterly disgusted about the way some so-called leaders are going about with their rhetoric? I feel quite cheated and disheartened that I was stupid enough to put my hopes and dreams in some illusionary leaders when what we want are illustrious leaders?

At a time when things seem to be more dismal by the day, it appears that madness seems to reign in the political landscape of our country.

Some leaders have been asked to toe the line but when the line is highly questionable, what can they do?

A good example is how PKR leaders are making one statement after another giving us the impression that they don't talk to each other much. I blogged about that in my post called What the Blazes is PKR Up TO?

Another example is the call to boycott Utusan Malaysia. The Malaysian Insider reported HERE that the PKR Federal Territories chief’s to ignore his party’s boycott of Umno-owned newspaper, Utusan Malaysia. mirrors his stand against party de-facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s recent warning to bypass Umno-owned media.

“I will ignore that policy,” Zaid told reporters today.

I have to agree with Zaid. Although I do not support UM's journalistic style, one has to be aware of what is being spun there. If there is an opportunity to use the UM platform to further a cause, by all means, use that open window. By doing so, I do not think Zaid is agreeing with Utusan Malaysia's stand in all other issues.

At least if Zaid goes out and gives his view to UM. For once, they are giving Zaid a platform as PKR is giving him a tough time. It is good that Zaid goes out and tells the unconverted audience in Utusan Malaysa his point of view and what is happening on the other side of the political divide. Most of the time, Zaid's ideas/statements have weight and substance. I am sure to a certain extent, given the circumstances, the readers in UM are more likely now than ever before to read what he has to say.

Zaid has a point when he said the policy has to be rational. He said, “What about Berita Harian and the (New) Straits Times? This can go on and on. Who do we talk to? How do I reach out?” asked the lawyer by training.

Zaid has been interviewed by both Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia and the New Straits Times daily in recent weeks, complaining that powerful forces in the party were against his tilt for the party’s No 2 post vacated by incumbent Senator Dr Syed Husin Ali.

Let's be practical. No man is an island. There has to be a way to reach out to the other side and if the opportunity is there, max it to the fullest!

To be fair, I feel Zaid should not have "insinuated supporters of Anwar and Azmin Ali, his main rival, are complicit in the hurdles he is facing."

If indeed that is true, there should be a face-to-face showdown to deal with this problem and not to wash dirty linen in enemy territory.

So while the motivation may be good, some content of the interview was damaging.

I fear PKR might take disciplinary action against Zaid and if they do, it will be their undoing!!! Many with grey matter support Zaid. If such an action is taken, it will be another case of cutting the nose to spite the face. Like what my dear friend Angela said, it will be a lose-lose situation unless ego and ambitions are reined in.

It is time for PKR leaders to get their house in order lest the rakyat turn against them if they feel they have been MISLED and have put their hopes in the wrong people!!

So what are these leaders missing in their political career? Lots! They really have to do lots of soul-searching and for heaven's sake, PUT THE RAKYAT FIRST ABOVE ALL ELSE!!!

What say you, dear reader?

2 comments to The (Mis)Leaders

  1. says:

    Anonymous What these leaders has done is washing dirty linen in public. What have we seen lately ? Most are sulking one way or another, complaining about this faction or that faction being dirty and vice versa. Is this the only way they can worm their way into the news? The way things are going, they make UMNO look like angels, and Koh Tsu Koon and Samy has halos over their heads.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon

    Thanks for your sharp observation. I agree with you wholeheartedly. As the days go by, it is tragic to see how things are getting worse, not better!

    I really hope they will wise up soon!

    Take care and do keep in touch. Have a great weekend.


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