Potty Training For Men :-)

Posted by Unknown On Monday, October 11, 2010 6 comments
When I received the following mail from Angela (thanks, Angela), I really laughed so much because I wish I had the gadget in my home. My son has a problem with his aim and it is really tough to keep the bathroom clean. As such, he is only allowed to use ONE bathroom :-) so that I can confine the damage to only one area :-). Enjoy the humor (no offense to anyone out there) which I am sharing purely for laughs. Have a lovely evening!
When I went to the men's room in the Schiphol Airport when we got to Amsterdam , I saw the fly and did my darnedest to 'wash' it down the drain....but failed.. I figured the fly had super glue foot pads !!!

Now I know why it was there!

Who says you can't potty train a man?

*Posted strictly for humor and not to insult/offend anyone!

6 comments to Potty Training For Men :-)

  1. says:

    Anonymous PAS is dangerous, says Umno and MCA. They are a threat to this nation. They are unreasonable. They have no respect for non-Muslims. But today, while PAS showed respect to a deceased non-Muslim Member of Parliament, the Malay Supremacist leader, Ibrahim Ali, showed contempt.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon

    Thanks for the update. I have yet to read the news because I have been very busy today. Will check it out later. Thanks for the alert. I do have a high regard for PAS because they mean what they say and seem to be a more cohesive lot on a high moral ground.

    Take care and do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    TP Hi Ms Masterwordsmith

    I do not quite know how to contact you, so maybe leaving a comment here will reach you.

    I am helping out with the alumni website of a secondary school in Malacca, mostly in a technical capacity.

    The Alumni Association has been around since 1985, and this is the first time that they have gone cyber.

    We are in need of good English content.

    I have always read your blog (not in its entirety, but where the subject area is of interest to me.

    Your pieces are well thought and articculated, and I feel would help stimulate thoughts amongst the youngsters of our old school whom we hope will visit our site.

    I would like to ask your permission to publish some of your articles on our website, and attributing the articles to your blog.

    If this is is okay with you, please drop us an email to secretary@gajahberangalumni.com

    Our website is http://www.gajahberangalumni.com

    Oh whilst you are there, please feel free to register.

    My name is Tau P Lim

    You will spot me on one of the photos on the site.

    Kind Regards and keep up the good work!

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Tau

    Lovely to hear from you! Thanks for your kind comments wrt my blog. I am so honored that you wish to feature my blog content. By all means go ahead and thanks for being so considerate to let me know about this and also for linking back to my blog in those articles.

    I am tied up till tomorrow and will certainly check out your site tomorrow.

    Thanks again for your encouraging comments. I do spend a lot of time hunting for stuff, doing research and writing. Blogging is so satisfying!

    Take care and God bless you and yours. Do keep in touch.

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    Anonymous In the exhibition halls in Germany the fly or bug in the urinal is much lower than the one shown in above picture.

    In any case, Asian don't need the fly or bug as target for we aim from much nearer distance and thus the spillover is prevented.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon # 5

    LOL!!! Hahaha!! Thank you so much for such a subtly witty comment hahaha!! Take care and do keep in touch!


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