The Singing Anesthesiologists :-)

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, October 10, 2010 6 comments
Thanks to Angela who sent me the following link, we can have a cheery start to a Sunday morning as we listen to The Singing Anesthesiologists belt their version of Waking Up Is hard to Do.

This one is really just too funny! Listen carefully to the lyrics!

These singers are all anesthesiologists in Minnesota and they can really sing. One of them is also very cute!!!

CLICK HERE to watch The Singing Anesthesiologists

The YouTube link was sent to me together with the link to THIS BLOG which belongs to a radiologist. Check out the great comments there too!

Have a nice day everyone!

6 comments to The Singing Anesthesiologists :-)

  1. says:

    ismi ooh i love this. so funny. so good singing. and yeah dat one IS cute ;)

  1. says:

    The Phoenix Foundation MWS!
    Thank You So Much!
    Am in the midst of preparing my proposed LLM thesis :THE MUSIC OF THE LAWS & this is exactly what I need for my power point presentation.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ismi

    LOL!! I loved it too and he IS such a cuteeeeee!!!:-)

    Take care and glad we share the same taste hehe. Have a lovely weekend!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Jeya

    You are most welcome! I am glad this post has been useful to you. Hope it brought many smiles to your face.

    Take care and good luck to you as you toil in your labor of love for your LLM.

    God bless you and yours always.


  1. says:

    The Phoenix Foundation MWS!

    I will "post" the proposed thesis outline on this your blog sometime very soon, when I get the hang of this entire ict thingamegig!

    I believe that when you see & hear the presentation, you will be extremely proud of moi- for @ 58 & having to go through all that in legal gobblygook, the Divine has granted me this very special gift.

    Wis for the moment, until next time, family & u will always be in good stead!



    PS:whilst I may look familiar, my elder bro resides in PP & looks a lot like me - if he tells you, he is younger than me, sue him for....well he's good cook - so....!
    G'nite, MWS!

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Jeya

    Wow! That is awesome. I am so happy for you and hope that you will achieve a phenomenal success with your thesis. Yes, please do share it ...Take care and may God bless you and yours with love, happiness and good health.

    Take care and have a great week!


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