Do You Have Time?

Posted by Unknown On Friday, November 26, 2010 7 comments
While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. "That's my son over there," she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding down the slide.

"He's a fine looking boy," the man said. "That's my son on the swing in the blue sweater." Then, looking at his watch, he called to his son. "What do you say we go, Todd?"

Todd pleaded, "Just five more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five more minutes." The man nodded and Todd continued to swing to his heart's content.

Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his son. "Time to go now?"

Again Todd pleaded, "Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes." The man smiled and said, "Okay."

"My, you certainly are a patient father," the woman responded.

The man smiled and then said, "My older son Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with Tommy and now I'd give anything for just five more minutes with him. I've vowed not to make the same mistake with Todd.

"He thinks he has five more minutes to swing. The truth is . . .

I get five more minutes to watch him play."

-Author Unknown-

May you always have time for your loved ones, the needy, the elderly, the handicapped and the poor....

Have a nice day!

7 comments to Do You Have Time?

  1. says:

    Monyet King we never realise the value to time untill it is all gone

  1. says:

    Tiger That's why I spend every free possible moment I have with Ethan, Ewan and Estelle!

  1. says:

    Anonymous As I walked past the arrival gates, I could see people waving, some smiling; some holding placards with names of people they obviously have never met. I quickened my pace and headed for the ERL station on the lower ground floor of the airport building.
    I had just flown in from Maastricht via Singapore. The day before, I had received a call from my brother. If there is ONE call that I would remember clearly for the rest of my life, it would be that call from my brother. He said, “Ma is not well. She may not make it this time. Please come home”. After I received that call nothing else mattered. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I cancelled all my business and personal appointments and broke the news to my colleagues.

    I am going home.

    As I stood at the platform waiting for the ERL’s arrival, I gazed around at the small crowd that had gathered there. Everyone seemed to be doing something to while their time. I could think of nothing. All I could think of was what my brother said. After what I felt was an eternity, the train finally pulled into the station. Another eternity went by and soon the train was on its way back into the city.

    The journey was completely uneventful except for what’s going through my mind. As my brain played back what my brother said, tears began to well up and soon, it was dripping like a faucet not properly tightened. No one noticed. It wouldn’t matter if they did.

    As I quietly peered out of the window I could see Ma leading me by the hand to the bus stand awaiting or my first day of school. I could see her patiently feeding me with a bowl of cereals as I stood on a low chair in my school uniform at 5.30 in the morning preparing me for school. I could see her beaming with pride when I brought home my first “Top Student in Class” report card. So many thoughts keep rushing back like short video clips. So many.

    My brother was waiting for me at the hospital and soon I was sitting there beside Ma. As I held her feeble hand for the last time, I could see her happiness through her eyes knowing that I had come home to be with her. Ma passed on peacefully leaving us to mourn the most treasured being in this world.

    As I reflect on my journeys through life, none had been more beautiful than the journey I took with Ma.

    Mother, I love you.


  1. says:

    Starmandala Lovely reminder to cherish the moment.

  1. says:

    Anonymous We must not allow the Clock and the Calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment is a miracle and a mystery.

    The memories of loved ones departing from our very eyes cannot be replaced by anything else in this world. Many of us would wish to turn back the clock and calendar so as to offer more time to our love ones after their demise.

    If only we knew that their time on earth is due at the exact moment, we would stayed through their last moment without regrets.
    To lose our love ones is such a painful and indescribable experience even though we know that it is better for them to depart silently than to suffer months of medic cares and still have to depart in the end.

    Let us all remember to spend more time with our love ones while we still can and to live deeply.......speak kindly at all times.


  1. says:

    Grandpa I'm glad I was able to spend time with my children and now my grandchildren. Thanks for sharing this.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Thanks for sharing But time is a little too late for me.

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