Games That I Love to Play

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, November 27, 2010 2 comments
It's school break and it has been kind of tough for me because time is so limited. Firstly, my part-time cleaner who has been with me since 2003, had to return to Indonesia for a major operation. I really pray she will have a safe surgery and speedy recovery and told her that I will still hire her when she has recovered but that her priority should be to ensure she is strong and healthy again.

Secondly, I have renewed my addiction to Scrabble and it has been quite a stimulating time playing Scrabble online with various people from all over the world, even with my doctor's daughter who is only 8 years old. I used to play eight games a day but blogging healed me of that Scrabble addiction :-).

Thirdly, my ever so active younger son has been quite bored at home as what else is there to do besides practise his piano/violin, read, study, gardening and being my assistant housekeeper? As such, I have had to be his partner in many games.

Here's a list of what we've been playing...

1. Scrabble

2. Risk (not a good choice cos he and hubby ganged up against me and I lost)

3. Monopoly

4. The Game of Life (again he and the daddy ganged up and I lost)

5. Rat Race (not a good game for kids cos it is all about materialism)

6. Cluedo

7. Scotland Yard

8. 221B Baker Street

9. Pass the P*gs

10. Careers

Thankfully, he is now into Tangram and I have a brief respite from 'gaming' with him. The set that I have is quite a complicated one so that should keep him busy for some time till he gets bored.

Years ago, before the internet, I used to play LOTS of board games and have over 40 in my collection. On weekends, friends would come over and we would play games such as Balderdash, Top Secret, Outburst, Pictionary and Trivial Pursuit.

Although it has taken away quite a bit of my blogging and online time, I am thankful for these moments with my boy. Suddenly, he seems to be shooting up. Just two days ago, I bought a new chest of drawers and went through his clothes that he had outgrown to be passed on to a friend's son and others to an orphanage.

Our treasures are those precious moments with our family. Our children grow up TOO FAST and in the twinkling of an eye, they are gone. That is the reason why of late, my posts have been about family and time.

This season, may you have meaningful and unforgettable moments with your family and loved ones! Take care and I hope to be blogging again on sopo topics soon enough. Cheers!

2 comments to Games That I Love to Play

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    I love board games too. Especially Chess and Chinese Checkers. And I love to win. purrr....meow!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Angelina

    You are one smart feline darling!! I am not good in chess but Nick is quite good for his age. Take care and enjoy the weekend!


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