The Internet Widower

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2 comments
So here I sit, in all my glory...
Lend me an ear, and I'll tell ya a story...
Once had a wife -- she was such a dear,
Then came AOL, and it all disappeared!

Now there she sits , for hours on end...
Don't care where I'm goin', don't care where I've been.
It could be two, or it could be nine...
She really doesn't care, long as she's online.

She gets outta work and rushes home,
She comes in screaming, "Get off the phone!"
Where the hell's my hug? Where is my kiss?
But she's at the computer -- that's all she missed!

Talking to buddies, checking the mail
All her priorities -- I'm in cyber Hell!
My stomach's growling -- it's so unfair!
No clean dishes and I'm out of underwear!

Drink me a beer, stare at the walls
I'll pick at my teeth while I'm scratching my b*lls
Farting and burping all while I this I see
Can you believe she's there? She could be with ME!

-Author Unknown-

*Posted for humor

2 comments to The Internet Widower

  1. says:

    Anonymous It works both ways ! Maybe wifey feels that way too if I'd had been on the PC for too many hours. Nonetheless, any form of addiction is bad, real bad. Whether blogging, commenting or even just surfing the net.

    We need to enjoy those moments of reality and feel the fresh air and smell the roses, ya.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi ahoo

    Thanks for sharing your wise words and the timely reminder to stop, take a break and to smell the roses lest we forget what our Maker has given us.

    Take care and thanks for reading and sharing!

    God bless!


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