It's Time to Re-Assess Your Relationship With Your Computer When . . .

Posted by Unknown On Monday, November 15, 2010 4 comments
1. You wake up at 4 O'clock in the morning to go to the bathroom and stop to check your email on the way back to bed.

2. You turn off your computer and get an awful empty feeling, as if you just pulled the plug on a loved one.

3. You decide to stay in college for an additional year or two, just for the free internet access.

4. You laugh at people with 28.8 modems.

5. You start using smileys :-) in your snail mail.

6. You find yourself typing "com" after every period when using a word

7. You can't correspond with your mother because she doesn't have a computer.

8. When your email box shows "no new messages" and you feel really depressed.

9. You don't know the gender of your three closest friends because they have nondescript screen name and you never bothered to ask.

10. You move into a new house and you decide to "Netscape" before you landscape.

11. Your family always knows where you are.

12. In real life conversations, you don't laugh, you just say "LOL, LOL"

13. After reading this message, you immediately forward it to a friend!

4 comments to It's Time to Re-Assess Your Relationship With Your Computer When . . .

  1. says:

    UP41 Logout and pull the plug is one sure way to remain sane now a day. We are flooded with bad news about almost everything in tanah air. Time to get out smell the roses ; take some nice pictures and talk to real human!!!!!!!!!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear UP41

    Very true! We are constantly being bombarded by all kinds of spins that divides and depresses rather than restoring our faith in our nation. We have to practise selective exposure to information and remember the important ones too. Take care and thanks for stopping by. Have a nice day!


  1. says:

    Anonymous It is time to reassess oneself if the internet bill is higher than the water bill, lah !

    If we are demanding to have higher speed than now for the broadband, hahaha !


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Wah - scary lah - My water bill is very low LOL!!!

    Oh oh...:-)

    Great to see you in a cheery mood, ahoo. And it is certainly nice to have you back!

    Take care! Have a blessed week.


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