Special Focus - Penang Local Council Elections

Posted by Unknown On Monday, November 8, 2010 2 comments
The Penang Forum is a series of forums organised by a coalition of concerned NGOs, communities and individuals that is working towards playing a more involved consultative role with the Penang State Government.

The Penang Forum consists of the following groups:

  • Persatuan Kesihatan and Keselamatan Perkerjaan Pulau Pinang.
  • Persatuan Kebudayaan Tamil Pulau Pinang
  • WCC
  • 3Gs
  • Suaram
  • Aliran
  • PHT
  • Malaysian Nature Society
  • Sembang-Sembang
  • Tg Bungah Residents Association (TBRA)
  • Friends of Penang Botanic Gardens Society (FOPBGS)
  • Taman Sri Nibong Residents' Association

At THIS SITE, Penang Forum 3 (PF3) invites you to participate in an election to determine civil society nominees to serve as MPPP and MPSP Councillors for 2011. There are currently over 15 nominees who have submitted themselves to be elected as councillors for MPPP and MPSP.

Date : Sunday, 14 November.
Time : 9.00 am - 3.00 pm
Venue : Penang Chinese Girls School Alumni Hall
(directly opposite St Nicholas School for the Blind),
Jalan Bagan Jermal, Penang.
(Registration Fee RM10.00, Students RM5.00)

Click HERE to read more about Local Council FAQs.

Click HERE to see the list of nominees, their profiles and manifestos.

Click HERE to read more about Qualifications Required To Become Civil Society Nominees to serve as MPPP and MPSP Councillors for 2011.

Who Can Vote?

All residents of Penang age 18 and above are eligible to vote at Penang Forum 3 to elect civil society nominees to serve as councillors in MPPP and MPSP for 2011. Voters need not be Malaysian citizens to be eligible to vote. Such practice is based on the principle that all rate payers are entitled to fair representation at local governments.

Nominations are still open and will close on Nov 10.

All participants are urged to pre-register with the address/contact number below before Nov 12. Participants who want to have food at the forum need to register in advance. Those who do not pre register for the forum will not be able to get food but will still have to pay the RM10 registration fee which would go towards meeting PF3 expenses.

Registration of Voters

Please register by 12th November 2010, to facilitate the arrangement of catering.
Early registration will help us a great deal. So please fill up the form below and Email to aliran@streamyx.com. Registration fees will be collected on the day itself.

Name :_____________________
Email Address : ______________
Phone : ____________________
See You There!

Contact Details"

Address: Penang Forum 3, c/o Aliran, 103 Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, Penang.
Email : aliran@streamyx.com
Phone : Aliran at 658 5251
Fax : 04-6585197 during office hours, Tuesday to Saturday.

2 comments to Special Focus - Penang Local Council Elections

  1. says:

    Ong Eu Soon 王佑舜 Mock Election or Mockery of Election

    I just read news report from Malaysia Kini that the contestants only allowed few minutes to introduce themselves. They are not allow to campaign freely and distributing pamphlets. Those who disobey will be disqualified. Why Penang Forum 3 prohibits the contestants from campaigning and distributing pamphlet? Isn't it important for those who want to contest to campaign openly and freely? Do we really need just to educate people on how to cast a vote? Isn't the mock election should mimic real election and provide opportunity for all contestant to voice out their manifesto and their stand on all kind of issues? Isn't it important for contestants to campaign freely without constraints? Why Penang Forum 3 is behaving worst than BN ? No campaign allowed! What a mockery to free and fair election !

  1. says:

    Unknown Thank you Mr Ong for your comment and for visiting.

    FYI, the candidates are allowed to campaign and to put up posters or to pass pamphlets outside the hall.

    Perhaps your source of information did not tell you this.

    I have a high regard for Penang NGOs and hope that you can be a positive contributor to Penang Forum or other NGOs to make Penang a better place to live in.

    God bless you and do keep in touch.


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