The State of Malaysian Education

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, November 28, 2010 18 comments
My heart sank when I read the report HERE about how a teacher, who is also a CHIEF INVIGILATOR, allegedly made racist remarks in front of some 180 students at a school examination hall in Lukut, near Port Dickson, on Wednesday morning. I pity the 180 SPM candidates who had to experience added trauma before they took a major public examination that would decide their fate in higher education. What on earth is wrong with the state of Malaysian education? What sort of example is this CHIEF Invigilator setting to others???

I am completely befuddled as to how ANYONE would have the audacity to publicly make such statements, especially one who has been given the responsibility of moulding the minds, intellect and behavior of students!!!

Has there been any public statement from the authorities about this ridiculous and shameful incident? I have yet to see one. If I have missed any relevant posting in response to this incident, please let me know.

Many of us are well aware of similar incidents that occurred of late, so shameful that I do not want to highlight them again. However, why is it that despite the wide and negative incidents about such racist behavior/utterances, there are still those who DARE to behave publicly in this way?

How can any role model make such statements for all and sundry? Are there OTHER such incidents which are unreported because the victims FEAR backlash from the authorities? What would be the effects of such consequences not just on the student population of that school but on society as a whole?

Obviously, racism is a learned trait. If those in higher positions of power or those in the limelight are brazen enough to call others 'pendatang' or 'prostitute' and other derogatory terms and to ask them to 'leave', others are likely to follow suit! This is especially true when little action has been taken to punish previous culprits!

When racism is ingrained in leaders, racist tendencies/behavior/utterances are likely to have far reaching consequences on followers or observers, both consciously and unconsciously.

  • What action has been taken against this teacher?
  • Was she taken to task by the school authorities and the Education Department?
  • Has she given a public apology to the students?
  • Has she been removed as an invigilator in that school?
  • Can you imagine what would have happened if it had been a teacher of another race making the same statement to a different group of students in a different type of school??? I am sure you know what I mean!

According to a comment HERE, the school has been credited with a high degree of discipline. As Chief Invigilator, this person must be quite a senior person who should have experience in education and awareness of the school's good reputation. However, any racist outburst would reflect poorly on anyone regardless of their social status. Is this person still serving as Chief Invigilator?

I am sure many of the students are deeply affected. Can they sit for an exam with a clear mind and perspective if:

* the person has not apologized?
* such behavior continues and is unreported?
* others are influenced?

Since our education system does not teach critical thinking skills, many students are not trained to think independently. Ironically, the system preaches the importance of moral education while our politicians publicly wax lyrical about 1Malaysia. As such, how would the younger set be equipped to handle challenging situations like this one? Would their lips be zipped from fear or would they stand up for what truth and justice?

I could go on and on ranting about this issue but one thing is clear.

If educators themselves do not understand the functions of education and respect those who are looking up to them and supposedly learning from teachers, what will happen to the next generation?

I certainly hope that such problems will be nipped in the bud as soon as possible.

Very stern action MUST be taken to punish offenders. This will be a STRONG DETERRENT to others so that they do not vilify innocent young people who might be deeply scarred by such incidents.

Teachers must teach more than the formal education to students. They have a moral responsibility to socialise young people to adopt norms, values and mores in society so that they can function as accepted members.

Teachers must emphasise moral responsibilities in society that students should have display towards each other. When these students grow up and become parents in the future, they will then pass on these learned values, norms, patterns of behavior and social traits to their children. In this way, social order can be maintained.

Just imparting literacy and numeracy or job-specific skills according to the specifications in formal education is not enough. Informal education via socialization is just as important. Obviously, something is wrong here.

And what do we have? Changes in policies as and when decision-makers feel like it without considering the needs and implications for the country and the student population. We are certainly losing our global competitiveness and the brain drain will continue! That's it - we have a recipe for disaster that is being 'improved' by such educators!

So what are the authorities doing about this pathetic state of education in our country? Are they willing to take action? Only time will tell!!!

18 comments to The State of Malaysian Education

  1. says:

    Anonymous The perception is that these incidents are condoned from the top.It seems the top are the ones giving excuses on the culprits behalf.Literally speaking, those culprits knew they can even get away with murder.
    But can we expect our top people to practise zero tolerance ?

  1. says:

    semuanya OK kot Problems:
    - Institutionalised racism, eg. BTN, having to state whether you are a bumi on exam papers. The teachers are only a symptom.
    - Incompetence and illiteracy - in teachers, administrators (by way of textbooks full of errors), examiners.
    - Institutionlised corruption - needless workbooks, failure to penalise or reward teachers appropriately, failure to punish evasion of tax for tuition, failure to punish wayward PTAs.

  1. says:

    Anonymous And yet there are still people out there who continue to bitch about Pakatan’s “weaknesses” and say they find it dangerous to vote Pakatan because Pakatan “can’t even manage their own house” and other “negative” things like that when right in our faces we see and hear SO MANY major wrongs by BN ALMOST DAILY.

    To my mind, the people who vote BN don’t actually love Malaysia and are selfish and unaware what future destruction they can cause. They don’t want Malaysians to live in harmony. They don’t want Malaysia to progress. They don’t want the people to unite. In fact they, consciously or unconsciously, are destroying the nation’s future.

    BN is telling us and the whole world that Malaysia can never and will never compete with the rest of the world on level ground because from the first day of independence BN had made it loud and clear to Malaysian and the rest of the world that “the Malays are weaker than the rest of humankind and must and will FOREVER continue to receive special preference and assistance from the government in literally all their endeavors whether amongst Malaysians or foreigners. Never mind if it affects Malaysia’s competitiveness in education and business, as long as it is in the interest of the Malays”.

    If BN continue to have the political power and money to support its policies, I cannot see how or why BN would want to change these destructive policies. It would be naïve and wishful thinking to hope that BN will someday, somehow wake up and govern the country the “correct and sensible” way.

    In order for our nation to progress; there are two ways, both equally effective. We can do it the hard way, or the easy way. It’s all up to us.

    The hard way is to wait until our nation’s economy collapse due to corruption, inefficiency, bad federal policies, or global recession. It is only when hundreds of thousands are unemployed; when companies and factories start closing one by one daily; when the government starts owing salaries to civil servants; when the Ringgit is traded like the Indonesian Rupiah; Malaysians, Malays included, will then wake up and see that there is simply no short cut to having a good life and future for themselves or their children and will then forge a “new awakening” where true unity and comradeship will stand side by side in harmony to rebuild what BN had destroyed.

    The easy way is to vote for Pakatan.

  1. says:

    EX TEACHER Great Job done by the teacher, cause this are the monkeys which will proof what BTN has done. I thank the racist teacher cause what she did is like taking shit and trowing at Najib's so called 1 Malaysia. Thank you cikgu may your children be like you the imbecile of the highest grade. The BERUKs want us to be patriotic, to hell with patriotism.

  1. says:

    Anonymous What hope is there for Malaysians with the corruption riddled government who stayed in power in allowing racist policies to be take the attention away from the massive corruption.

    When the foreign press slander the Prime Minister by writing articles linking him to murder and corruption, it is unthinkable why he did not sue the foreign press. Even when a Private Investigator published his statutory declaration slandering the PM family, the government was quick to close MACC's investigation. This is dumbfounding especially when the PI challenged the government to charge him.

    These racists working in the civil service is the products of ketuanan racism. It is not the first time nor will it be the last.

    The fish rots from the head down and it stinks to hell.

  1. says:

    daffodils Dear MWS,

    This is a nation at risk if such behavior is condoned. We get discouraged with the “bad apples” making all the news. People with flaws like these are all around us, thriving. Empathy is not a high attribute. The bad news is we have no way of weeding out such teacher. The teaching and learning processes are poisoned by a lack of professionalism.This kind of attitude demonizes the victims and racism is perpetuating and isolating communities in our country.

    Fundamental to the job of teaching is respect for one’s students as human beings who are capable of learning. There are thousands of teachers out there struggling each day to do a good job and teach the kids we love. A teacher’s nature is quite important. If a teacher does not have the love, desire or passion to teach, they shouldn’t be teaching at all!! Teaching is all about communication and breaking big ideas down into digestible bits for students to understand in many different formats.

  1. says:

    Anonymous The writings are all over the place and they keep pointing to one thing....All non-bumis and non-muslims, please get the hell out of Malaysia...You people are no longer welcome to live in Malaysia...Like the name of the country suggests, MALAYSIA belongs only to THEM and no one else. It's as simple as that...and you people...the nons still don't get up and keep fighting for their "rights". Well....,you people have absolutely no rights or recognition in this racist country that practices apartheid.

    Those idiots are making life hell of difficult for the nons to stay on, that is why they practice apartheid to drive you people out....Don't you get it...? It's about time you people wake up and face reality....and stop being patriotic when your patriotism is not being appreciated at all....

  1. says:

    rainstorm So what are the authorities doing about this pathetic state of education in our country? Are they willing to take action?


    Don't expect anything from our Education Minister who also the DPM. To begin with, probably another answer from him would be : I cant do anything about it. Another NFA & promotion for the chief invigilator. Sigh!

    How about we, the rakyat pressure the govt to:
    1. Sack her
    2. Send her behind bars
    3. Shut down BTN

    Better still, we should change the government. For the past 53 yrs under BN, enough is enough ! My dear rakyat sekalian, why are we still giving the mandate to BN to run this country knowing very well BN is so corrupt and the evil things they did /doing (the list is endless) ?

    Why don't we just ponder for a moment. Let Pakatan Rakyat governs our beloved country for 2 terms and then see the difference. If after 2 terms Pakatan Rakyat still can't governs well, we can switch to BN. We got nothing to lose. Afterall, the current situation in this country is already rock bottom! How worst can that be ????

    So, have you registered yet as a voter ?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Monkey see, monkey do and they are getting away with it. At the most, it's just a slap on their wrist. However, with "brownie points", their career will soar high. Who would'nt want to be a MONKEY then? But, but, but... the monkey must be of the right species else, it's ISA. May God bless Malaysia. :(

  1. says:

    katdog Well the problem is that these civil servants have been taught that what they are doing is right.

    BTN and those in power have drilled into them these facts:
    - non-Malays are 'pendatangs'
    - non-Malays are not patriotic and are not loyal to the country.
    - Malays are the original people of this land and as such the lands belong to them.
    - Malays have the right to defend their status and rights as the original people of this land. The constitution has provided such powers.

    Therefore, many of these civil servants make this comments without even a slightest bit of remorse. Because, to them, there is nothing untrue in what they have said.

    In fact, quite the opposite, many of these civil servants would take offense if you try to suggest to them that what they have said is wrong. They perceive such suggestions, coming from a non, as attacks on their status and position as the original people of this land.

  1. says:

    Anonymous You guys can complain about all these racist teachers/principals/politicians until the cows come home but the govt ain't bother to act on them bcoz they are malays,untouchable understand?Dare a non-malay speak like this all non-malays are punished.MCA-MIC-PPP-Gerakan can only be apologists to umno.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Hi MWS,

    Sorry for the long silence. Was very busy and hardly had time to long on. Busy moving my family to another land for better education system.

    Having to witness 2 education system now, i call loudly say that Malaysian Education system has a BLOODY long way to go. No wonder government is spending millions (half of it goes into pockets of corruptors).Racist remarks by teachers, Headmaster, Invigilators etc etc is really uncalled for and they should be sent to the ZOO. BTN should be named Bastards Talking Now!

    It is time for a major OVERHAUL in Malaysia. Send the Government a STRONG message. Vote them out!

    Darth Vader

  1. says:

    Anonymous With so many morons as teacher, what can the students expect ? The power that be is not interested in the welfare of the students as with BTN having a final say in their "programming of minds" surely those teachers were trained to speak exactly what they were taught.

    No two ways about it. Just get this racist and good for nothing govt out and let them be in the opposition camp to witness the changes taking place thereafter. They have no moral right to rule after bastardising the history of Malaysia by distorting its fact and trying to ply this new ware to all and sundry.

    People who can distort history have no regard for decency and are a deceitful lot fit behind bars. Just vote them out without second thought, ya.


  1. says:

    Anonymous I think most of the commentators got it right when they cannot and could not see any possibility of positive change in what is going on,and on-going about this subject. The fact that it still happens despite the wide and negative publicity of previous cases just show how deep the problem has become. And such statements are made by persons who are carrying out their official duties! Imaging the level it must be at the personal level.

    Lets not forget that these are just verbal animosity.What about those animosities that happened that actually affect the daily lives of non Muslims? All these has been over-debated but do we see any real solution that has been taken by the people we put in power, to address them?

    Lest we also forget, the very people that we put in to managed and resolve them are the very same people who have started and institutionalised it.

    In that sense, that is also where the solution lies. Change the "people" who have failed us. I do see any other way out!

    And lastly.The problem has got nothing to do with the state of the Malaysian education system.


  1. says:


    I wrote this unofficial “ready-for-battle” General Election Anthem for Pakatan and wish to dedicate it to all Pakatan supporters. It is sung to the tune of “Marching to Georgia”. Hope you like it.




    For those unfamiliar with the song, you can click the youtube link below and listen first how it sounds like. The actual song starts at 2:05 in the clip.

  1. says:

    Andrew Chua It's really sad indeed that derogatory and racially unsavoury statements are made in public - and by a senior teacher! Speaks volumes about the whole education system if teachers are poor role models. The silence from the relevaant authorities is deafening!

  1. says:

    Anonymous BTN has to be abolished if racism is to end.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear commenters and readers

    I am really overwhelmed by the outpouring of your thoughts, concerns and passionate response.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post and to share your thoughts.

    It goes to show that MANY of us are really concerned about the state of education in our country and how we MUST ensure change comes about in the next GE.

    Lots of work to be done, folks, so let's unite and rise up against the enemy!

    Take care and do keep in touch.


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