Route 50

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, December 25, 2010 1 comments
It is just past midnight on Christmas Day, 2011. Finally, I have hit the big five - the moment I had been dreading all my life but now that it has happened, it's not that bad after all!

As a teenager, I longed to be a young adult and by the time I was in my 20's, I wish I was in my 30's. In my 40's, I wanted to be in my 20's again and as a 50 year old, many of my friends have told me that life begins at 50. I believe that is true!

Just this afternoon when I went to make a new pair of reading glasses, my optometrist friend reminded me not to frown so much. I do admit I frown a lot but that is just me. Our facial features improve with age simply because they show distinction and character. Frown lines show that one has lived and gone through lots in life just as I have as well. After I selected the frame for my new glasses, we sat down and talked about challenges in ageing. She had turned 50 two weeks earlier and her 85 year old dad had just been discharged from hospital. To me, how we age depends a lot on our attitudes - we can either age gracefully or otherwise.

To me, I believe the very event of turning fifty itself can be liberating in a myriad of ways. On a personal note, this whole experience has prompted me to take stock of my life to assess where I am and the direction where I am going to take. The past few months seem to have given me the freedom to explore new possibilities. In fact, I have been offered a part-time lecturing position again but am still unsure if I should join the rat race again - after being comfortably closeted in my home, especially behind the laptop screen.

Good friends like Freddie, Philip and Murali have been bugging me to join their gym for me to get back my long lost waistline. When I started blogging, I terminated my gym membership and kissed goodbye to a slim, svelte and muscular silhouette haha...But no - next year, I am going back to the gym and will be joining belly dancing, line dancing and salsa classes and doing my weights training again. But of course, blogging mania continues as usual.

There are endless possibilities ahead for me. At this moment, I have lots of time on my hands and intend to learn much more to develop myself to be more that who I am now. One thing for sure is that I will be taking up IT classes for I intend to assemble my own computer and to be able to maintain it on my own. Certainly, I hope that life after 50 can be even more interesting than what I have experienced so far.

By the way, apologies for the fireworks! I put the Countdown to Christmas gadget (top right hand corner) in my blog a few days ago. Suddenly, at 12 midnight, I heard the fireworks and was wondering where it was coming from and actually thought it was from some of the tabs I had opened or perhaps from Blogger. I will take it out tomorrow morning :-).

Take care and have a merry Christmas everyone!

1 comments to Route 50

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    It's just a're 50, I'm 4... What's important is how you've lived that life... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! purrrrr.....meow!

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