The Seven Wonders

Posted by Unknown On Monday, December 13, 2010 4 comments
A group of students was asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonders of the World." Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes:
1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. China's Great Wall

While gathering the votes, the teacher noticed that one quiet student hadn't turned in her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many."

The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help." The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the 'Seven Wonders of the World' are:
1. to see
2. to hear
3. to touch
4. to taste
5. to feel
6. to laugh
7. and to love."

The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.

The things we overlook as simple and ordinary and that we take for granted are truly wondrous!

-Author Unknown-

4 comments to The Seven Wonders

  1. says:

    HotDogg Mine is a bit different...

    1. Wonder
    2. Wonderful
    3. Wonderment
    4. WonderWoman
    5. WonderBra
    6. WonderBoy
    7. WonderLand

    The room was so noisy with people laughing so loudly you won't notice even if an elephant crashed throught the door. ROTFL!!

  1. says:

    Frankie Hi MWS...there is a pin drop over here too. Merry christmas GBU

  1. says:

    Anonymous Cannot disagree lah ! These 7 wonders :
    1. to see
    2. to hear
    3. to touch
    4. to taste
    5. to feel
    6. to laugh
    7. and to love

    are greater than any man make monuments nor buildings. If we have lose any one of it, we are handicap in one way or another.

    Life offers no guarantees ....just choices; no certainty .... but consequences; no predictable outcomes .... just the privilege of voting rightly.

    Vote well and wisely for the future of our children are upon shoulders. We cannot blame it on fate if we have not make the right choice.


  1. says:

    Grandpa How true...wise words

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