Little Eyes

Posted by Unknown On Monday, January 10, 2011 5 comments
There are little eyes upon you
and they're watching night and day.

There are little ears that quickly
take in every word you say.

There are little hands all eager
to do anything you do;

And a little boy who's dreaming
of the day he'll be like you.

You're the little fellow's idol,
you're the wisest of the wise.

In his little mind about you
no suspicions ever rise.

He believes in you devoutly,
holds all you say and do;

He will say and do, in your way
when he's grown up just like you.

There's a wide-eyed little fellow
who believes you're always right;
and his eyes are always opened,
and he watches day and night.

You are setting an example
every day in all you do;

For the little boy who's waiting
to grow up to be like you.
-Author Unknown-

*Dedicated to all parents*

5 comments to Little Eyes

  1. says:

    Anonymous There are little eyes upon you
    and they're watching night and day.

    There are little ears that quickly
    listen to every word you say.

    There are little hands all eager
    to cause you harm and sorrow;

    And a little man who's dreaming
    he'll win the GE again

    You're that little man’s enemy,
    and the worst of its kind

    In his little mind about you
    no love ever rise.

    He distrusts you devoutly,
    denies all you say and do;

    He will say and do, not of your way
    when he's in power

    There's a wide-eyed little man
    who believes he’s always right;

    But his eyes are never opened,
    as he watches in blindness.

    You are all that he’s against
    every day in all you do;

    For the little man who loves nothing
    more than to hate you.

    A new dawn will break and we’ll all know why
    When we cast our vote that’s when BN dies

    *Dedicated to MWS*

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    Many thanks for this fantastic poem and the special dedication!! The Yeats and Tennyson in you emerges with a dash of Mandala and other freedom fighters.

    I hope you can kindly give me your permission to repost this as a stand alone post.

    Once again, thanks for being a very patriotic and dynamic Malaysian mooting for change!

    God bless you and yours always!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Post it soldier.


  1. says:

    Anonymous You want the verdict? Hear it from the kids…
    The other day I was visiting a friend and was playing with his little girl while he went over to the bar to mix me a glass of Chivas and ginger ale. His daughter is four years old and is the cutest gal you ever saw. As she sat on my lap, she asked me, giggling, “Uncle, how come you’re so smart one?” I asked back, “How do you know that I’m smart?” to which she replied, “I know, because Daddy says you are very smart”. I played along. “So, what if your Daddy says that I’m stupid, would I be stupid then?” More giggling…”I don’t know” came her honest reply.

    “Well, let me tell you sweetheart, I’m smart because I study hard, just like your daddy. And one day you’ll grow up to be a smart girl too, just like us”. “Yes. But I don’t want to be like you or Daddy. I want to be smart and pretty like Mummy” said Miss Little Vain. The mother shouted from the kitchen door, “Dinner will be ready in five, so don’t go anywhere. Darling can you give me a hand?” My buddy brought the whisky and quickly excused himself to help the wife. As I sipped on the drink, my mind wondered to the coming GE and I decided to see if our smart little tot has some innocent and unbiased wisdom to share with me.

    “Sweetheart, I have a question for you and see how smart you are. Do you have a boyfriend?” More giggling…”No…why?”

    “OK. Since you don’t have a boyfriend, I’m going to introduce you to two new boys BUT you can only choose one to be your boyfriend. Want or not?” Whoa…Miss Little Vain is now turning into Miss Shy & Curious Little Girl as she nods her head without responding; all the time staring into my eyes.

    “Now, the first boy is a bad boy; a very naughty boy. He is always bullying his friends or stealing money from his parents. Sometimes he even beat his parents! He doesn’t like to study even though he is not smart and doesn’t know how to save money. I told him about you and he said he wants to be your boyfriend and he will change for you. The second boy is a very good boy. He is a very nice and honest boy and helps his parents do the housework. He knows he is not very smart yet, so he studies hard because he knows that is important for his future. I also told him about you, and he says he will take good care of you. So, who would you choose to be your boyfriend?”

    Before I could finish the sentence, her cards were already on the table - “Who is more handsome?” I almost fell off my chair laughing, but what to do; girls will be girls…sigh…“They are both equally handsome. But you can only choose one. Well?” Looking into my eyes and then in the direction of the kitchen as if to obtain the approval of her parents, she proudly declared, “I’ll choose the second one!” “Why? How do you know he will not become bad like the first boy?”

    “The first boy is a very bad person. I don’t like him. He says he will change but what if he doesn’t change? I don’t want to marry him. I want to marry the second one. He’s nice and he said he’ll take good care of me.” “Are you sure?” I asked. “Yes, very sure” she replied with innocent conviction.

    Maybe as adults, we analyze too much. We fear too much of the unknown to logically assess what decision that we must make now. Maybe we cannot see very well because we are looking at it frame by frame instead of at the big picture. Maybe we should ask our kids for some good advice.

    Alas! How I wish she is old enough to cast her vote…

    Just then the mother yelled from the dining room, “Ladies and gentlemen, dinner’s ready!”

    Vote Pakatan

  1. says:

    Anonymous Pakatan cannot be any worse than BN for that matter. They have very qualified and experienced people in their midst now that are good candidates for MPs as well as assemblymen.

    With over 50 years of corrupt pratices, can they ever change i.e dumbo and gang ? Never as it is in their mindsets that others are questioning their rights. They would rather have a corrupt minister from their own camp to take care of them than a righteous men and women from Pakatan doing the same.

    With Pakatan in federal govt. we can be rest assured that things will eventually be much better as by then BN will be the main opposition. Bn will watch like hawk over every moves of Pakatan and corruption will slowly have to give way as the system of check and balance will be at its finest.

    Bn will be less arrogant and will do good to get back the support of the people. Don't we build bridges of fear now that dumbo will cause riots etc etc when we have yet to reach that destination. If we have yet to give our best shot i.e vote for change, how can we blame others for all that had happened in this nation.

    Evil will continue to rule if good people do nothing. We need to know what we want for the future generations and with firm commitment we will get there. To have this success, we have to turn our ideals and dreams into progressive action.

    Emotion is no subsitute for action ! Get real and push fence to vote for change. It is now or never. Never wait for a perfect party or perfect Pakatan to emerge before you vote for them. This is earth and not heaven and there will be no perfection in any party nor anybody out there. Just do your part by voting wisely.


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