Speak Nothing But Truth! WE WON'T FORGET!

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, February 27, 2011 4 comments
When making any public speeches, government officials must remember that their words and actions will be widely reported and Malaysians all over will get to read, analyze and react to the content. As such, nothing but the truth must be spoken lest one makes a fool of himself and be on the receiving end of brickbats.

In this article HERE, Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said that Malaysians have to be grateful for the deeds and struggles made by those before them so that racial harmony in the country can be maintained.

I am quite sure that Malaysians appreciate racial harmony in our own backyard and are well aware of what our forefathers went through, thanks to propaganda, the official history syllabus, the stories that our relatives and loved ones have shared with us not forgetting the influence of the mass/alternative media.

As a product of the system, I am sure none can forget our history/ origins and the necessity to show courtesy to every race.

However, there are certain quarters who DO NOT SHOW COURTESY to every race. We all know who/what they are and yet, action has NOT been taken. At the end of the day, words must match actions and conscience. If not, it is all empty talk!

This report HERE said that Rais likened the opposition parties to a fish.

"Sometimes, this fish, after living for so long forgets that it lives in water. Try placing it on the sand for an hour. Place DAP, PAS, PKR in hardship for a while, they will remember," he said.
Well, Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng have been ISA-ed. Hindraf leaders have been in detention. DSAI has also gone through lots of hardship in his detention and trial proceedings. PAS has had their own share of challenges.

THEY ALL REMEMBER!! I am sure our Opposition leaders REMEMBER what challenges they have faced/are facing. The disappointment of losing Perak to BN will not be forgotten. The pain of being such a good MB must still be in Nizar's heart and he remember NOT just the pain, but also his calling to serve the people.

Who is it that has been living in a false sense of security for so long that they have forgotten WHO THEY SERVE?

Perhaps if they are no longer in office after the next GE, they MIGHT remember who is the boss, the real boss.

Malaysians are no longer a gullible lot. Yes, there may be some who are weary, disgruntled, passive but I am very sure we have not forgotten what are our :

  • needs
  • concerns
  • our children's education and that of our descendants
  • our wallets that are getting lighter
  • hurts at being called derogatory names
  • our pleas that have fallen on deaf ears
  • our frustration at being sidelined
  • anger at the many unexplained deaths such as TBH, Kugan and many others
  • our reaction to the many reports about corruption

etc etc (please add to the list in the comments section)

Well, what happened in KL has been very disappointing. My heart goes out to my fellow countrymen from the Indian community. I am so sorry to hear of the anguish they are facing, especially when I read the following section as reported HERE in Malaysiakini:

The police appeared to be stopping and arresting anyone suspected as Hindraf supporters, especially Indians, who were found walking in the streets of Kuala Lumpur.

Many by-passers have complained that they have been stopped and their bags checked despite having nothing to do with the rally.

This is what Sivarasa Rasiah twitted half an hour ago:

SivarasaRasiah: 3 days ago PM Najib urged Libya not to use violence on protesters,today Hishamuddin & IGP using violence on Indians at Hindraf rally #fb 22 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply »

Sivarasa Rasiah SivarasaRasiah R.Sivarasa Hishamuddin and IGP,stop the crackdown on Hindraf KLCC rally,respect freedom of assembly.Release now the 300+ arrested so far #fb 36 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

I do not know if +300 have been arrested but am constantly checking various sites for updates and will update accordingly HERE.

I am sad. Very sad. I empathize with my fellow countrymen who have been treated this way. Is this an example of racial profiling? I hope the authorities concerned will speak up about this to clarify. Wikipedia HERE says that "racial profiling refers to the use of an individual’s race or ethnicity by law enforcement personnel as a key factor in deciding whether to engage in enforcement (e.g. make a traffic stop or arrest). The practice is controversial and widely considered inappropriate and illegal."

If you are free, please read this article: Police Profiling - Crime Tool or Hidden Racism?

Many Malaysians are scared. Too scared. Just because it was organized by Hindraf does not mean the rally should be attended by Indians alone. What would have happened if more from all concerned communities, not just Indians had stepped forward this morning? The fact that it was only attended by Indians shows that communal politics might just still be influential. It is a situation of damned if they did and damned if they did not.

Two nights ago, I was out with a group of friends and we were talking about how Malaysians need courage. I told this old friend honestly - "Let's face it. You also need courage because you have NEVER attended any vigil or rally." Silence.

If all of us keep quiet, what will happen to us?

Remember these words:

First They came...

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemoller

Initially, many Indians shifted their support in favor of BN. What will happen after today's incident as reported HERE?

Malaysians cannot be sweet-talked to forget certain outrages. All must be sincere in efforts to build a better nation. To that end, values and objectives must be the same.

Let us speak up, Malaysians or thereafter regret in tears....Let us speak up for truth, justice and democracy. We love Malaysia and want our country to grow and we can only do this if we vote in a NEW GOVERNMENT. The Opposition is not flawless, but they are not as bad as what we have at the moment. The choice is ours.

I dream of a scenario where Pakatan Rakyat + Hindraf + MCLM can work together to fight ONE common enemy TOGETHER! Unity is strength!

Above all else, let truth and justice prevail!

Every vote counts! Make yours count too!! Together, we can!!!

4 comments to Speak Nothing But Truth! WE WON'T FORGET!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Good article. sadly I'm of the opinion that all the words in the world will not change a thing until there is a common agenda from the opposition.
    BN is using the differences to cause chaos. If there was a common goal other than to topple BN, i think this country could go far.
    nod if you agree;
    1. equality - everyone who is a citizen is entitled to the same rights, privileges and punitive action.

    2. fairplay - race and religion are removed as a criteria in all government policy.

    3. justice - every man or woman is answerable to the same laws so that there is no claim of unfair conduct from the judiciary. (and no, common law should not be shariah law!)

    If opposition politicians can agree on these simple but effective principles, i think this country will not only see a boom in the humanitarian and econimic sense, but will be able to attract the lost Malaysian talent from overseas.

    hopefully in my lifetime.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon # 1

    Thank you for your sincere and heartfelt comment. I appreciate the time and careful thought you have put into your response to my post. Thanks also for the encouraging comment. As you well might have guessed, my heart was filled with much indignation when I wrote the post in one take with no stops whatsoever except to find some links for the references.

    Although I still blog from a heart that cares, a soul that dreams of change, I also feel that the going is pretty tough as cohesiveness is sorely lacking in the coalition. Each component seems intent in protecting one's own turf, advancing their own agenda. You are so right. As long as they cannot see beyond their own noses, the rest of us may well be enjoying our pipe dreams.

    Something constructive has to be done. There needs to be balance. One must look at needs and not be bogged down by bureaucratic red tape. It does not mean that there has to be loads of reports, studies and paper work. If something is lacking, find the solution and do it. Simple. However, the more intellectual they are, the greater the need to do pen pushing and then they are lost in generating studies, chairing workshops or committees etc and aid to the people may not be forthcoming.

    I agree with all the points that you have raised. Kudos! If only the leaders can think as lucidly as you do and work towards achieving those objectives, what a wonderful world it would be.

    And yes, I hope to see it in my lifetime but will I? Only time will tell.

    Take care and my deepest appreciation to you for your valued input. Please keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous Glad to see my two cents worth was able to give you some measure of encouragement. Level headed people like you need as much encouragement and support as possible.

    Keep up the good work and don't lose the grounded sense of right and wrong you possess for the sake of expediency, like others have done. the ends do not justify the means so to speak. If only 'the powers that be' and 'the powers that would be' could see that as clearly as the common man, life would be so much more fruitful..

    Fight the good fight to the best of your ability and for the best of those around you. Hats off to you for doing so.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon # 1 and # 3

    I am deeply touched once again by your kind words. You must be an my guardian angel speaking courage into my soul to bring to birth what I feel deep within.

    I try to take a non-partisan view and to put the rakyat above all else. It is a long and winding road but I really hope to see a better Malaysia before I die.

    Honestly, I appreciate your support and encouragement. As can be seen by the lapses in my blog postings, I do have my down periods when I cannot write. Certainly, your words have been a great impetus for me to write more.

    God bless you and yours.

    Take care and do stay in touch. Have a lovely evening and a blessed year.

    Best wishes

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