Capitalist or Socialist?

Posted by Unknown On Friday, March 11, 2011 2 comments
A young woman was about to finish her first year of college.

Like so many others her age group in college, she considered herself to be very liberal, and among other liberal ideals, was very much in favor of higher taxes to support more government programs, in other words redistribution of wealth.

She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch conservative, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had participated in, and the occasional chat with a typical liberal professor, she felt that her father had for years harbored an evil, selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his.

One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and the need for more government programs. The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors had to be the truth and she indicated so to her father.

He responded by asking how she was doing in school. Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn't even have time for a boyfriend, and didn't really have many college friends because she spent all her time studying.

Her father listened and then asked, "How is your friend Audrey doing?" She replied, "Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies and she barely has a 2.0 GPA. She is so popular on campus; college for her is a blast. She's always invited to all the parties and lots of times she doesn't even show up for classes because she's too hung over."

Her wise father asked his daughter, "Why don't you go to the Dean's office and ask him to deduct 1.0 off your GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0. That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and
certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA."

The daughter, visibly shocked by her father's suggestion, angrily fired back, "That's a crazy idea, how would that be fair! I've worked really hard for my grades! I've invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!"

The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, "Welcome to the capitalist side of the fence."

If anyone has a better explanation of the difference between capitalist and socialist or progressive or neocon I'm all ears. If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!

If a capitalist doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a socialist doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a capitalist is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a socialist is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for

If a capitalist is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A socialist wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a capitalist doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Socialist demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a capitalist is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A socialist non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.(Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)

If a capitalist decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A socialist demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a capitalist reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A socialist will delete it because he's "offended".

Well, I posted this for you thanks to Angela who sent it to me this afternoon. Take care, keep well and be happy!

2 comments to Capitalist or Socialist?

  1. says:

    Philip L.H. LIM Hi MWS,

    When I was a lecturer in TAR College, two students approached me one day - one was willing to give 5 marks off her score of 90 (Whether it's 85 or 90 it's A and GP is 4.0) so her boyfriend's mark can be "upgraded" from 45 to 50 - from fail to pass. Of course it couldn't, and didn't, happen. But it makes one wonder if the daughter will be more willing to share her marks (without affecting GPA) with Audrey rather than sharing her GPA. And that's what socialist ideals, taxation, and even NEP are supposed to be based. To help the have-nots without affecting (much) the haves.

    There is also an underlying assumption on the capitalist/socialist story - that they both started on the same footing. More often than not, people don't. You need money to make money. And the capitalist has choice to buy gun or not, the socialist just cannot afford, and live in fear his capitalist neighbour may go trigger-happy. When the socialist wants gun banned, or others, it's more for equality rather than anything else.

    But I can see the lighter side of things, and commend you, and your friends, Angela, Fred and others for keeping me sane with such light hearted postings than to read the heart wrenching drama played out in the Malaysian political scenes. Thank you.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Philip L.H. Lim

    Thanks so much for your very warm, sincere and encouraging comment not forgetting your insightful views.

    I apologize for this late response. Sighs. I am very saddened by the earthquake in Japan, the pending nuclear disaster and am very worried about some friends who are still there, huddled in the safety of their homes and trembling because of the earth tremors.

    Thanks for sharing about your encounter with the two girls. That is a very thought-provoking comment. You are also right in that so many inequalities in life are caused by a have and have-not scenario.

    It is a pleasure to blog and share my thoughts and forwarded stuff with readers and a greater pleasure to hear from readers like you. In my own way, I keep sane via blogging...:-).

    You write very well. It would be a pleasure to feature your writings in my humble blog. Do send any write-ups to

    Take care and do keep in touch.

    Best wishes

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