
Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, March 8, 2011 5 comments
This is a wonderful story which I heard from a Buddhist priest earlier this year which, would like to share with you all. It runs as follows:

A geisha girl was going for a very important programme, decked up in her best attire. On the road to her venue, there was a big puddle, and she was afraid that her dress would get soiled. Suddenly, she saw two monks coming that way, but since the Buddhist vows do not permit them to even look towards women, she did not expect any help from those ascetics.

To her great surprise, the elder of the two celibate men came over to her. Without talking a single word, he picked her up and carried her across that water obstacle. His younger colleague was shocked beyond words, but since they had taken a vow of silence for ten days, he said nothing.

In due course, when their 'silence period' ended, the younger disciple went to his senior, and gave vent to his anguish and dismay at the incident which seemed to bother him night and day. What the older monk said in reply is of great importance:
"Yes, I did touch her, but I dropped her as soon as possible. You seem to be carrying her still!"

Ensconced in this parable is a great deal of wisdom. The older monk had taught two lessons to his younger friend: One, 'if a rule prevents you from doing a good turn, its violation is not a sin' and, two, 'it is good to deliberately forget whatever is not worthy of remembering'

The priest later blessed me which somewhat goes like this... may the Lord give you the sagacity to forget all the evil thoughts which may have accumulated in your memory over the years. May you commence this new year with no baggage which clutters your soul. May you be healthy and happy in ALL the years to come.

He also said that whoever designed the keyboard for the computers has given a very important position to the 'DELETE' button. We need to insert it in our minds and use it effectively.

-Author Unknown-

*Thanks to Angela who sent me this post.

5 comments to Delete!

  1. says:

    Starmandala The 21st century version has the woman carry both monks across the stream and off to her secret lair in the woods where she wastes no time initiating them into full Buddhahood through her mastery of tantra.

  1. says:

    Tiger Hahaha, Antares!
    You are WICKED!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Antares

    LOL!! Very imaginative hahaha and most creative. Thanks, bro for sharing this :-p.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tiger

    :-) Yes, I have to agree with you haha...Take care and thanks so much for the connection.

    Have a wonderful week!


  1. says:

    Anonymous It is better to be a layman than to be a zealous Pharisees and or
    Sadducees for to them things are seen through a filtered eyes. Not everything must be seen with the naked eyes as there may be certain occassion that we have to see thing with our heart.

    Wise sayings of the Lord from Matthew :

    Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

    So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.


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