How Can I Tell Her???????

Posted by Unknown On Friday, March 4, 2011 0 comments
OMG!!! Can you ever imagine the stress I am going through now? You would not believe it. The past few days were lonely days and lonely nights and I fretted. I thought things would get better but it has become worse :-(.

A few days ago, my dear friend, Angela, sent her laptop for be reformatted. Two weeks earlier, she had cleverly changed her password and was over the top for having devised a foolproof password on her own. She suffered serious withdrawal symptoms and had difficulties using her netbook(er so did I which is why I wrote many blog posts the past few days due to Angela-less days and nights). Most unfortunately, she misplaced that password so when she got back her laptop today, all hell broke loose.

She could not access her yahoo account and I have been trying to help her for the past few days.

Today, I submitted yet another appeal letter to yahoo for them to restore her mailbox.

Now the problem is:

a) her alternate email has been closed down by hotmail as she has not accessed it for 2 years so she cannot access the reset password link that yahoo sent to her alternate email

b) she cannot remember the answer to her secret questions

c) she also cannot remember the answers to many of her registration details when she signed up for yahoo.

As such, it has been very trying for Angela to try to access her password. After going to the Help page, she can make 10 attempts after which her account is locked for 12 hours.

I have been trying to teach her how to use Firefox and gmail. Oh if you are her friend and if you have been used to emailing her at her yahoo address, kindly use:

It has been very trying for me to guide her.

How can I help her if she does not know what is:

  • url
  • window
  • browser
  • the difference between file and folder
  • tools
  • options
  • bookmarks
  • toolbar
  • how to use skype all over again as she now has a newer version in her laptop
  • favorites
  • google main page
  • the difference between igoogle and gmail
  • etc etc

Believe me - this is the true test of friendship :-). Sighs...She did not even know how to go to

It took her seven minutes to find gmail in the google home page!!! She claimed that there are a hundred of different things in firefox that she had to decipher...Sighs.. She said that as a result of this experience, her house is now very clean and she is reading a book that she has had since 1968 :-).

I can actually write a book about her rants. Soon, she will be rapping about her problem. :-) According to her, life without s** is ok. BUT NOT WITHOUT YAHOO ....LOL!!!

To exacerbate matters, she has already terminated her ASTRO subscription. Now, she is asking me, what is she going to do with no Astro, no television and no email? She has also forgotten how to operate her cd player. So I told her to use her dvd rom and then she said, "Oh ya hor...I never thought about it." Much to her delight, I sent the url to her favorite link so she is happily listening to her Patsy Kline while grumbling...

For those of you who use emails, please make sure you secure your recovery email steps including:

  • keeping a record of your alternate email and secret questions/answers
  • registering your mobile phone number for them to send the code to reset your password
  • record of your email contacts, your email code that is given to you when you registered the email (for gmail account holders), most frequently mailed contacts, IP address record, record of logins, etc etc

I have been very distressed as I know how frustrating it is to lose an email account. It has been very trying for me to teach her how to use gmail, how to send emails, how to check the in-box. And it has been very challenging for me to teach her the difference between Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Honestly, she also does not believe how patient I have been with her haha...Now, as I type this, she is griping about Firefox and how she will go back to reading real books and not online sites. So I asked her, what about me???

Her response? "I will call you lor...."

My response" "But that is not the same!!! Die!!"

Nonetheless, I hope a miracle will happen and that she will get back her yahoo account. She is so distraught that she declared she will not get online again cos everything is so different for her.


In reality, many of us cannot live without the net. Addiction is bad but as long as we have control over IT and not let it dominate our lives, then we are safe.

Take care and Angela, I still love you even though you irritate me hahahahah!!!

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